Muscle adaptation & training goals


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Presentation transcript:

Muscle adaptation & training goals Wausau West High School Weight Training – Mr. Matthew M. Raduechel Spring Semester 2014-2015 Muscle adaptation & training goals

Muscle Adaptation Muscle Adaptation is the muscle’s ability to respond to an imposed stress. If the stress remains constant then the muscle will adapt only to that stress but not beyond If the stress level increases then the muscle will continuously adapt This is why soreness goes away after a few weeks of training the same exercises Think of physical labor careers; those individuals get strong but only for the stress of the job SAID Principle – Specific Adaptation to Imposed Demands

4 Types of Adaptation Maximum Strength Hypertrophy Power Rep Range: 1-5 Intensity: 85%-95+% Volume: Low/Moderate Hypertrophy Rep Range: 5-15 Intensity: 55%-85% Volume: High Power Rep Range: 1-3 Intensity: High @ 50%-70% Volume: Low/Moderate Strength Endurance Rep Range: 15+ Intensity: 55% and below Volume: High

Adaptation Cross-over Adaptations do not live in a bubble One can train for Maximum Strength and gain an amount of Hypertrophy One can also train for Hypertrophy and gain an amount of Strength Adaptation is more of a continuum rather than a destination Power Maximum Strength Hypertrophy Endurance

But First…some Terminology Overload Principle In order for a muscle to become stronger it must be systematically stressed beyond a point at which is normal. Volume Total workload for a particular exercise, muscle group, exercise, or session Reps x Sets x Weight = Volume Intensity The amount of resistance, relative to maximum effort, placed upon a muscle during an activity 1RM = maximum effort for 1 repetition

Some more Terminology… Micro-cycle A group of training sessions usually focused around a standard week or 7 days A micro-cycle is also how long it should take for the muscle to adapt Meso-cycle A group a micro-cycles that have a particular focus or goal Generally meso-cycles are between 2-4 weeks in duration; again focusing on when the muscle adapts Macro-cycle A group of meso-cycles with a focus on a particular end-goal Macro-cycles are generally a yearly plan with the end-goal being a competition or some other culminating activity

Training Goals Periodization The systematic movement from one quality/adaptation to another with a specific planned outcome. Each “period” lasts for a pre-determined amount of time. Starting with the End in Mind – planning begins by working backward from the end-goal Each planning period has a purpose and should continually progress towards the end-goal

3 Types of Periodization Sequential Each period, usually a meso-cycle, focuses on 1 adaptation then moves on to another Concurrent Each period, usually a micro-cycle, develops multiple adaptations at the same time Conjugate Each period, can be either or both micro & meso-cycles, emphasizes one adaptation while maintaining the others with the minimal volume

2 Basic Types of Training Goals Athletics Athletics has a very specific end-goal in mind; competition Competition is either in the form of a season, event, time period, or culminating activity The specific sport has a set of necessary adaptations, or standards, in order to achieve maximum performance Football = Max Strength & Power Swimming = Strength Endurance & Power Track – Throwing = Power & Max Strength

2 Basic Types of Training Goals Aesthetics Aesthetics may be better known as fitness training The ultimate goal of fitness training is a general well-being and/or to look a certain way Many goals in this realm are ambiguous without a real definition, beginning point or ending point Goals can be applied to this realm similar to those in athletics to increase success rate Bodybuilding is an Aesthetic Sport that has rules and standards for competition

My Head is Spinning…Good Let’s Keep Going! 3 + 1 Stages of Training Novice Training age is 0-2 years Adaptation occurs with every training session The act of training causes progress in almost every adaptation area Development of proper technique is paramount to set “muscle memory” Resistance/Repetitions should be added every training session

3 + 1 Stages of Training Intermediate Training age is 2 or more years Adaptation occurs on a micro-cycle level Technique is still important to develop because frequency of sessions is reduced Progress is made more slowly than in the novice stage Resistance/Repetitions should increase on a weekly or an every other training session basis

3 + 1 Stages of Training Advanced Training age is significant <5+ years Adaptation is much harder to achieve due to the muscles ability to quickly adapt to stress Careful planning and progression is required Technique is focused more on the “finer details” than the general movements. Specific weak points are targeted to enhance peak performance Resistance/Repetitions are increased more on a meso or even a macro-cycle basis

3 + 1 Stages of Training Elite Elite Stage is comprised of individuals who have a multitude of high achieving qualities Work Ethic Work Capacity Experience Genetic Potential Adaptability Strategy & Tactics

So…What does this look like? Squat for Strength Novice 2-3 Squat sessions per week No meso-cycle until progress stops Add 5-10 pounds every session until progress stops Low to Moderate Volume 3-5 sets of 5 repetitions Intermediate 1-2 Squat sessions per week 3-4 week meso-cycle Add 5-10 pounds every or every other session Moderate to Moderately High Volume 5-8 sets of 3-5 repetitions

BODYBUILDING Natural Bodybuilding “Regular” Bodybuilding

Olympic Weight Lifting