Professional Development for Teachers in Connection with CCSS Mathematics Nadine Bezuk San Diego State University
Importance of Professional Development “My big worry is that we’re not going support (teachers) and then we’re going to say, ‘See, the Common Core doesn’t work’” (Megan Franke, UCLA) “For teachers long urged to prepare students to answer questions quickly on tests, moving to an exploratory, in- depth instruction model will be a challenge” (Kevin Fox, Shasta College math instructor)
Funding to Support PD The state provided $1.25B this year to help districts implement CaCCSS but the funds can be spent on anything related to CaCCSS— including textbooks, computers, and teacher training.
Effective Professional Development in an Era of High Stakes Accountability (CPE) “The largest struggle for teachers is not learning new approaches to teaching but implementing them” (Center for Public Education)
Effective Professional Development in an Era of High Stakes Accountability (CPE) Effective PD should be: Ongoing Content-specific Include coaching or mentors Link with professional learning communities (PLCs)
Supporting Implementation of the CCSS-M (NC State/NSF) Focus on both Content Standards and Practice Standards Pay attention to topics that are treated differently in CCSS-M, such as transformational geometry, earlier attention to fractions, etc. Provide teachers with opportunities to experience specific math practices as learners before they are expected to enact them as teachers.
Gearing Up for the CCSS-M 5 recommended domains for initial professional development for K-8: K-2: Counting and Cardinality; Number and Operations in Base Ten K-5: Operations and Algebraic Thinking 3-5: Number and Operations—Fractions 6-7: Ratios and Proportional Reasoning 8: Geometry
SBAC Practice Test Item—Gr. 4
Another 4 th grade Item
Online Resources for CCSS-M Professional Development Illustrative Mathematics—Professional Development Supporting Implementation of CCSS-M: Recommendations for Professional Development df df Inside Mathematics Smarter Balanced Practice Test Teaching the Teachers (Center for Public Education) Gearing Up for the CCSS g_up1.pdf g_up1.pdf Effective Teacher Training Critical to Success of CCSS-M common-core-math/58058#.Uxd0lNy4Qnq common-core-math/58058#.Uxd0lNy4Qnq
Professional Development for Teachers in Connection with CCSS Mathematics Thank You Nadine Bezuk San Diego State University