The Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) Recognition and Accreditation Cathy Parsons and Amos Bien GSTC membership meeting Barcelona 2011
GSTC Accreditation Panel Role is to develop rules, procedures, and manuals to operate recognition of standards and accreditation of certifiers. Independent in their decision making role Actual and potential conflicts of interest closely managed Members are experienced in standards and conformity assessment
Accreditation - “Certify the Certifiers” – Adherence with the GSTC – RECOGNIZING STANDARDS – Adherence to recognized international processes – Financial long term sustainability – Ability to deliver on their claims Developing the accreditation procedures – Aligned with internationally recognized processes (ISO, ISEAL, IAF, WTO) – Wide consultation (5 workshops – over 100 programs) – Open consultation of manual – 2010 – Begin accreditation – 1 st quarter 2011 – Begin interim accreditation process – 3 rd quarter 2011 – Marketing of certified services – 4 th quarter 2011 Ensuring credibility
How do we ensure sustainability & credibility?
Recognition A certification scheme owner compares their sustainable tourism standard against the GSTC criteria, and if they think it is equivalent, may apply for GSTC recognition The standard can cover more, but not less The certification scheme owner also must meet criteria such as having wide stakeholder involvement when writing standards and having standard review processes GSTC’s Accreditation Panel reviews the application, and if appropriate recognizes the standard and the certification scheme owner
Accreditation A third party certification body must conform to the rules for certification bodies, which must include all GSTC requirements for certification bodies Rules for certification bodies are aligned to international standards An accreditation body approved by the GSTC Accreditation Panel will audit the certification body to check that the certification body follows the rules Once accredited, the certification body can issue tourism operators with certificates of conformity against a GSTC recognized standard The tourism operator can use the GSTC’s marks
Working Towards Accreditation As a short term measure, certification bodies can be awarded “working towards accreditation” status by the GSTC Accreditation Panel The certification body will need to be actively working towards gaining accreditation within agreed timeframes The GSTC will periodically audit the certification body while they are working towards gaining their accreditation Tourism operators who are certified by working towards accreditation certification bodies may not use the GSTC marks
GSTC is evaluating standards for recognition. GSTC is developing a program for CBs that are working towards accreditation. GSTC is developing contracts for Accreditation Bodies to accredit the certifiers. Accredited CBs and certified businesses will be able to use the GSTC logo and participate in the market access program. Evaluate the real-world impact of certification. Interim steps
One vision we can all embrace. For more information: Global Sustainable Tourism Council Amos Bien