EMPORT Enhancing the employability of European citizens
What is EMPORT? EMPORT is a FREE Business Portuguese course for entrepreneurs who want to grow. An international projects which aims to promote employment and business access in Portuguese- speaking countries. We believe the best way to do business overseas is to speak the native language
EMPORT`S METHOD EMPORT is divided in 11 UNITS. Each of them contents several inputs and practical exercises. The user can freely manage the time dedicated to course. The estimate time is 80 min. per unit. There are two types of contents: - A language course - Information on how making business
The Portuguese language course Based on the real needs of the companies. ITC resources based: pictures, animations, sound files, etc… Puts students into real situations related to the business world such as attending a fair, meeting people or business travelling. Levels A1 and A2 of the CEFR
The source of information about lusophone countries - Cultural information. - Tips about how to make business in a concrete country - Economic information.
Who has created EMPORT? Developed by a consortium of six institutions from different countries: - Spain- Germany - Italy- Portugal - Brazil- United Kingdom Founded by the European Union, within the framework of the Lifelong Learning Programme, which has allocated nearly Euros.
Target users Companies staff interested in learning Portuguese for better performance in their work. When already working with Portuguese speaking countries, or for professional promotion. University and VET students, mainly those following courses in business related professional areas. Any other adult willing to improve their language skills for personal or professional improvement.
EMPORT on Social Nets EMPORT has presence on Facebook and Twitter. Follow us to be updated with tones of great news about the project and the Portuguese-speaking coutries!
Thank you for your interest in EMPORT Please, feel free to: Contact us if you need further information. Contact us Use or publish EMPORT on your own webpage or any other way you own to propagate it.
Meet EMPORT partners European Distance and E-Learning Network - UK Universita Degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata” - Italy Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias – Portugal Magensinus, Empresa Promotora de Serviços de Ensino, S.A – Portugal European and International Federation of Natural Stone Industries – Germany Universidade de Brasilia - Brasil This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.