Microsoft Word Unit 1, Lesson 2
Document for business communication Specific information Persuade others to take action Give feedback on an issue React to a situation Inform about new information Must have a purpose
Use MEMO template Standard: Heading Message Tone Length
TO: (readers' names and job titles) FROM: (your name and job title) DATE: (complete and current date) SUBJECT: (what the memo is about) TO: Michael Jones, President FROM: Karen Parsons, Payroll DATE: September 15, 2011 SUBJECT: Pay Discrepancy
Reason for the memo (TO THE POINT!) Purpose: A scheduled meeting has been canceled “The union meeting scheduled for Wednesday has been cancelled.” Purpose: A new employee is starting tomorrow “Starting tomorrow, Jane Smith will be joining our staff.” Purpose: Announce a new policy “Starting July 19, full-time employees can be reimbursed for tuition.” Purpose: State a problem/suggest a solution “The TV in our cafeteria has not been working.”
Give supportive details Just enough to solve problem Don’t ramble- KEEP IT SHORT Use a short list You will need the following documents to be eligible for reimbursement: Transcript Copy of bill You may get reimbursement up to $4, a year when you take courses related to your position. You must receive a “C” or better for full reimbursement. The TV has been repaired many times. Our repair man informs us that the TV is defective and needs replacement. Having a working TV will help relax us during our breaks.
What action do you want? Be courteous I would suggest that a new TV be purchased as soon as possible. Thank you for your attention to this matter. To take advantage of this new program, please see Mary in the Business Office for reimbursement forms. I will be glad to discuss this recommendation with you during our Tuesday trip to the spa. Thank you for your time.
1” margins All text is left aligned NO INDENTING paragraphs Add extra line between paragraphs Initial the memo next to your name
Use a professional tone Memos are usually less than a page Write it as if it were a face to face meeting Use simple language Be to the point Use short sentences ▪ Less than 20 words Take a single stand/opinion
MEMORANDUM TO: Design Team #362 FROM: W.B. Working DATE: May 27, 1997 SUBJECT: Project Schedule As a result of yesterday's meeting, I suggest we follow the project schedule listed below. Remember, we must submit a Proposal by noon on July 2. Schedule Task Completion Date Divide research into groupsJune 6 and compile information Review designs from Kate and Bill. June11 Write Proposal June 23 MEMORANDUM Date: July 12, 1993 To: All Planning Committee Members From : Colleen Appleton, Committee Chair Re: Change of Schedule Starting next week, planning committee meetings will be held on Fridays at 3:00 rather than Tuesdays at 1:00. Please make note of this change and adjust your schedule accordingly. MEMORANDUM TO: Mr. Santa Claus, Director of Gift Giving FROM: Ivan T. Abike DATE: December 1, 2000 SUBJECT: CHANGE IN MOST RECENT ORDER Since my last letter on November 25, 2000, I have inventoried my needs and discovered that I need to cancel my most recent order and submit a new one. When I submitted my request for the four new Nintendo games, I was unaware that my brother would no longer be using his, and I didn't realize that our company's CEO would insist that divisions share surplus items with one another. This new request would certainly fulfill my current transportation needs and greatly reduce my travel time between my home and my official duties. Can you put a "stop" on my previous order and submit my new one for a model #5678 mountain bike, preferably with lightning stripes, for delivery on December 25, 2008? Your attention to this matter will ensure my continued faith in you and will make my life much more efficient and pleasant.
Fix a bad memo Write a Resignation Memo Memo to Dr. Mateka
Microsoft Word Unit 1, Lesson 2