C The Bill of Rights lists our rights, G preserves our rights, keeps our rights safe C The first 10 amendments of the Constitution GC Gives the people freedoms.
C The first amendment --gives the freedom of speech, G freedom of the press, freedom of religion, C The first amendment --gives the freedom of assembly. GC The first one is packed full of rights!
The second amendment gives us the right to bear arms, to bear arms. The second amendment gives us the right to protect and defend us from harm.
The third amendment says no to quartering, quartering soldiers in your home. The third amendment says no to quartering, your home is not a free hotel.
The fourth amendment protects us from searches, searches and seizures, searches and seizures. It says the police can’t barge in house without a good reason.
The fifth amendment gives us the right to assume we are innocent This amendment says we are innocent until proven guilty.
The sixth amendment gives the right for criminal cases not to drag on This amendment ensures that we have a right to a speedy trial.
The seventh amendment gives us the right to a trial by jury, trial by jury. This amendment protects trial by jury in civil cases.
The eighth amendment protects us from excessive bail, excessive bail. No cruel or unusual punishment is allowed; neither are billion-dollar fines.
The ninth amendment gives us rights, natural rights, we’re born with. The ninth amendment protects us from losing natural born rights.
The tenth amendment gives people the power, people the power, people the power. This amendment gives people the power of their states’ governments.
The Bill of Rights lists our rights, preserves our rights The first 10 amendments of the Constitution Gives the people freedoms.