Jefferson County Summit on Workforce Housing Prepared by David B. Rymph, Ph.D. Chair, Housing Action Plan Network and Chair, Housing Authority of Jefferson.


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Presentation transcript:

Jefferson County Summit on Workforce Housing Prepared by David B. Rymph, Ph.D. Chair, Housing Action Plan Network and Chair, Housing Authority of Jefferson County. October 2008

What is workforce housing? The term ‘Workforce Housing” has come to mean housing intended to bridge the gap facing those gainfully employed who may earn too much for housing subsidies, but too little to qualify for conventional mortgages or market rate rental units. The term may apply to low, medium, or even relatively high income households, depending on community characteristics and needs.

A one-day conference focused on affordable housing in Jefferson County.

The conference would bring together Jefferson County’s largest employers Affordable housing planners and developers Housing finance institution Local and regional government and non- profit officials.

Potential topics (1)the housing crisis in Jefferson County (2)local employers’ perspectives on the housing needs of their workers (3)examples of successes by other communities in providing workforce housing (4)identification of resources available in our region and state (5)discussion of next steps.

(1) Employers and their representatives Port Townsend Paper Jefferson Healthcare Local school districts Port Authority and marine trades Local government – county and city Safeway and QFC Chamber of Commerce And others

(2) Affordable Housing Planners and Developers Cascade Affordable Housing Coalition Community Frameworks Evergreen Housing Development Group Shelter Resources, Inc. Beacon Development Group Mark Kantor, Attorney specializing in affordable housing

(3) Financing Institutions First Federal Impact Capital and Local Initiatives Support Corporation Homestead Captital Wells Fargo U. S. Department of Agricultural – Rural Development (USDA) U. S. Department of Housing and Economic Development (USHUD) Washington State Department of Community, Trade, and Economic Development (CTED) And others.

(4)Local Government and Non-Profits Port Townsend City Council Jefferson County Board of Commissioners State Legislative Representatives Housing Action Plan Network Housing Authority of Jefferson County Habitat for Humanity Jefferson County Land Trust Homeward Bound Washington State University Extension

Goals for the Conference (1) Create and expand participants’ awareness and understanding of the problems workers face in finding affordable housing, both rental and sales, and the causes of those problems. (2) Learn the impact on employers and the local economy of the housing crisis. (3) Expose participants to successful development approaches used in other communities to preserve and expand the stock of affordable, workforce housing. (4) Identify tools and resources, including financing mechanisms, for growing the local stock of workforce housing. (5) Brainstorm and prioritize next steps for meeting the housing challenge in Jefferson County.