What makes a building "green"? Referred to as being sustainable, or environmentally friendly Use of sustainable materials Materials must be used in such a manner that a building’s maintenance and costs are reduced Aids in energy conservation
Design, construction and materials used for construction employ and incorporate an array of strategies that, together, make the building more energy efficient, healthier and don’t deplete natural resources. Improve occupant health and productivity. Greater design flexibility may result as well.
Green materials are: Made up of recycled content Contain natural, plentiful or renewable content Locally available Salvaged or refurbished or remanufactured Reusable or recycled Durable – The must last longer than their conventional counterparts.
How Homes Become Green
Major benefits of green buildings Energy savings to the tune of percent Water savings of about percent, Besides Intangible benefits include – enhanced ventilation, – better views and day lighting – significant improvement of the productivity of the occupants – green corporate image – demonstrates the company's commitment to environmental protection
Green buildings are designed to reduce the overall impact of the built environment on human health and the natural environment by: Efficiently using energy, water, and other resources Protecting occupant health and improving employee productivity Reducing waste, pollution and environment degradation
For example………. Green buildings may incorporate sustainable materials in their construction (e.g., reused, recycled- content, or made from renewable resources); Create healthy indoor environments with minimal pollutants (e.g., reduced product emissions); And feature landscaping that reduces water usage (e.g., by using native plants that survive without extra watering).
Benefits of Green Building
Environmental benefits Enhance and protect biodiversity and ecosystems Improve air and water quality Reduce waste streams Conserve and restore natural resources
Economic benefits Reduce operating costs Create, expand, and shape markets for green product and services Improve occupant productivity Optimize life-cycle economic performance
Social benefits Enhance occupant comfort and health Heighten aesthetic qualities Minimize strain on local infrastructure Improve overall quality of life