European Judicial Network The EJN website:
EJN Website background Objective: making information available that is practical, useful and essential for the day to day operation of the national judicial authorities One of the most important attributes of the Network, set out in Article 3, Line c) of the Joint Action and reinforced by the Council Decision on the European Judicial Network in Articles 3c), 7 and 8. The construction of the so-called Network tools started before the EJN itself. The EJN website begun, was based in and until 2004 it was administered from Portugal. Since June 2005 the EJN website is administrated by the EJN Secretariat placed at Eurojust headquarters, in The Hague. The EJN website can be accessed thanks to the following link: These tools are used not only by the Contact Points but also by the judicial authorities from all the MS The EJN IT tools are composed of the List of Contact Points, the Legal Instruments, the Fiches Belges, the European Judicial Atlas (commonly known as the Atlas), the EAW Atlas, the Solon, the Compendium and the Forms section.
The EJN Website Instruments The EJN Website presents two types of tools: ExectutionTools: these are the Cover Note and the Compendium, which also include complete models of Rogatory Letters. Information tools: these are: the List of Contact Points, the Fiches Belges, the European Judicial Atlas (commonly known as the Atlas), the Legal Instruments, the Solon and the Announcements
List of Contact Points The list of contact points is a database which provides details for the contact points in each Member State (name, address, telephone, fax, e-mail, etc.). It can be viewed on the website, and is listed by Member State, in alphabetical order and by region. Restricted tool of the website due to its confidential information.
List of Contact Points
Fiches Belges Initiative of the Belgian Ministry of Justice in 1997. This Tool contains legal, procedural and practical information relating to the most frequently requested investigative measures with regard to judicial cooperation in criminal matters. Two key ideas: increase mutual understanding of the different criminal procedure systems; and construct a practical tool that would address the needs of those practitioners who work in the area of international judicial cooperation in criminal matters.
The European Judicial Atlas The European Judicial Atlas, also known as the Atlas, is a dynamic IT tool which provides details of the competent authorities for implementing requests for judicial cooperation and which simultaneously takes into account various types of data: geographic area, judicial organisation, type of crime, type of measure required and the applicable international instruments.
Atlas - location
Atlas - results
EAW Wizard – online form Allows the practitioners to have all the details they need to draft and send a European Arrest Warrant. The search can be done by country, region, sub region, locality or postcode.
EAW Wizard – online form Save warrant as XML, RTF or PDF file
EAW Atlas The search flow of the EAW Atlas is similar to that of the The Atlas shows the time limit in which the receipt of the EAW is mandatory after the arrest of the person, the languages accepted by each countries, the addresses, phone, faxes of the competent receiving and execution authorities as well as of those competent in specific cases (such as transit or urgent cases). The search flow of the EAW Atlas is similar to that of the MLA Atlas. Results are presented as shown here.
Compendium Wizard – online form The Compendium is the first EJN online tool that allows the creation of a rogatory letter by local judicial authorities in a standardised and uniform manner within the European Union. The tool has a fundamental importance in the practical application of the MLA Convention (especially at the beginning of the direct transmission of the requests for mutual legal assistance in criminal matters, foreseen in article 6). Save letter as XML, RTF or PDF file
Compendium Wizard – online form
Legal intruments and Solon Legal Instruments - compilation of legal texts (conventions, common positions or legal actions, funding programmes, decisions, framework decisions, resolutions, recommendations, agreements, as well as extracts from treaties) prepared within the context of the European Union and other institutions (Council of Europe, UN, etc.) with regard to mutual assistance in criminal matters. Solon - Glossary of legal linguistic equivalences in the area of international judicial cooperation, which was set up with the objective of helping with translation of rogatory letters.
International Instruments (link to Council of the European Union)
Information on National Systems
Formularies Practitioners can easily access forms to be filled in (e.g. EAW, Freezing Order Form, Form on request of information extracted from the criminal record)
Cover note and Announcements A pro forma standard was created by the EJN which the requesting authority attaches to their request for assistance. Contains a notice of receipt which the requested party should fill in and return to the requesting authority. Intended to improve and standardise direct contacts between judicial authorities. The cover notes are available for use in all of the official EU languages. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Launched in 2002 a new Tool was launched The objective of Announcements is to present a daily journal that reflects the activities of judicial cooperation in general and the European Judicial Network in particular. This section of the website contains all relevant information in this area, specifically; new legal instruments relating to judicial cooperation, magazine articles, notices about meetings, national and international seminars, information on activities of cooperation in the Member States etc.
About the EJN Secretariat
EJN Website - Content Homepage with news items and announcements events EJN information tools Information on national systems Documents Forms About EJN and EJN Secretariat Links to related sites Frequently Asked Questions Contact Us
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