Xilinx University Program Embedded Design Flow Xilinx University Program
After completing this workshop, you will be able to: Objectives After completing this workshop, you will be able to: Describe the various tools that encompass Xilinx Embedded Development Kit (EDK) Rapidly architect an embedded system containing an IBM PowerPC processor and Xilinx-supplied IP cores Create and Integrate your own custom peripheral Develop and debug software applications with the Eclipse-based Software Development Kit (SDK)
Outline Basic Hardware System Adding IP to a Hardware Design The course consists of the following modules: EDK Overview PowerPC Hardware Design Basic Hardware System Hardware Design Using EDK Adding IP to a Hardware Design Adding Your Own IP to the System Debugging with SDK The EDK Overview module introduces the EDK. The embedded system design overview includes the need, methodology, and tools available for a hardware/software co-design, development, and debugging. Two methods of creating a hardware system from scratch are exemplified. Supported operating systems and integrated tools are listed. The Hardware Design module introduces the basic terms and identifies various buses available in PowerPC-based and MicroBlaze-based system designs. Each bus is then explained in detail with some of the implementation details. Both MicroBlaze and PowerPC CPU architectures are introduced from the viewpoint of the programmer. Vector tables for both types of processors are covered next, followed by detailed coverage of various configurations in MicroBlaze and the JTAG-chain in PowerPC. The Adding a Processor System to and FPGA Design module introduces the two design flows of a hardware system available in EDK: the XPS flow and the ISE flow. The procedure involved in each flow is illustrated. This module also introduces an UltraController design as an example of adding a processor system using ISE flow. The Adding Your Own IP to the OPB Bus module introduces how to develop your own custom IP and integrate it into XPS by using the Importing IP Wizard tool. This module covers that specific feature of the EDK. The OPB bus, bus transactions, and IP cores are described in detail.
Embedded Development Tool Flow Overview Data2MEM Download Combined Image to FPGA Compiled ELF Compiled BIT RTOS, Board Support Package Embedded Development Kit Instantiate the ‘System Netlist’ and Implement the FPGA ? HDL Entry Simulation/Synthesis Implementation Download Bitstream Into FPGA Chipscope Standard FPGA HW Development Flow VHDL or Verilog System Netlist Include the BSP and Compile the Software Image Code Entry C/C++ Cross Compiler Linker Load Software Into FLASH Debugger Standard Embedded SW Development Flow C Code Board Support Package 1 2 3 While seemingly complex when viewed in total, the system design flow simply combines the standard hardware flow used to create FPGA bitstreams and standard software flow used to create processor ELF files. In fact, unless on-chip memory resources are used to store the software image, the Embedded Developers Kit can be viewed as nothing more than an extension to the Xilinx core generation tool CoreGen. The first step is to create the ‘System Netlist’ using the Embedded Developers Kit and instantiate that netlist into the design’s HDL code. The hardware design is then synthesized, merged and implemented using the exact same flow as used with any other ‘black box’ core. While it is common to include a portion of the yet created software image inside the FPGA using block RAM, the ‘Compiled BIT’ file created during this phase of development only contains the systems hardware description. The second step is to create the ‘Board Support Package’ (BSP) using the Embedded Developers Kit (EDK) and include the required drivers in the system’s C code. The code is then compiled and linked with the various functions available in the BSP as is the same with any other processor system. Because the embedded system is built using the FPGA fabric, the BSP is customized for the particular set of peripherals included in the ‘System Netlist’. Unlike an off the shelf general purpose processor, Virtex-II Pro embedded systems can include any combination of Xilinx provided and user created peripherals. This means that every BSP is potentially unique and as such EDK is tasked with customizing a generic set of drivers as required to properly support the ‘arbitrary processor system’. Once the final set of peripherals and bus structures have been solidified, the software and hardware flows can be run independently. Even if part or all of the software image is stored using on-chip block RAM, the software flow does not require running the hardware flow from scratch when making software changes. Only if a change is made to the instantiated ‘System Netlist’ does the hardware need to be implemented again before a the new software image which relies on the architectural change can be loaded and run. If the software image is completely stored externally, configuring the FPGA and loading the external storage device are performed in exactly the same way as a typical two chip solution. If part or all of the software image is stored using on-chip block RAM and as such is embedded within the FPGA’s bitstream, an additional step is required before the FPGA can be configured. EDK provides a tool called Data2MEM which merges the appropriate sections of the ‘Compiled ELF’ file with the ‘Compiled BIT’ file. The resulting BIT file is created is typically created in a few seconds and can then be used to configured the FPGA. When the entire software image is stored within the FPGA, only the BIT file is needed to both configure the system and load the software image. If only portion of the software image, such as the bootstrap, is stored within the FPGA, then Data2MEM is run to create a combined BIT file and the system is once again configured/loaded as any two chip solution using the unmerged ELF sections and the combined BIT file. Debugging the software running on the system is performed in the same manner as would be on any general purpose processor. GDB or other debug tool is used to connect to the target and provide runtime control of the target and even load new images when desired. Unlike general purpose processors, the physical system can be probed using ChipScope modules. This capability provides a level of visibility into the operation of the system unmatched by external processors.
EDK Tool Flow Simulation Generator Hardware Platform Generation Library Generation Embedded Software Development ISE Tools IP Library or User Repository MSS LibGen .a Compiler (GCC) .o Linker (GCC) ELF MHS PlatGen Drivers, MDD MPD, PAO PCore HDL System and Wrapper VHD system.BMM Synthesis (XST) NGC NGDBuild UCF NGD MAP NCD, PCF PAR NCD BitGen system.BIT BitInit download.BIT iMPACT system_BD.BMM SimGen Behavioral VHD Model Structural VHD Model Timing VHD Model IP Models ISE Models Testbench Stimulus CompEDKLib CompXLib Application Source .c, .h, .s download.CMD EDK SW Libraries
Xilinx Platform Studio (XPS) The Console Window (1) The Console Window acts as a console for output, warning, and error messages from XPS and from other tools invoked by XPS. Error, warning, and output messages are separated in tabbed windows. Click the Error and Warning links to open associated answer records. If you right-click or double-click an error that has an associated file name and line number, you can navigate to that file in the editor. The Project Information Area (2) -The Project Information Area has three tabs: Project Tab (4) Project Files — This category includes all project-specific files: MHS, MSS, UCF, iMPACT Command files, Implementation Option files, and Bitgen Option files. Project Options — This category includes all project-specific options: Device, Netlist, Implementation, HDL, and Sim Model. Double-click or right-click any entry to open the Project Options dialog box, where changes can be made. Reference Files — This category includes all log and output files produced by the various XPS implementation processes. Double-click or right-click any entry to view a specific file in the XPS text editing window. Applications Tab (5) The Applications tab opens the Application Explorer. The Application Explorer lists all software application option setting, header files and source files associated with each application project. Double-click Add Software Application Project to create a new software application project. Each project must be associated with a processor in hardware. Right-click a software application project entry to build, clean or delete the project. You can set the compiler option for the project or generate the linker script. You can also mark the project as the image to load the BRAM during device initialization. Notes continues to next slide …
Merging Hardware and Software Flows data2MEM download.bit MicroBlaze™/ PPC UART Arbiter GPIO
Merging Hardware and Software Flows Data2MEM – Update the bitstream Input files → system_bd.bmm, system.bit, executable.elf Output file → download.bit This invokes the BitInit tool, which initializes the instruction memory of the processor The instruction memory may be initialized with a bootloop, bootloader, or an actual application Now the hardware and the software flows come together. This stage also calls the hardware and software flow tools if required This is the stage where the hardware and the software flows come together. This stage also calls the hardware and software flow tools if required The Data2MEM utility provided in the ISE™ software is called to initialize the FPGA block RAMs with the desired software (bootloop, bootloader, or an actual application) The bootloop is used when the application will be downloaded using xmd. The bootloader is used when the actual application is stored in external non-volatile memory and it needs to be loaded into an external volatile memory. The actual application is used in the blockRAM only when the application is small enough to fit in it. At the end of this stage, users get the download.bit file, which contains information regarding both the software and the hardware part of the design
Download the bitstream Configuring the FPGA Download the bitstream Input file → download.bit This downloads the download.bit file onto the target board using the Xilinx iMPACT tool in batch mode XPS uses the etc/download.cmd file for downloading the bitstream The download.cmd file contains information such as the type of cable is used and the position of the FPGA in a JTAG chain
Glossary of Tools and Files Reference Glossary of Tools and Files A few of the files the EDK tools generate: MDD = Microprocessor Driver Description MHS = Microprocessor Hardware Specification MPD = Microprocessor Peripheral Description MSS = Microprocessor Software Specification PAO = Peripheral Analyze Order BBD = Black Box Definition BMM = Block RAM Memory Map
Glossary of Tools and Files Reference Glossary of Tools and Files Some of the EDK tools: LibGen = Library Generator. Uses MSS file, copies device drivers source files and generates software libraries for the defined system PlatGen = Platform Generator. Uses the MHS and MPD files to create an implementation netlist of a bus-based sub-system SimGen = Simulation Generator. Uses MHS file to configure and generate a simulation netlist pointing to various simulation model types, such as SWIFT, BFM, netlist, RTL, etc.
MPD File Microprocessor Peripheral Definition file provides default parameter settings in XPS ## MPD file created automatically for design OPB_SEMAPHORE BEGIN opb_pwm, IPTYPE=PERIPHERAL ## Parameter list for the generics PARAMETER C_OPB_AWIDTH = 32, DT = integer PARAMETER C_OPB_DWIDTH = 32, DT = integer PARAMETER C_BASEADDR = 0xFFFF8000, DT = std_logic_vector PARAMETER C_HIGHADDR = 0xFFFF80FF, DT = std_logic_vector PARAMETER C_NO_CHANNELS = 4, DT = integer PARAMETER C_MAX_RESOLUTION = 16, DT = integer OPTION SIM_MODELS = BEHAVIORAL : STRUCTURAL BUS_INTERFACE BUS=SOPB, BUS_STD=OPB, BUS_TYPE=SLAVE Parameters override generics in VHDL entity OPB_PWM is generic ( C_OPB_AWIDTH : integer := 32; C_OPB_DWIDTH : integer := 32; C_BASEADDR : std_logic_vector(0 to 31) := X"FFFFA000"; C_HIGHADDR : std_logic_vector := X"FFFFA0FF"; C_NO_CHANNELS : integer range 0 to 15 := 4; C_MAX_RESOLUTION : integer range 4 to 32 := 16 );
MPD File Microprocessor Peripheral Definition file provides default connections in XPS ## Port list for the signals ## Global signals PORT OPB_Clk = "", DIR = in, SIGIS=CLK, BUS=SOPB PORT OPB_Rst = OPB_Rst, DIR = in, BUS=SOPB ## OPB signals PORT OPB_ABus = OPB_ABus, DIR = in, VEC = [0:31], BUS=SOPB PORT OPB_BE = OPB_BE, DIR = in, VEC = [0:3], BUS=SOPB PORT OPB_RNW = OPB_RNW, DIR = in, BUS=SOPB PORT OPB_select = OPB_select, DIR = in, BUS=SOPB PORT OPB_seqAddr = OPB_seqAddr, DIR = in, BUS=SOPB PORT OPB_DBus = OPB_DBus, DIR = in, VEC = [0:31], BUS=SOPB PORT PWM_DBus = Sl_DBus, DIR = out, VEC = [0:31], BUS=SOPB PORT PWM_errAck = Sl_errAck, DIR = out, BUS=SOPB PORT PWM_retry = Sl_retry, DIR = out, BUS=SOPB PORT PWM_toutSup = Sl_toutSup, DIR = out, BUS=SOPB PORT PWM_xferAck = Sl_xferAck, DIR = out, BUS=SOPB PORT PWM = "", DIR = out, VEC = [0:C_NO_CHANNELS-1] END OPB Bus Signals port ( -- Global signals OPB_Clk : in std_logic; OPB_Rst : in std_logic; -- OPB signals OPB_ABus : in std_logic_vector(0 to 31); OPB_BE : in std_logic_vector(0 to 3); OPB_RNW : in std_logic; OPB_select : in std_logic; OPB_seqAddr : in std_logic; OPB_DBus : in std_logic_vector(0 to 31); Slave Signals PWM_DBus : out std_logic_vector(0 to 31); PWM_errAck : out std_logic; PWM_retry : out std_logic; PWM_toutSup : out std_logic; PWM_xferAck : out std_logic; PWM : out std_logic_vector(0 to C_NO_CHANNELS-1) );
What does the PlatGen tool do? Review What is the MHS file? The MHS file is the Microprocessor Hardware Specification; it specifies processors, hardware peripherals, bus connections, and address spaces for the hardware What does the PlatGen tool do? PlatGen takes the MHS file and creates the system and peripheral netlists, HDL wrapper files, BMM file, etc. What tool is used to place executable code in an FPGA block RAM? The Data2Mem tool will take the BMM file and create the proper initialization for the block RAM that is assigned to the executable memory space
Review What does the LibGen tool do? Read MSS file and generate libraries What is the difference between system.bit and download.bit files? The system.bit file contains only hardware description whereas download.bit file contains both hardware description as well as executable software
Where Can I Learn More? Tool documentation Getting Started with the Embedded Development Kit Processor IP Reference Guide Embedded Systems Tools Guide Xilinx Drivers Processor documentation PowerPC Processor Reference Guide PowerPC 405 Processor Block Reference Guide MicroBlaze Processor Reference Guide Support Website Tech Tips: www.xilinx.com/xlnx/xil_tt_home.jsp EDK Website: www.xilinx.com/edk
Adding Your Own IP to the System
Overview Peripherals are connected to the microprocessor by using the data and address buses Xilinx has implemented IBM's CoreConnect bus architecture On-chip Peripheral Bus (OPB) version 2.1 of the CoreConnect architecture is designed for easy connection of on-chip peripheral devices Any custom peripheral that connects to the OPB bus must meet the principles of the OPB protocol and the requirements of the Platform Generator
BBD File FILES Blackbox.ngc The Black Box Definition (BBD) file identifies netlist files used for a user peripheral The netlists are copied into the project/implementation directory Example of a single file without options FILES Blackbox.ngc Example of multiple file selections without options blackbox1.ngc, blackbox2.ngc, blackbox3.edn The Black Box Definition (BBD) file manages the file locations of optimized hardware netlists for the black-box sections of your peripheral design. The BBD format is a look-up table chart that lists netlist files. The first line is the header of the look-up table. There can be as many entries as necessary in the header to make a selection. Header entries are tailored by MPD parameters. The last column of the table must be the FILES column.
File Usage There are two ways to integrate your own IP into XPS As a blackbox Synthesized with XST or a third-party synthesis tool Requires MPD and BBD As HDL Synthesized with the rest of the processor system Uses XST Requires MPD and PAO
Example of a BBD File with multiple file selections C_FAMILY C_RPM C_FPU_TYPE FILES virtex2 true full opb_fpu_full.edf lite opb_fpu_lite.edf virtex2p virtex false opb_fpu_full_noram32x1d.edf, ram32x1ds.edf opb_fpu_lite_noram32x1d.edf, ram32x1ds.edf The Black Box Definition (BBD) file manages the file locations of optimized hardware netlists for the black-box sections of your peripheral design. The BBD format is a Look-Up Table (LUT) chart that lists netlist files. The first line is the header of the LUT. There can be as many entries as necessary in the header to make a selection. Header entries are tailored by MPD parameters. The last column of the table must be the FILES column.
Free Cores Included as VHDL Source with EDK (even more are now free) Bus fsl, lmb opb dcr, ocm, plb, fcb Bus Bridge opb2opb, opb2dcr, opb2plb fcb2fsl, plb2opb Communication opb_spi hard_temac, plb_temac Debug icon, iba, ila, vio, mdm Iba, jtagppc_cntlr GPIO opb_gpio plb_gpio Interrupt Controller opb_intc dcr_intc Memory Controller mch_opb_ddr, mch_opb_sdram, opb_bram, opb_ddr, opb_emc, opb_sdram, opb_sysace dsbram, isbram, pb_ddr, plb_emc, plb_sdram Timer fit_timer, opb_timer, opb_timebase_wdt Utility bus_split, flipflop, reduced_logic, vector_logic
Processor System Size The Processor IP Calculator is an online tool that helps you easily estimate the processor IP core size usage www.support.xilinx.com/ipcenter/processor_central/ppcip/calc.htm Try it out!!
CoreConnect Features IBM PowerPC embedded system
Features Platform Generator supports the following features for OPB peripherals, and it is a subset of the OPB v2.1 features Fully synchronous single-clock edge 32-bit address bus, 32-bit data bus Single-cycle transfer of data between the OPB master and the OPB slave Supports master byte enables Supports slave timeout suppress, retry No three-state drivers required Note that the dynamic bus sizing feature is not supported in OPB v2.1 Dynamic bus sizing is an architectural features that allows a design to mix smaller width (like 8-bit and 16-bit) devices on a larger width bus. A master provides a master size signal, <Master>_MSize[0:1], that describes the data width of the master initiating a transaction. Slaves provide a similar signal, Sl_Mn_SSize(0:1), with the address acknowledge that describes the data width of the slave responding to the transaction. While dynamic bus sizing is a useful architectural feature, its use in FPGAs can result in inefficient implementations of PLB masters.
Physical Implementation The OPB bus architecture (v2.1) allows for the addition of peripherals to the system, without changing the existing I/O on either the OPB arbiter or the other existing peripherals The module opb_v20 in the diagram implements the OR gates defined by the OPB v2.1 specification.
Physical Implementation The OPB bus architecture (v2.1) allows for the addition of peripherals to the system, without changing the existing I/O on either the OPB arbiter or the other existing peripherals No don’t cares The module opb_v20 in the diagram implements the OR gates defined by the OPB v2.1 specification.
Interface Signals Global OPB slave signals Slave signals <Sln>_xferAck <Sln>_errAck <Sln>_toutSup <Sln>_retry <Sln>_DBus OPB bus signals OPB_select OPB_RNW OPB_BE OPB_seqAddr OPB_Abus OPB_DBus OPB Slave Bus Logic <Sln>_xferAck <Sln>_errAck <Sln>_toutSup <Sln>_retry <Sln>_DBus OPB_select OPB_RNW OPB_BE OPB_seqAddr OPB_ABus OPB_DBus Slave signals <Sln>_xferAck— transfer acknowledge <Sln>_errAck—error acknowledge <Sln>_toutSup—timeout suppress. Peripheral will not timeout after 16 cycles <Sln>_retry—retry <Sln>_Dbus—data bus OPB bus signals OPB_select — select OPB_RNW — read not write OPB_BE — byte enable OPB_seqAddr - OPB_Abus —address bus OPB_Dbus —data bus
Create/Import Peripheral Wizard The wizard helps you create your own peripheral and then import it into your design The wizard will generate the necessary core description files The user peripheral can be imported directly through the wizard by skipping the creation option Ensure that the peripheral complies with Xilinx implementation of the IBM CoreConnect Bus Standard The Create/Import Peripheral Wizard helps you create your own peripherals and import them into EDK compliant repositories or Xilinx Platform Studio (XPS) projects. In the Create mode, this tool creates a number of files. Some of these files are templates that will help you implement your peripheral without requiring a detailed understanding of the bus protocols, naming conventions, or the formats of special interface files required by the EDK. In the Import mode, this tool will help you create the interface files and directory structures that are necessary to make your peripheral visible to the various tools in the EDK. For this mode of operation, it is assumed that you have followed the naming conventions required by the EDK. Once imported, your peripheral will resemble any other module available in the EDK peripherals library.
Starting the IP Wizard The Create and Import Peripheral Wizard can be started after creating a project and using Hardware Create or Import Peripheral … or opening an existing project or using Start Programs Xilinx Platform Studio 8.2i Accessories Create and Import Peripheral Wizard You can start the Create and Import Peripheral Wizard after creating a new project or opening an existing project in XPS. With a project open, start the Create and Import Peripheral Wizard at any point by selecting Hardware Create or Import Peripheral ...
Software Development
GNU Tools Calls four different executables Preprocessor (cpp0) Language specific c-compiler cc1 C-programming language cc1plus C++ language Assembler mb-as (MicroBlaze processor) powerpc-eabi-as (PowerPC processor) Linker and loader mb-ld (MicroBlaze processor) powerpc-eabi-ld (PowerPC processor) 1. Pre-processor: (cpp0) This is the first pass invoked by the compiler. The pre-processor replaces all macros with definitions, as defined in the source and header files. 2. Machine and language-specific compiler (cc1) This compiler works on the pre-processed code, which is the output of the first stage. a. C Compiler (cc1) This compiler is responsible for most of the optimizations completed on the input C code and generates an assembly code. b. C++ Compiler (cc1plus) This compiler is responsible for most of the optimizations completed on the input C++ code and generates an assembly code. 3. Assembler (mb-as [for the MicroBlaze processor] and powerpc-eabi-as [for the PowerPC processor]) The assembly code has mnemonics in assembly language. The assembler converts these to machine language. The assembler also resolves some of the labels generated by the compiler. The assembler creates an object file, which is passed to the linker. 4. Linker (mb-ld [for the MicroBlaze processor] and powerpc-eabi-ld [for the PowerPC processor]) The linker links all of the object files generated by the assembler. If libraries are provided on the command line, the linker resolves some of the undefined references in the code by linking some of the functions from the assembler.
Exceptions and Interrupts Exception Code Entry Point Save State Call Handler HANDLER Restore State Refer to the PPC Reference Guide for more information about this process. Return to Program Registered Handler
Timer Facilities Features: Uses: Time base Fixed Interval Timer (FIT) Programmable Interval Timer (PIT) Watchdog timer These timers share the same time-base clock frequency Uses: Time-of-day Data logging Peripherals requiring periodic service Recover from faulty hardware or firmware
Board Support Package (BSP): What is a BSP? Board Support Package (BSP): A set of software modules combined into the “libxil.a” library Allows you to use the low-level PowerPC processor core functions Enable, disable, and flush caches Read/write time-base registers Allows you to use IP peripheral-device drivers GPIO, PCI controller, UART,… Offers glue functionality to link code against standard libraries: Time, sleep, Files, Memory
PowerPC Processor Boot Files Files: boot.S, boot0.S, crt0.S, eabi.S Application entry point at label _boot in boot.S _boot is single jump instruction to _boot0 _boot0 is a few instructions that do a jump to _start in crt0.S _start Clears .bss and .sbss sections Sets up stack on an eight byte alignment Initializes time-base registers to zero Optionally, enable FPU bit in MSR Calls main() Calls _eabi to set R13 and R2 registers to point to .sdata and .sdata2 sections respectively Performs user tasks The boot.S, crt0.S, and eabi.S files contain a minimal set of code for initializing the processor and starting an application. boot.S: Code in the boot.S consists of the boot and boot0 sections. The boot section contains only one instruction, which is labeled with _boot. During the link process, this instruction is mapped to the reset vector, and the _boot label marks the application's entry point. The boot instruction is a jump to the _boot0 label. The _boot0 label must reside within a 23-bit address space of the _boot label. It is defined in the boot0 section. The code in the boot0 section calculates the 32-bit address of the _start label and jumps to it. crt0.S: Code in the crt0.S file starts executing at the _start label. It initializes the .sbss and .bss sections to zero, as required by the ANSI C specification, sets up the stack, initializes some processor registers, and calls the main() function. The program remains in an endless loop on return from main(). eabi.S: When an application is compiled and linked with the -msdata=eabi option, GCC inserts a call to the __eabi label at the beginning of the main() function. This is the place where register R13 must be set to point to the .sdata and .sbss data sections and register R2 must be set to point to the .sdata2 read-only data section. Code in eabi.S sets these two registers to the correct values. The _SDA_BASE_ and _SDA2_BASE_ labels are generated by the linker.
PowerPC Processor Memory and peripherals Special addresses PPC405 uses 32-bit addresses Special addresses Every PowerPC™ system should have the boot section starting at 0xFFFFFFFC Default linker options Program space occupies a contiguous address space from 0xFFFF0000 to 0xFFFFFFFF Stack size: 4 KB Heap size: 4 KB 0x0000_0000 0xFFFF_0000 0xFFFF_FFFC Peripherals PLB/OPB Memory Reset Address After the processor completes the hardware-initialization sequence caused by a reset, the processor performs an instruction fetch from the address 0xFFFF_FFFC. This first instruction is typically an unconditional branch to the initialization code. If the instruction at this address is not a branch, instruction fetching wraps to address 0x0000_0000. The system must be designed to provide nonvolatile memory that contains the first instruction and the initialization code. Because the processor is initially in big-endian mode, initialization code must be in big-endian format. It must remain in big-endian format until the memory and processor are configured for little-endian operation.
Object File Sections .text Text section .rodata Read-only data section .sdata2 .data .sdata .sbss .bss Text section Read-only data section Small read-only data section (less than eight bytes) Read-write data section Small read-write data section Small uninitialized data section Uninitialized data section The .text section contains executable code. This section has the x (executable), r (read-only) and i (initialized) flags. The .rodata section contains read-only data of a size more than 8 bytes (default). The size of the data put into this section can be changed with an mb-gcc -G option. All data in this section is accessed using absolute addresses. The .sdata2 section contains small read-only data (size less than 8 bytes). The size of the data going into this section can be changed with an mb-gcc -G option. All data in this section is accessed with reference to the read-only small data anchor. This ensures that all data in the .sdata2 section can be accessed using a single instruction (a preceding imm instruction will never be necessary). This section has the r (read-only) and the i (initialized) flags. The .data section contains read-write data of a size more than 8 bytes (default). The size of the data going into this section can be changed with an mb-gcc -G option. All data in this section is accessed using absolute addresses. This section has the w (read-write) and the i (initialized) flags. The .sdata section contains small read-write data of a size less than 8 bytes (default). The size of the data going into this section can be changed with an mb-gcc -G option. All data in this section is accessed with reference to the read-write small data anchor. This ensures that all data in the .sdata section uses a single instruction (a preceding imm instruction will never be necessary). This section has the w (read-write) and the i (initialized) flags. The .sbss section contains small uninitialized data of a size less than 8 bytes (default). The size of the data going into this section can be changed with an mb-gcc -G option. This section has the w (read-write) flag. The .bss section contains uninitialized data of a size more than 8 bytes (default). The size of the data going into this section can be changed with an mb-gcc -G option. All data in this section is accessed using absolute addresses. The stack and the heap are also allocated to this section. This section has the w (read-write) flag.
Sections Example int ram_data[10] = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}; /* DATA */ const int rom_data[10] = {9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1}; /* RODATA */ int I; /* BSS */ main(){ ... I = I + 10; /* TEXT */ }
Linker and Locator Flows Executable Image foo1.o Merged Output Sections .text1 0xFFFF Code .text .data1 0xF000 Locate .bss1 0xEFFF Link uninitialized data .data 0xEF00 foo2.o 0xEEFF .bss .text2 Unused 0x2000 .data2 0x1FFF Initialized data .bss2 0x0000
Linker Script for the PowerPC Processor Reference Linker Script for the PowerPC Processor Required to control how the program and data are targeted to PLB, OPB, OCM, or extended memory Provide a linker script to the powerpc-eabi-gcc compiler The linker script defines the layout and the start address of each of the sections The PowerPC™ processor linker is built with default linker scripts. This script assumes a contiguous memory starting from address 0xFFFF0000. The script defines boot.o as the first file to be linked. boot.o is present in the libxil.a library, which is created by the LibGen tool. The script defines the start address as 0xFFFF0000. If you set the start address through the linker option as -Wl, -defsym -Wl,_TEXT_START_ADDRESS=0xFFFF8000, the start address is 0xFFFF8000. The script starts assigning addresses to different sections of the final executable: .vectors, .text, .rodata, .sdata2, .sbss2, .data, .got1, .got2, .fixup, .sdata, .sbss, .bss, .boot0, and .boot, in that order. As it assigns the addresses, the script defines the following start and end of section variables: __SDATA2_START__, __SDATA2_END__, __SBSS2_START__, __SBSS2_END__, __SDATA_START__, __SDATA_END__, __sbss_start, ___sbss_start, __sbss_end, ___sbss_end, __SDATA_START__, __SDATA_END__, __bss_start, and __bss_end. These variables define the sectional boundaries for each of the sections. Stack and heap are allocated from the .bss section. They are defined through __stack, __heap_start, and __heap_end. However, note that the .bss section boundary does not include either stack or heap. _end is defined after the .boot0 section definition. .boot section is fixed to start at location 0xFFFFFFFC. This section is a jump to the start of .boot0 section. The jump is defined as 24 bits. Therefore, the boot and boot0 section should not have a difference of more than 24 bits. The .boot section is at 0xFFFFFFFC because the PowerPC 405 processor, on power up, starts execution from the location 0xFFFFFFFC.
Linker Script Generator GUI XPS contains a graphical Linker Script Generator Table-based GUI allows you to define the memory space for any section Launch from Software → Generate Linker Script, or from the Applications Tab, right-click on <project> → Generate Linker Script
SDK Application Development Flow Create software App Project Add sources + Edit Compile + Link Generate Hardware Platform Done? Import ELF file, Download to board Debug / Profile Platform Studio SDK Yes Generate Software libraries, drivers Platform Studio SDK provides complementary GUI framework to XPS What needs to be done in XPS? - Hardware Platform generation - Software Platform generation (incld libraries, device drivers etc) - Software Application development What could be done in Eclipse? The typical procedure for using SDK to develop a software application for an XPS embedded system design is: Using XPS, design the embedded system hardware platform and specify the software platform settings (libraries, device drivers, etc.). Launch SDK, create a software application project, and point to the XPS project containing the embedded system platform. Using SDK, develop and compile applications for the selected embedded system. Using SDK, download the software executable to the target device to debug and profile your software application. (Use XPS or iMPACT tools to first download the hardware platform bitstream to the FPGA device.) In XPS, point to the software executable created in SDK and merge it into the FPGA bitstream for production use.
SDK Workbench 1 C/C++ project outline displays the elements of a project with file decorators (icons) for easy identification C/C++ editor for integrated software creation Code outline displays elements of the software file under development with file decorators (icons) for easy identification Problems, Console, Properties view lists output information associated with the software development flow 2 2 1 3 3 4 4
Debugging Using SDK Eclipse CDT XMD powerpc-eabi-gdb (or) mb-gdb JTAG / XMD protocol Xilinx custom graphical debug interface, started off as a skin on XMD auto-launched gdb remote protocol Seamless debugging – XMD-specific debug configuration; built-in XMD launcher Integrated XMD console
SDK Debug Perspective 1 The stack frame for target threads that you are debugging. Each thread in your program is represented as a node in the tree Variables, Breakpoints, and Registers views allow for viewing and real-time interaction with the view contents for more powerful debugging potential C/C++ editor highlights the location of the execution pointer, along with allowing the setting of breakpoints 1 2 2 3 4 3 5 4 Code outline and disassembly view provide compiler level insight into the running code Console view lists output information 5
Debugging in XPS vs SDK Debugging in XPS Download bitstream from XPS Launch XMD Provide Target Connection Options Launch GDB (Insight GUI) Set GDB Server connection port in GDB Download program Begin Debugging Debugging in SDK Download bitstream from XPS Launch XMD Provide Target Connection Options Launch GDB (Insight GUI) Set GDB Server connection port in GDB Download program Begin Debugging