The asthenosphere consists of solid rock that is flowing. But it’s not all flowing in the same direction.
Theory of Plate Tectonics Theory that pieces of lithosphere move around on top of the asthenosphere
Plate Boundaries The edges of different pieces of The lithosphere meet at lines called plate boundaries
Plate Boundaries Plate Videos
So the plates move. Now What? As the plates move, they produce changes in Earth’s surface, including volcanoes, earthquakes, mountain ranges, and deep- ocean trenches.
3 Types of Plate Boundaries Divergent Convergent Transform Divergent Transform
3 Types of Boundaries Divergent boundary= two plates move apart Magma rises and creates new crust or seafloor Causes: mid- ocean ridges, rift valleys, new crust, volcanoes
Divergent Boundaries © All Rights Reserved. Diverging Africa
Diverging Iceland
3 Types of Boundaries Convergent= when two tectonic plates push into one another.
Convergent Boundaries Continental vs. Continental Continental vs. Oceanic Oceanic vs. Oceanic
Continental vs. Continental When two continental crustal plates collide, the continents buckle upward and form mountains. Himalayas- Asia
Oceanic vs. Continental The oceanic plate slides under the continental plate. The continental crust crumbles and forms new mountains.
Oceanic vs. Continental Ex: Andes mtn in S. America Cascade Mtns. in N. America- Mt. St. HelensMt. St. Helens
Oceanic vs. Oceanic Two oceanic plates collide, one of the oceanic plates slides under the other. oceanic plates slides also called a subduction zone subduction zone
Hawaiian Islands Oceanic vs. Oceanic
Transform boundary When two tectonic plates slide past each other horizontally Produces? Earthquakes
San Andreas Fault
New Madrid Fault
Examples of Convection Convection exampleConvection example Convection in a roomConvection in a room DOS
How do the plates move? CONVECTION CURRENTS Hot material rises while cooler material near the surface sinks
How do the plates move? CONVECTION CURRENTS Hot material from deep within the Earth rises while cooler material near the surface sinks
Convection currents
How do we know? Sea-floor spreading =new ocean floor is created as two lithospheric plates pull away from one another. Sea-floor spreading
Seafloor spreading
The Plates Move… So what now? Which way? 50 million years