Quote Thursday May 21 st, 2009 (5/21/2009) Required Materials: Composition Notebook Pen/Pencil Time Given:What We Will Do: 3 minutes 7 minutes 1 minute 2 minutes 25 minutes 10 minutes Remaining T. Study For Quiz Julius Caesar Quiz #2 Next Week Preview What We Learned Yesterday In Julius Caesar Julius Caesar Roles For Today and Forever Julius Caesar, Act V Questions at End Julius Caesar: The Movie “Friends, Romans, Countrymen—lend me your ears!” --Antony, Act III, Julius Caesar
Act III First/last person to stab Caesar, how many times was he stabbed? What were his last words and what do they mean? “Friends, Romans, countrymen” = Whose speech is this? Who is Cinna the Poet? Act IV Who are the members of the 2 nd Triumvirate? What do Brutus and Cassius argue about? How do they resolve their differences? How does Portia die? What’s on the Quiz Today?
Julius Caesar Quiz #2 Label your quiz as: – “Cassius: Give me your hand. – Brutus: And my heart, too. – Cassius: Oh, Brutus! – Antony: Does anyone else feel awkward?”
Julius Caesar Quiz #2 Q1 – Who was the first person to stab Caesar?
Julius Caesar Quiz #2 Q2 – Who was the last person to stab Caesar?
Julius Caesar Quiz #2 Q3 – Caesar’s last words were: – _______________? Then fall Caesar.
Julius Caesar Quiz #2 Q4 – How many times was Caesar stabbed?
Julius Caesar Quiz #2 Q5 – The speech, “Friends, Romans, Countrymen…lend me your ears” belongs to what character?
Julius Caesar Quiz #2 Q6 – During Act III, Antony claims to have the Will of Caesar—what does Caesar leave the people of Rome?
Julius Caesar Quiz #2 Q7 – During the last half of Act III, a character named Cinna the Poet enters and is quickly killed. Why is he killed?
Julius Caesar Quiz #2 Q8 – Name all three members of the 2 nd triumvirate.
Julius Caesar Quiz #2 Q9 – Throughout Act IV, Brutus and Cassius have many arguments. Name one thing that they argue about.
Julius Caesar Quiz #2 Q10 – In Act IV, Portia is confirmed dead on two separate occasions—one by Brutus and one by Messala. Messala claims she died “in a strange way.” According to Brutus, how did Portia die?
Julius Caesar Quiz #2 Q11 (Bonus) – How do you think the play will end?
Next Week Preview DayWhat Are We Doing? MondayNO SCHOOL TuesdayPeriods 3, 1, 4. Return Textbooks. Julius Caesar exam review. Finish movie (if applicable) WednesdayPeriods 2, 5, 6. Return Textbooks. Julius Caesar exam review. Finish movie (if applicable) ThursdayPeriods 1, 3, 5. Composition notebooks due. Julius Caesar Exam FridayPeriods 2, 4, 6. Composition notebooks due. Julius Caesar Exam
There will be a battle between those who murdered Caesar and the 2 nd triumvirate members. Cassius and Brutus argue A LOT. What We Learned Yesterday!
Who will live and who will die will be decided TODAY! Julius Caesar, Act III
Period 1 Octavius = Shawn Antony = Tre Messenger = Brandon Brutus = Nick Cassius = Mike Lucilius = Markie Messala = Alex Titinius = Elizabeth Pindarus = Brad Roles for Today (And Forever) Cato = Char’Eshia 1 st Solider = Nathalie 2 nd Soldier = Elyse Clitus = Tiffany Dardanius = Chey Voluminus = Christina Strato = Steven
Period 2 Octavius = Dillon Antony = Kalese Messenger = Chassidy Brutus = Sarah Cassius = Jackie Lucilius = Jam Messala = Jonathon Titinius = Fred Pindarus = Tenecia Roles for Today (And Forever) Cato = Dillon 1 st Solider = Sam 2 nd Soldier = Fred Clitus = Sam Dardanius = Kristeena Voluminus = Jennifer Strato = Shae
Period 3 Octavius = Mark Antony = Justin Messenger = Aurelio Brutus = Elizer Cassius = Tony Lucilius = Joey Messala = Deneen Titinius = Connie Pindarus = Yovani Roles for Today (And Forever) Cato = Allison 1 st Solider = Britt. B 2 nd Soldier = Britt. C Clitus = Codie Dardanius = Samantha Voluminus = Nicole Strato = Jessie
Period 4 Octavius = Rashad Antony = Chris Messanger = Joe Brutus = Scott Cassius = Cecilia Lucilius = Ashley Messala = Tyler Titinius = Shelby Pindarus = Denzel Roles for Today (And Forever) Cato = Ben 1 st Solider = Jessica 2 nd Soldier = Sarah Clitus = Joe Dardanius = Tyler Voluminus = James Strato = Eddie
Period 6 Octavius = Kyle Antony = Jordan Messanger = Miesha Brutus = Brystin Cassius = Ada Lucilius = Ryan Messala = Miesha Titinius = Justin Pindarus = Miesha Roles for Today (And Forever) Cato = Ben 1 st Solider = Jahmere 2 nd Soldier = Tyson Clitus = Julia Dardanius = Kyle Voluminus = Danyel Strato = Kaayla
Pg. 208/209 Right Side Only! Let’s Go!
On pg. 242 Answer questions 1-12 Questions in Notebook
Enjoy watching the conclusion of Julius Caesar: The Movie! Movie Time!