Part 2—Skills for Success Chapter 8 Looking Good on the Job
Chapter Objectives Explain how your health habits, grooming habits, and clothes influence your appearance and the way other people see you. Explain how your health habits, grooming habits, and clothes influence your appearance and the way other people see you. Explain the guidelines you need to follow to develop and maintain a healthful lifestyle. Explain the guidelines you need to follow to develop and maintain a healthful lifestyle. Describe the grooming habits you need to practice to stay neat and clean. Describe the grooming habits you need to practice to stay neat and clean. Evaluate your wardrobe and make wise clothing selections for school, work, and other occasions. Evaluate your wardrobe and make wise clothing selections for school, work, and other occasions. Demonstrate how to care for clothes properly and follow the clothing care labels. Demonstrate how to care for clothes properly and follow the clothing care labels.
Key Concepts To maintain a healthful lifestyle you need to eat well-balanced meals, get enough sleep, and stay physically active. To maintain a healthful lifestyle you need to eat well-balanced meals, get enough sleep, and stay physically active. Planning a well-balanced diet is easier when you follow the guidelines established in MyPyramid and the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Planning a well-balanced diet is easier when you follow the guidelines established in MyPyramid and the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Good grooming skills are essential to getting and keeping a job. Good grooming skills are essential to getting and keeping a job. continued
Key Concepts Dressing right for a job includes wearing clothes that are appropriate for the work you will be performing. Dressing right for a job includes wearing clothes that are appropriate for the work you will be performing. Taking proper care of your clothes will help them look better and last longer. Taking proper care of your clothes will help them look better and last longer.
Good Health Your health affects your attitude as well as your physical ability to perform your job. Your health affects your attitude as well as your physical ability to perform your job. A healthful lifestyle can be achieved by following three basic steps: A healthful lifestyle can be achieved by following three basic steps: Eat well-balanced meals. Eat well-balanced meals. Get adequate sleep. Get adequate sleep. Stay active. Stay active.
Eat Well-Balanced Meals What you eat affects your appearance, so a good diet is important for good health. What you eat affects your appearance, so a good diet is important for good health. Eating the right foods and regular balanced meals will help you look good and feel good. Eating the right foods and regular balanced meals will help you look good and feel good.
Choose Healthful Foods Nutrients: The chemical substances in foods that nourish your body. Nutrients build and repair your body cells as well as help your body function properly. Nutrients build and repair your body cells as well as help your body function properly. Choose healthful foods to supply your body with the nutrients it needs to grow and develop. Choose healthful foods to supply your body with the nutrients it needs to grow and develop. Carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals, and water are all types of nutrients. Carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals, and water are all types of nutrients. continued
Choose Healthful Foods No one food contains all the nutrients you need to stay healthy. No one food contains all the nutrients you need to stay healthy. Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs): Guidelines values for nutrients that can be used to plan and assess diets for healthy people. continued
Choose Healthful Foods MyPyramid: A personalized eating plan that gives amounts of food to consume in five basic food groups. Grains. Grains. Vegetables. Vegetables. Fruits. Fruits. Milk. Milk. Meat and beans. Meat and beans. Eating the recommended amounts from each of the food groups daily provides a well-balanced diet. Eating the recommended amounts from each of the food groups daily provides a well-balanced diet. continued
Choose Healthful Foods Dietary Guidelines for Americans: A set of guidelines developed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture designed to promote good health through improved nutrition and physical activity. Maintain calorie balance over time to achieve and sustain a healthy weight. Balancing calories taken in through eating with calories used by the body during physical activity is the key to healthy weight. Maintain calorie balance over time to achieve and sustain a healthy weight. Balancing calories taken in through eating with calories used by the body during physical activity is the key to healthy weight. Focus on consuming nutrient-dense foods and beverages, which provide vitamins, minerals, and other substances that may have positive health effects, but supply relatively few calories. Focus on consuming nutrient-dense foods and beverages, which provide vitamins, minerals, and other substances that may have positive health effects, but supply relatively few calories.
Eat Regularly Eat regular meals starting with breakfast. Eat regular meals starting with breakfast. When you eat can be as important as what you eat. When you eat can be as important as what you eat. Select nutritious snacks such as fruits and vegetables. Select nutritious snacks such as fruits and vegetables.
Get Enough Sleep Getting enough sleep helps you perform your best at school or work. Getting enough sleep helps you perform your best at school or work. If you do not get enough sleep, you may: If you do not get enough sleep, you may: Tire easily. Tire easily. Become short tempered. Become short tempered. See a drop in muscle coordination. See a drop in muscle coordination. Not do quality work. Not do quality work. Find it harder to concentrate and learn. Find it harder to concentrate and learn.
Stay Active Without regular physical activity, your good health is not complete. Without regular physical activity, your good health is not complete. Benefits of physical activity include improved heart and blood circulation, increased lung capacity, and improved digestion. Benefits of physical activity include improved heart and blood circulation, increased lung capacity, and improved digestion. Any type of exercise can be helpful. Any type of exercise can be helpful. continued
Stay Active The following guidelines will help you start being physically active: The following guidelines will help you start being physically active: Aim for a healthy weight and work to maintain it. Aim for a healthy weight and work to maintain it. Add an exercise plan if you need more activity in your day. Add an exercise plan if you need more activity in your day. Increase activity gradually. Increase activity gradually. Include activities that improve your respiration and circulation such as jogging or aerobic dancing. Include activities that improve your respiration and circulation such as jogging or aerobic dancing. Accumulate at least 60 minutes of moderate physical activity most days of the week, preferably daily. Accumulate at least 60 minutes of moderate physical activity most days of the week, preferably daily.
Good Grooming Grooming: Taking care of yourself and looking your best. It is essential to getting and keeping a job. Good grooming includes: Good grooming includes: A clean body. A clean body. A smooth shave. A smooth shave. Healthy complexion. Healthy complexion. Clean hair. Clean hair. Attractive hands. Attractive hands. Fresh breath. Fresh breath.
A Clean Body Hygiene: Keeping your body clean. Bacteria grows during perspiration, causing body odor. Bacteria grows during perspiration, causing body odor. Bathing with soap and water removes bacteria and odor. Bathing with soap and water removes bacteria and odor. Since you cannot bathe several times a day, you should use a deodorant. Since you cannot bathe several times a day, you should use a deodorant.
A Smooth Shave Shaving is a personal decision for both men and women, but many employers have preferences regarding the appearance of their employees. Shaving is a personal decision for both men and women, but many employers have preferences regarding the appearance of their employees. Regardless of your decision about shaving, you still need to be neat and clean. Regardless of your decision about shaving, you still need to be neat and clean.
Healthy Complexion Oily skin sometimes presents problems for younger people and can contribute to pimples and acne. Oily skin sometimes presents problems for younger people and can contribute to pimples and acne. All skin types should be cleansed regularly with warm soapy water or a cleanser to keep the skin free of bacteria, dirt, and oils. All skin types should be cleansed regularly with warm soapy water or a cleanser to keep the skin free of bacteria, dirt, and oils. Dermatologist: A doctor who specializes in treating skin. A dermatologist will be able to recommend the best cleansers and cosmetics for your skin. A dermatologist will be able to recommend the best cleansers and cosmetics for your skin.
Clean Hair Clean, neatly styled hair helps enhance your personal appearance. Clean, neatly styled hair helps enhance your personal appearance. Shampooing, conditioning, and styling are three important steps in hair care. Shampooing, conditioning, and styling are three important steps in hair care. Choose a hairstyle that suits your lifestyle. Choose a hairstyle that suits your lifestyle.
Attractive Hands Hands are an important part of your appearance because they are highly visible. Hands are an important part of your appearance because they are highly visible. You should keep your hands and fingernails clean and manicured. You should keep your hands and fingernails clean and manicured. Use a special soap or brush to clean your hands and nails if they get heavily soiled on the job. Use a special soap or brush to clean your hands and nails if they get heavily soiled on the job.
Fresh Breath Brush your teeth regularly to keep them clean and avoid bad breath. Brush your teeth regularly to keep them clean and avoid bad breath. Floss and visit your dentist regularly. Floss and visit your dentist regularly. Use mouthwash to ensure good breath. Use mouthwash to ensure good breath. Good breath is especially important if you work closely with others. Good breath is especially important if you work closely with others.
Dressing for the Job To dress right for your job, wear clean clothes that fit properly and are appropriate for the work you do. To dress right for your job, wear clean clothes that fit properly and are appropriate for the work you do. A company’s dress code can help you decide what is best for you to wear. A company’s dress code can help you decide what is best for you to wear.
Caring for Clothes Clothes need to be cared for or they will not look good. Clothes need to be cared for or they will not look good. After each wearing, check your clothes for stains, tears, and missing buttons. After each wearing, check your clothes for stains, tears, and missing buttons. To keep clothes from fading, shrinking, and wrinkling, wash them correctly according to care labels. To keep clothes from fading, shrinking, and wrinkling, wash them correctly according to care labels.
Care Labels When you buy clothes, check the labels to see what care they require. When you buy clothes, check the labels to see what care they require. If the label is unclear or does not give instructions, ask the salesperson. If the label is unclear or does not give instructions, ask the salesperson. Wash-and-wear clothes are practical for most jobs because they are easy and inexpensive to keep clean. Wash-and-wear clothes are practical for most jobs because they are easy and inexpensive to keep clean.
Thinking Back What can you do to look good on the job? What can you do to look good on the job? What do you do to stay physically fit? What do you do to stay physically fit? What is involved in good grooming? What is involved in good grooming? How do you care for your clothes? How do you care for your clothes?