Session 1
Numeracy lesson and differentiation
Content Environment Process Product
COLUMNGRAPhCOLUMNGRAPh Same width We all have the same width
Data: information Survey: a way of collecting information Column graph: Column graphs are an excellent way to show results that aren't continuous - especially samplings such as surveys. Conduct: organize and carry out. Census: it is a survey that surveys the whole population or group. Horizontal axis: this is a line running across the graph. It has a label beneath it. Vertical axis: this is a line running up the side of a graph. It has a label next to it. Scale: Key words The scales on horizontal or vertical axes are similar to the scales found on many measuring instruments. A scale is a series of numbers that are increasing or decreasing by the same amount. Part of the skill of interpreting a graph is reading the scales on the axes. Each scale will be labelled with the unit of measurement that has been used.
Survey A way of collecting information Helps to find the views of the whole community or group Surveys are a primary source of information What is a survey? Uses questions Census Sample Surveys the whole population Surveys a selected group
How to conduct a survey 5- Graph your results 4- Choose a suitable graph 3- Record your results in a table 2- Ask people your question 1- Think of a question How to conduct a survey,,,. Type of sport Basket ball VolleyballSocce r Netball Number of students 7592
Types of graphs Line graphs Sector graphs Picture graphs Bar graphs Step graphs Column graphs DIFFERENT TYPES OF GRAPHS
Column graph Column graphs have a series of vertical blocks. Column graphs can be distinguished from histograms because the blocks always have gaps between them while histograms have no gaps.
Use of column graphs A column graph is used to show relationships between groups. Column graphs are an excellent way to show results that are one time, that aren't continuous - especially samplings such as surveys.
Origin of the words graph and data
How to construct a column graph. 1-Draw two axes: one vertical and one horizontal. Make sure you leave room at the edge of the page for your labels. 2- Always place numbers on the vertical axis. Non-numerical groups are on the horizontal axis 3- Label each axis 3- Columns should be of the same width and should not touch at all. 4- Leave half of the column width at the start. 5 - The scale should go up evenly and cover the largest and smallest values. 6- Include scientific units where appropriate. 7- Include a title to explain what the graph is about. Your title should start with: Graph of……..
Things you should follow when drawing a column graph use grid paper Draw in the two axes with a ruler use a pencil Column graphs have a series of vertical blocks. Columns should be of the same width and should not touch at all. Non-numerical groups are on the horizontal axis. Always place numbers (numerical groups)on the vertical axis. Leave half of the column width at the start
The Vertical axis going up shows frequency (Numbers ) A gap at the start which is half of the column width (0.5 cm or 5mm) The horizontal axis (going across) shows the items The spacing between the columns is kept the same All columns should have the same width Title Columns Graph of parents’ region of birth Number of students Region of parents’ birth 1 cm Legend Numbers are placed on the vertical axis
A census was carried out by 7A who has a total of 21 students to find out important information. This information include the following: Region of parents’ birth Region of students’ birth Month of birth Number of siblings A census was carried out by 7A who has a total of 21 students to find out important information. This information include the following: Region of parents’ birth Region of students’ birth Month of birth Number of siblings
This table shows parents’ region of birth of 7A Parents’ region of birth Australia Pacific Islands Asia Middle Eastother Number of students Draw a suitable graph for your data.
Step 1: Draw the axes Step 2: Always place numbers on the vertical axis. Non-numerical group on the horizontal axis. Number of parents Step 3: Label the axis Step 4: Setting up the scales. Count how may squares represent 1 on vertical axis. On the horizontal axis, Leave 0.5 gap for the start (1 square) (half of the column width) Step 5: Putting up the values and drawing the columns Add a title 0 Graph of parents’ region of birth Title Region of parents’ birth 1 cm Australia Pacific Islands Asia Middle East Other columns should be of the same width (1cm)..
Students to get a grid paper and draw one at the same time.
Graph of parents’ region of birth Region of parents’ birth Number of parents
Graph of parents’ region of birth Number of parents Region of parents’ birth
Number of students 0 Region of students’ birth Title Region of students’ birth 1 cm Australia Pacific Islands Other Middle East Asia
Number of students 0 Month of birth Title 1 st quarter 2 nd quarter 3 rd quarter 4 th quarter 1 st quarter = J,F,M 2 nd quarter = A,M,J 3 rd quarter = J,A,S 4 th quarter = O,N,D 1 st quarter = J,F,M 2 nd quarter = A,M,J 3 rd quarter = J,A,S 4 th quarter = O,N,D Month of birth
Number of students 0 Month of birth Title Seasons Summer Autumn Winter Spring Summer: D,J,F Autumn: M,A,M Winter: J,J,A Spring: S,O,N Summer: D,J,F Autumn: M,A,M Winter: J,J,A Spring: S,O,N 4 4 8
Number of students 0 Title 0 sibling 1 sibling 2 siblings 3 siblings 5 4 Number of siblings Number of Siblings 4 siblings 5 siblings 6 siblings
Station 2 Statio n 3 Station 4 Statio n 1
Evaluation and Feedback from each student
Student feedback and evaluation Class: Date: Lesson:
By Zani Alam