The Swedish school system Volontary pre school at six years old (about 97% join it) Compulsory primary school from 7 to 16 years old (Year 1-9) Volontary ”gymnasium” – like highschool, from 16-19 years old, which is needed for studies at universities. Creation time centers for children 6-10 years integrated with school: - The creation time teachers work in school during the school day and they can be music teachers, sport teachers or art teachers. The creation time centers´ activities are supposed to support the school`s work.
The Swedish curriculum: Lgr11 Läroplan för grundskolan, 2011 = Curriculum for the compulsory school, preschool class and the recreation centre 2011Lgr11 – since 2011 the new Bible for all the Swedish teachers (for pre school, primary school and the recreation center). Every teacher is supposed to follow each part of the curriculum. The goal is high quality and equal education for every pupil everywhere. The grading system is new (again…) from F (not acceptable), E (accaptable) to A, the very best. More difficult to get an A. Network in each town for each subjects (meetings once a month) is desirable – in Linköping it works!
Different kind of teachers: Pre school teachers, children 1-6 years old; the sixth years old children are in school: pre school class. Teachers for grade 1-7 Teachers for grade 4-9 Special sports teacher, woodwork teacher, sewing teacher, art teachers, music teachers, and teachers for pupils with special needs. Creation time teachers who work in the creation center after school but also work in school as a sports teacher, art teacher or music teacher for class 1-3 (some for class 1-6) Teachers for class 4-6 are specialised in two or three subjects like maths, Swedish or English, and they teach more classes than their own. Teachers for highschool and they teach in two or three different subjects.
The overall curriculum contains three parts: 1 The overall curriculum contains three parts: 1. Fundamental values and tasks of the school 2. Overall goals and guidelines for education 3. Syllabuses which are supplemented by knowledge requirements, for example: “The inviolability of human life, individual freedom and integrity, the equal value of all people, equality between women and men, and solidarity with the weak and vulnerable are the values that the school should represent and impart … this is achieved by fostering in the individual a sense of justice, generosity of spirit, tolerance and responsibility. Teaching in the school should be non-denominational.” “The internationalisation of Swedish society and increasing cross- border mobility place high demands on the ability of people to live with and appreciate the values inherent in cultural diversity.”
”The Education Act stipulates that the education provided in each school form and in the recreation centre should be equivalent, regardless of where in the country it is provided.” “The school should actively and consciously further equal rights and opportunities for women and men. The way in which girls and boys are treated and assessed in school, and the demands and expectations that are placed on them, contributes to their perception of gender differences. The school has a responsibility to counteract traditional gender patterns. It should thus provide scope for pupils to explore and develop their ability and their interests independently of gender affiliation.”
Important perspectives: An environmental perspective. A historical perspective. An international perspective. An ethical perspective.
3-5 abilities in each subject that shall be developed from year one to year nine. Alignement! (Swedish: ”The red line”) Music, 3 abilities: To play and sing in different forms and genres. To create music and interprete, express and communicate your own musical thoughts and ideas. To analyse and talk about the music’s expression in different social, cultural and historical contexts.
Core content: 1. To sing, play and create music: - Singing and playing melodies and chords in different ensembles in different genres. Playing be ear after musical patterns, for example the order of chords, periods and modells of chords. Imitation, improvisation with the voice, instruments, rythms and tunes. Creating music from your knowledge about musical patterns and forms, for example which chords that can be played togehter, and base lines.
2. The tools of music - To take care of your voice and your ear when you sing, play and listen to music. It mustn’t be too loud and sometimes you need do use hearing protections. - The voice as an instrument for different expressions such as singing ”jojking”, and rap. Chords and melody instruments, base and drums for melody and rythmic playing of for chord playing. Music theory as a tool for playing and singing. Digital tools for making music.
3. The content and function of music: The way music and different sounds can effect people in different contexts and ritual contexts. Words and concepts thar are necessary to read, write and talk about music. Music co-workning with art, texts and dances. Different group of instruments. Art music, folk music, pop music from different cultures and their special musical traits.
Grades from E to A, F is not acceptable. How the pupil sing and play (melody and chords) How the pupil can create music (voice, instrument and digital tools). How the pupil can talk about music and its own and other puils´ music creating. (How the pupil can talk about its experience of music and the way the pupil create music, how music can effect people and so on) How well the pupil know music from different genres and cultures, and your knowledge about group of instruments.