Successful Implementation of Resource Management
Topics: ● General Overview of Resource Management ● Organizational Challenges ● Clarity Challenges ● Rego Configurations ● Experiences and Roundtable ○ Danette Purkis from Chubb Group Insurance ○ Johnathan Lang from Oshkosh Corporation ○ Erika Fermaints from HSBC Bank
Rego University Environment RM/clarity123 3
Definitions Allocation: The hours, or % of time, a resource is designated to perform work on a specific project. Availability: The number of hours a resource is available to work on any given day. By default, resources in Clarity are available 8 hours per day. Assignments: The amount of work designated for a resource on a specific task. ETC: Estimate to Complete. The number of hours it will take the resource to complete their work on the task. As actual time is tracked against the assignment, the ETC will decrement. (Future) Actuals: Actual work (in hours) the resource has booked on a specific task via timesheets.
Roles & Responsibilities Resource Manager/Booking Manager (RM/BM) Complete Timesheet Approvals Maintain Resource Roles Maintain Resource Hard Allocations Monitor Resource Availability (Vacation Calendar) Monitor Resource Utilization Monitor Project Performance data Work with Project Manager to review and update/resolve resource allocations as needed Communicate resource risks and issues to PMs & IT Leadership Project Manager (PM) Ensure Resource Allocations are sufficient to meet Project Demand Communicate resource issues to the Resource Manager & IT Leadership Team Member (TM) Enter timesheets in a timely manner Note that these Roles & Responsibilities are specific to Resource Management. Individuals may have other responsibilities related to Project Management, or management of other Clarity Investments.
Flow of Demand Project Manager requests role in Clarity on Project Team RM/BM Uses Resource Finder to determine resource based on availability and skill match RM/BM Hard Allocates (Commits) Resource in Clarity using the Booking Status Portlet RM/BM Monitors overall utilization of resources, looking for constraints in capacity Resource Manager or Booking Manager receives role in Unfilled Requirements
Organizational Challenges
● Process Alignment ● Role Consolidation ● Resource Management Impacts ● User Adoption
Process Alignment Review how Resource Management will impact primary functions within the organization. Ensure that cross process dependencies are accounted for and that end users understand the larger integration of Resource Management. ● Annual Planning ○ Forecasted utilization at role level ○ Internal / external resource forecast ● Project Lifecycle ○ Points at which resource commitments are made ○ Scheduling approach (e.g. Waterfall, Agile) ● Prioritization of Work ○ Establish base work that must occur (e.g. KTLO, Compliance) ○ Investment level prioritization that is standardized
Role Consolidation In many organizations, Roles have evolved into descriptive categorizations for resources. This becomes problematic when measuring capacity within Clarity. In addition, it can be confusing to Project Managers requesting a named resource be assigned to their project. ● Can be a time consuming process to attain a role list that has organizational approval ● Utilization of OBS and/or custom attributes may be necessary to further clarify demand Business Analyst - India Business Analyst Sr. Business Analyst Business Analyst – Billing Sys. Business Analyst – IT Information Systems
Resource Management Impacts Similar to process, it is important to account for type of work that is performed by areas of the organization. There will be a differences in the number of allocations that need to be managed. When reviewing the approach for the teams, also consider the amount of projects that will display on timesheets TeamImpact PMOEach resource typically engaged on 1-4 projects at a time Application Support Resources handle multiple applications and the varying projects to support the application (KTLO vs. enhancement requests). DBAUsually spread across multiple projects with smaller commitments. DBAs are also typically on support projects. DeveloperMay have pooled resources and a development lead engaged on each project.
User Adoption Always consider the impact to the end users and how they will respond to the decisions that are made. Most resources are already stretched thin, Resource Management should be viewed as a solution for them. Not a burden. Establish expectations – Weekly / Bi-Weekly meeting to review organizational capacity – Set targets for demand fulfillment and allocations Use metrics within Clarity to measure adoption – Forecasted and Actual Utilization – Population of base data Provide on-going training and mentoring – Ask the expert sessions – Team based SME
Compliance Measurement
Utilization of Adoption Metrics
Clarity Challenges
● Demand Classification ● Resource and Team Data ● Resource Finder Search ● Multiple Calendar
Demand Classification By default, Clarity provides Role as the main defining characteristic for named resources and unfilled demand. The role is then used in conjunction with Skills and OBS to provide the next level of detail. IssueApproach Clarity Skills are difficult to use: No functional updates to skills in multiple releases Does not allow for role based filtering Capacity not aligned to skills Utilizing the OBS to route demand: Resource OBS typically represents organization, not functional teams Frequently an additional OBS is needed to support the Staff OBS function We encourage the use of skills, despite the shortcomings. Rego also introduces the use of a Primary Skill approach. This is discussed in a moment. Utilization of multiple OBS is not necessarily a bad approach. However, we need to be aware of ongoing maintenance.
Resource and Team Data Attributes entered on the resource record are not available in views that display allocations. This presents a challenge as capacity and resource utilization does not match data that resides at the resource level. IssueApproach Primary Role is the only attribute carried forward from the resource record to the Team Changes to the Primary Role need to be manually updated at the project level Custom attributes added to better define resources must also be added to the team in order for allocation to be associated Create and execute “balancing jobs” that tie the Resource Record information to the Project Team. Ensure that the balancing job accounts for the Assignment Roles also. Financial processing (timesheets) use the Assignment Role to associate the hours to a rate. The “balancing jobs” also allow for the custom values to be brought into the RM processes and measurements.
Primary Skill Overview ● Primary Skill is used to designate the area of specialization for the resource: ○ “What is the resource known for at within the organization?” ● When the Primary Skill is populated on the Resource Record: ○ Used for Capacity Planning in conjunction with Role ○ Added to the resource skill page ○ Used for matching against unfilled demand ○ Transferred to all of the resources active Project Allocations The use of Primary Skill allows for a decrease in the number of Roles in the organization, while allowing for greater detail regarding the available knowledge base.
Resource Record Balancing Job ● Resource Record Update ● Team Update ● Balancing Processes ○ Resource Record Skill update ○ Resource Record to Team and Assignment ○ Team Record update for Finder Search ● Ensure a common setup of resource flow between Resource Planning and Team
Resource Finder Search When executing a resource finder search, default population of the search is preset and cannot be altered. This presents an issue for organizations that want to customize their search parameters. IssueApproach Finder Functions: Project Allocation, Project Role, Skills, Staff OBS are defaulted Manual addition of fields can be added from the team object attributes, but, must also reside on the resource record Users do not like that their custom values need to be populated manually In order for additional values to be added to the finder search, Rego typically will add the designated Primary Skill on the unfilled role to the skills skill listing. When the resource finder is launched, the skill is pulled into the search. Resource Finder then searches for the overall skills on the resource record.
Multiple Calendars Many organizations, especially global, use multiple calendars. The association of the various calendars to roles and resources creates issues with data consistency. This issue are more persistent in international deployments of Clarity. IssueApproach Roles are associated to a single calendar: Best practice is to use a single set of roles Issues occurs when role is planned against one calendar and a named resource is staffed to the project from another calendar, often leaving demand on the role Standard calendar used for all measurement unit conversions: Impacts FTE / Day conversion when there are multiple calendars determining availability Rather than increase the number of Roles to match the hours, triggers (where applicable) have been used reference Calendar roles and replace the project role. In summary, it is a simple swap that aligns to the planning function for the project. Requires customized reporting. This is a core feature that can only be addressed by CA.
Approach Recommendations
General Approach Availability 1 Allocations 2 Utilization 3 What projects resources are allocated to? What % of time they are supporting the projects? How many resources? What do they know? When can they work? What is the actual amount of time spent? Forecasted amount of work effort remaining at a project level? Key Outputs to be Expected Establish Projects Complete Resource records Primary Role Calendar Primary Focus (Skill) as Required Primary Specialty as Required Allocate resources to projects Confirm allocations Approve allocations Allocate roles to projects to highlight unfilled demand Replace roles with specific resources Track actual hours Develop detailed task level WBS Create task dependencies Create resource task assignments Define estimate to complete (ETCs) for each task assignment Schedule WBS to evaluate and optimize dependencies/assignments Re-schedule to ensure accurate forecasting of uncompleted work
Recommendations ● Start with Process Alignment ○ Demo the standard RM functionality to provide context ○ Understand how Clarity RM will support existing processes and what adjustments will need to be made ○ If a project prioritization process is not in place, try to achieve some level of formality so that resource requests can be triaged ● Review current role usage ○ Ensure roles are aligned to project work, not titles ○ Eliminate confusing naming conventions on roles ○ Work with the organization to establish a concise list of roles ● Implement a Resource Record to Team Record Update ○ Primary Role to Project Role ○ Custom Attributes updates ● Leverage Clarity Skill functions thru custom attributes ○ Create Primary Skill and/or Primary Application fields ○ Utilize population of the resource record to drive initial skill ○ Use Primary Skill and Application for demand routing and capacity management
Client Deployments
Topics ● Chubb ● Oshkosh ● HSBC
HSBC background ● Clarity/Niku customer since 2005 ● Rego Consultant services provided since 2010 ● One partition; 3 Main Department Functions ○ Dept 1 – 3,000 + billable resources; fully deployed ○ Dept 2 – 20,000 + billable Resources; Phase I and II only ○ Dept 3 –300 resources (note: Department will onboard in ) ● 37,200 active resources ○ 31,000+ OTE ○ 27,500+ Billable ● 39,500 + active projects ○ 27,000+ Billable INTERNAL
Overview Resource/Project Details ● Gaining value from Clarity depends on effective use of the tool and increasing end- user adoption. Project and Resource management metrics are required to baseline and track adoption as part of monitoring and improving the value of the data on Clarity ● Clarity Maturity Model (CMM) was implemented in 2008 in response to an audit requirement to track Clarity usage and data ● Clarity SWAT are looking to materially improved the existing CMM model to eliminate “box ticking” and implement metrics that will drive sound resource and project management behavior