> 1 The AUT1 Class Faculty of Health Alan Neil Grace
> 2 Welcome! The AUT1 class will include: What is covered in the computer literacy classes in AB220? How can I access Alan’s web pages from home? When is the computer pod in AF318 open and how do I book a computer? What are the costs in AF318? What are my login codes and passwords? How do I get access to the lnternet? How do I get an account? What computer resources can I access? What free (or almost free) programs are available? What is the ICDL?
> 3 Resources The following information may be useful: Answers to questions about computer literacy classes within the Faculty of Health Answers to questions about computer literacy classes within the Faculty of Health Flyer for the Computer Literacy Classes Flyer for the Computer Literacy Classes Overview of Classes Overview of Classes Timetable of classes for first four weeks of Semester 2, 2003 Timetable of classes for first four weeks of Semester 2, 2003 The above can be accessed from the Course Menu on Alan’s Home page.Alan’s Home page
> 4 What is covered in the computer literacy classes in AB220? For a list of class codes and a description of each class, look at column three in the computer literacy flyer!computer literacy flyer or Click here to see a diagram for the classes.Click here to see a diagram
> 5 How can I access Alan’s web pages from home? To access Alan’s notes from home, you will need Internet access and Internet Explorer (preferred), Netscape, or some other browser. Start up your preferred browser, login to the Internet, then in the white Address Bar at the top of the screen, type in home.aut.ac.nz/staff/agrace/ Press the Enter key and Alan’s web pages will appear. home.aut.ac.nz/staff/agrace/
> 6 When is the computer pod in AF318 open and how do I book a computer? From the start of the semester, AF318 will be open Monday-Friday from 7.00am to 10.00pm Saturday and Sunday from 9.00am to 5.00pm To book a computer you can phone the student helpdesk (x9953) Or go to AF318 and book there, Or book online at To book online you will need to have registered yourself for the Internet (your login code and Internet Password are required for booking).
> 7 What are the costs in AF318? You will not pay for using a computer in AF318 (but you may be asked to limit your use because the faculty pays $2.30 for each hour a student uses a computer in AF318). You will pay 10 cents per page for printout (you will need to credit your account before you can print, at AUSM or the copy centre or maybe the library). You have been allocated $1 for Internet costs. Once this is used up, you will need to top up your account (as above).
> 8 What are my login codes and passwords? If you have been at AUT before this semester, your login code will not change. If you are new to AUT, your login code will be 3 random letters, followed by 4 digits (e.g. XYZ1234). Look on your letter confirming your acceptance at AUT. or on your ID card for further information. You password will depend on what you want to do: –log in to the computer –Access the Internet –Use Blackboard –Access your academic results –Use the ICDL
> 9 How do I get access to the lnternet? To get a password for the Internet, you will need to register yourself for the Internet (once only) The registration process can be done from the AUT Internet Login page.registration process
> 10 How do I get an account? You can request an address at the same time you register for the Internet or whenever you login to the Internet.
> 11 What computer resources can I access? This will be covered in the AUT1 class.
> 12 What free (or almost free) programs are available? You can get some free (or almost free) programs from here.here
> 13 What is the ICDL? Click here for information on the International Computer Driving Licence (ICDL). International Computer Driving Licence (ICDL) The ICDL is free for students at AUT. However if you want to sit the exam, you will need to pay a fee.
> 14 Students in the Faculty of Health: See you in AB220 for some more classes!
> 15 This is the End! This presentation will play again until you press the ESC key on the top right of the keyboard! Good luck with your computing!