Attention Deficit Disorder By Jake K
Attention deficit disorder also referred to as ADD, is a biological brain based condition that is characterized by poor attention,distractibility, and/or hyperactivity and impulsive behaviors. It is one of the most common mental disorders. It develops in children and some adults. Symptoms may continue into adolescence and adulthood. If left untreated, ADD can lead to poor school/work performance, poor social relationships and a general feeling of low self esteem.
The most prevalent symptoms of ADD are inattention and distractibility, and/or in some cases hyperactive and impulsive behaviors. Difficulties with concentration, mental focus, and the inhibition of impulses and behaviors are chronic, pervasive and impair an individual’s daily functioning ability across various settings i.e.; home, school or work, and in relationships, etc.
Individuals with ADD may be inattentive, have difficulty staying focused, and attending to every day tasks. People with ADD are easily distracted by irrelevant sights and sounds. They shift from one activity to another, and seem to get bored very easily. Its like they start one thing get bored of it, start another thing and get bored of that etc. They may appear forgetful and even spacey or confused as if “in a fog.” My favorite example is you have 50 televisions in front of you and each one is playing something different only you don’t have the remote. The different images on the televisions is like everything going on in your brain at once and the not having the remote means you cant focus on just one thing. Organizing and completing tasks is often extremely difficult, as is sorting out what information is relevant versus irrelevant. An individual with inattentive symptoms may have great difficulty keeping up with items, frequently losing things and living life in a disorganized way. Time management is also often an issue. Inattentive behaviors are sometimes overlooked because they are often harder to identify and less disruptive than hyperactive and impulsive symptoms. An individual with the predominately inattentive type of ADD may even appear sluggish, lethargic and slow to respond and process information.
It is estimated that 3-5 percent of preschool and school age children have ADD or approximately two million children in the United States. This means in a class of students, it is likely that at least one student will have this common condition. It begins in childhood, but it often lasts into adulthood. Studies estimate that percent of children with ADD will continue to have symptoms into adolescence and adulthood.
Use behavior management and modification. Behavior management refers to a reward and correction system that helps teach your children which behaviors are appropriate and which are not. Explore family therapy and social training. Social training helps children to better relate to their peers, and family therapy helps to make the process of treating and dealing with ADD easier by allowing everyone to communicate effectively.
Stimulant VS. Non-Stimulant Stimulant based medication like Adderall, Dexedrine and Ritalin are all commonly prescribed to help fight the worst symptoms of ADD. Non-stimulant drugs have been approved for the treatment of ADD and have shown great promise in combating symptoms without displaying the same severity of side effects one expects from a stimulant. Strattera is one non stimulant medication.
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