Promote Geothermal District Heating Systems in Europe GEODH Contract nº: IEE/11/813/ SI GEODH Project duration: 01/04/2012 – 30/11/2014 Version:30/11/2014
Project Summary Stimulate geothermal district heating projects… In 14 EU Member States… By: Increasing awareness on the potential applications and benefits Simplifying regulations and improving national and local framework Attracting more financing Transferring best practices Training energy officers on geothermal DH technologies.
Background Regulatory issues exist on licensing procedures and ownership of the geothermal resources. They are creating delays in the procedures. In order to simplify these procedures, geoDH project proposes to remove regulatory barriers and to improve national and local regulations towards facilitating geothermal development by proposing a set of recommendations to be applied at local level. Geothermal DH projects are capital intensive and therefore innovative financial solutions must be proposed. The project will present business models on geothermal DH and a guide on management in order to bring more investments to the sector. The awareness of regional and local decision-makers on deep geothermal potential and its advantages must be increased. Another objective is to transfer geothermal technology and best practices by training national and local authorities so that they can manage geothermal systems. GeoDH will organize several training courses in targeted regions.
Objectives and main steps 1) Objectives of the GEODH Project: Create awareness of geothermal DH among policy makers, the general public and potential investors Improve knowledge on the benefits of geothermal DH among financial actors Remove regulatory barriers Increase knowledge of geothermal technologies 2) Main steps: PHASE I Prospective for Geothermal DH Potential Study Resource Assessment PHASE 2 Socio-Economical Conditions Financing geothermal DH projects Regulatory conditions PHASE 3 Dissemination Promotion of geothermal DH Best practices Training courses
Expected results GEODH will increase the share of geothermal in DH in Europe For decarbonizing the heating sector…
Partners & Contact Enquiries Contact Co-ordinator EGEC, Rue d’arlon, Brussels 1040, Belgium /27, Project Website: Partners: European Geothermal Energy Council (EGEC) – Belgium Magyar Állami Földtani Intézet - Hungary Agency for geothermal power engineering - Slovakia Union of Bulgarian black sea local authorities - Bulgaria Slovensko društvo za daljinsko energetiko - Slovenia Consorzio per lo Sviluppo delle Aree Geotermiche - Italy Association Française des professionnels de la géothermie – France Polish Academy of Sciences - Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute - Poland Fjernvarmens Udviklingscenter - Denmark Gemeente Heerlen - Netherlands