Content 1.IICD: What we do 2.Using ICT to change behaviour: Sahel Solidarite 3.Unexpected behaviour change: ‘ICT Champions’
Purpose of 5th Symposium IICD – – has trained 6 million people (teachers, students, farmers, extension workers, health workers, government officials) in 12 countries to use and apply ICT in their daily
Using ICT to change behaviour: Sahel Solidarité, Bokin, Burkina Faso Sahel Solidarite
Limited information in village about: How to access sanitation and hygiene information; How to lobby local government for better water quality; Existing networks that promote sanitation and hygiene; Good hygiene practices. Bokin, Burkina Faso: 50,000 residents in 40 villages. 49% of population under 15. Mainly women and children. No electricity. No mobile network. No radio. No roads.
IICD trained Sahel Solidarite staff (website, computer repairs) who trained teachers – students - field workers – farmers – civil servants - volunteer hygienists (40) (photos, powerpoint, shooting/editing videos)
Behavioural Change Before Old-fashioned card system with drawings used in villages Small groups trained High costs at Sahel Solidarite office through document production/travel Schoolchildren/parents uninformed about hygiene Lack of awareness in villages about dangers of poor hygiene After Villagers prefer the videos and photos (more villagers are reached) The whole village sees a film High quality reports & less travel School health journal produced about sanitation/hygiene Latrines cleaned regularly/more hand-washing with soap
Unexpected Behaviour Change ICT Champions!
Purpose of 5th Symposium Thank you for your attention. Caroline Figueres, Managing Director IICD Theresa Stanton, Sector Developer ICT for Water and Climate Change/Country Programme Manager for Zambia IICD – /