Latitude and Longitude
Latitude is imaginary lines on the earth's surface running east and west and tell you your distance north or south of the Equator. Latitude is like the a ladder. Latitude lines run east and west, but they tell how far up (north) you can go or how far down (south) you can go. Latitude
Longitude Longitude lines are imaginary lines on the earth's surface that run from pole to pole around the globe and tell you your distance east or west from the Prime Meridian. When you think of longitude, think of long, tall telephone poles (because longitude lines run from pole to pole). Longitude lines run north and south, but they tell how far east you can go or how far west you can go.
There are 360 degrees in a circle There are 360 degrees in a circle. Since the earth is basically circular, it was decided to measure latitude and longitude in degrees also.
Equator The first latitude line was the Equator (equally distant between the north and south poles). It is the largest of all latitude lines. All other latitude lines are measured in degrees north or south of the Equator. There are a maximum of 90 degrees of latitude to the north or the south of the Equator.
Prime Meridian The first longitude line was the Prime Meridian. Any meridian could have been chosen as the Prime Meridian because they are all exactly the same. There are a maximum of 180 degrees on longitude to the east or the west of the Prime Meridian
Using Latitude To find a latitude line such as 60 degrees north latitude, you must do three things: 1. Go to your starting line (the Equator). 2. Determine which direction you must go (north or south). 3. Determine the distance in degrees you must go (60).
Using Longitude To find a longitude line such as 40 degrees east longitude, you must do three things: 1. Go to your starting line (the Prime Meridian). 2. Determine which direction you must go (east or west). 3. Determine the distance in degrees you must go (40).
Quiz: List what continent or ocean is found at the coordinates below. 20°S latitude & 140°E longitude 40°S latitude & 120°W longitude 0° latitude & 0° longitude 80°S latitude & 0° longitude 0° latitude & 20° E longitude 80°N latitude & 140°E longitude 30°S latitude & 60° W longitude 41°N. latitude & 90°W longitude 10°S latitude & 70°E longitude 30°S latitude & 130°E longitude
Answers Australia Pacific Ocean Atlantic Ocean Antarctica Africa Artic Ocean South America North America Indian Ocean