les verbes réfléchis Reflexive Verbs
actions that you do to yourself getting up, getting dressed they are always accompanied by a reflexive pronoun, which “reflects” the action of the verb back to the subject Example: Je me lève. (I am getting up.) The subject (je) is the one getting up.
Reflexive Pronouns me nous te vous se se reflexive pronouns go before the verb se lever = to get up je me lève nous nous levons tu te lèves vous vous levez il/elle se lève ils/elles se lèvent
s’habiller= to get dressed me, te, and se will become m’, t’, and s’, before a vowel s’habiller= to get dressed je m’habille nous nous habillons tu t’habilles vous vous habillez il/elle s’habille ils/elles s’habillent
sentences containing reflexive verbs are always set up the same way: subject + reflexive + reflexive + rest of pronoun verb sentence Example: Tu te laves la figure. You are washing your face. Jean se promène en ville. Jean is taking a walk downtown.
When the sentence is negative, the negative phrase will go around both the reflexive pronoun and the verb Example: Tu ne te laves pas la figure. You do not wash your face.