WHO IS ABRAHAM MASLOW?? Born 1908 and died 1970 Part of a group of psychologists called humanists Studied healthy personality development rather than mental illness
HOW THEORIES WORK IN PRACTICE Physiological needs must be met in order for any other aspect of the child's life to be achieved; these needs include access to adequate (sufficient and age- appropriate) nutrition, water, rest, physical play and activity Safety needs come next in Maslow's hierarchy of needs and includes hygiene, security, protections and shelter (help of parents) Washing hands after bathroom & before eating
HOW THEORIES WORK IN PRACTICE The needs for love and belonging are met through the establishment of attachments to a stable group of caretakers. For the first few years this need is usually met through close family members such as parents, siblings, grandparents, aunts and uncles. The younger child will be responsive to handling whereas the older child requires conversation and other forms of attention. By the time the child is three or four years of age he will begin to form relationships with others outside the family such as friendships with peers. Being part of a nursery, pre-school or children's club the child is able to feel a sense of belonging to a group outside of the family unit.
MASLOW’S THEORY Self-actualization theory Theory applies primarily to social and personality development and the motivation to learn. Identifies a hierarchy of needs that motivate people’s behavior and goals that are necessary for healthy personality development.
THEORY CONTINUED … The needs in the hierarchy start at the bottom with basic needs and move up to the top with growth needs. The bottom needs are the ones needed in order to live and a human cannot move up this hierarchy until these essential bottom needs are met. Theory is useful as a framework for understanding how people are motivated.
IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE It is important to meet children's basic physical needs as well as their need for psychological safety and emotional security. Build a relationship with the students Create an environment where the children feel safe and have a sense of belonging. Sometimes outside issues plays a role in the classroom and children cannot focus their attention on anything else.