Fertilizer What is a fertilizer?
Fertilizer Objectives: Students will be able to... ▸ Explain what a fertilizer is. ▸ Identify different types of fertilizer. ▸ List examples of fertilizer carriers. ▸ Determine proper situations for fertilizer applications. ▸ Define rule of thumb for fertilizer application. ▸ Differentiate between different fertilizers. ▸ Describe a mixed fertilizer.
Fertilizer Definition ▸ Any material applied to a soil or plant to supply essential elements
Fertilizer What are some different types of fertilizer? ▸ Mineral ▸ Organic ▸ Inorganic
Fertilizer Description of a Mineral ▸ Simply ground rocks containing nutrients ▸ Example: Dolomitic lime provides calcium and magnesium ▸ Usefulness is limited as they dissolve very slowly
Fertilizers Description of organic –Crop Rotation –Animal Manures –Sewage Sludge –Septage ▸ Compost –Municipal, food processing and industrial organic residues; usually dumped in landfills and ocean; much potential for composting
Fertilizers Description of organic –Crop Rotation –Animal Manures –Sewage Sludge –Septage –Compost ▸ Peat –Partly decayed vegetable matter
Fertilizers Description of Inorganic ▸ Chemical fertilizers ▸ Made by industry ▸ Some are mined, others completely manufactured ▸ High nutrient content, therefore less expensive
Fertilizer Materials ▸ Few fertilizers are in pure form ▸ Rather fertilizers are made up of nutrient carriers
Fertilizer Nitrogen Carriers ▸ Anhydrous Ammonia- 82% ▸ Urea- 45% ▸ Nitrate Solution- 28%
Fertilizers Nitrogen Carriers- Other Examples ▸ Ammonium Sulfate ▸ Nitrate of Soda ▸ Ammonium Phosphorus ▸ Calcium Cynamid
Fertilizers It depends on the following: ▸ What crop ▸ Soil Conditions ▸ Planting date ▸ Crop Rotation
Fertilizers Rule of thumb Usually somewhere between pounds per acre. Bushels per acre = 1.2 pounds per bushel
Fertilizers When is Nitrogen applied? ▸ It depends: Fall or Spring –Fall: more leaching but less expensive. More likely to be able to get into the field –Spring: more expensive, side-dressing, less leaching
Fertilizers Common Phosphorus Fertilizers ▸ Di-Ammonium Phosphate – ▸ Superphosphate (16-20%) ▸ MonoAmmonium Phosphate – ▸ Bone Meal - made from grinding bones ▸ Manure
Fertilizer Potassium Carriers ▸ Muriate of potash-60% potash, accounts for 97% of all potassium fertilizers ▸ Costs less and dissolves easily in water ▸ Nitrate of potash -44% potash and 13% Nitrogen, common for container plants
Fertilizers Mixed fertilizers ▸ Fertilizers containing more than one element
Mixed fertlizers How does a producer determine what mix to use? ▸ Analysis ▸ Grade
Fertilizer Analysis
Fertilizer Analysis-Definition Lists the elements in the bag and their percent content
Fertilizers Analysis ▸ N-P-K ▸ Not in pure form ▸ Examples –Phosphoric acid P 2 O 5 –Soluble potash K 2 O
Fertilizers Grade
Fertilizer Grade-Definition ▸ Indicates the primary nutrients in the bag ▸ Lists the contents in the order of the percentages of the primary nutrients
Fertilizers What’s on the bag?
Fertilizers What’s on the bag? ▸ Contents ▸ Ratios ▸ Grade ▸ Analysis ▸ Method of application
Fertilizer Single-grade Contains only one element
Fertilizer Mixed Contains 2 or 3 elements
Fertilizer Complete ▸ Contains all 3 primary nutrients
The End