Agricultural Market Information System
What Has Been Done Before o Introduction of a new statistical methodology at the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Consumer Protection (USAID’s SARA Project, 1995 – 2000) o Establishment of a price collection mechanism at wholesale markets (GTZ / USAID’s ACIT; 2003 – 2006) o Creation of an online outlet with market information, wholesale prices, export and import figures ( (GTZ & ACIT; until 2006; currently inactive)
Objectives: o Provide timely, reliable and accurate market information o Enable access to a variety of information sources o Build capacities of farmers, traders and processors to use market information effectively
Scope of Commodities o High value fruit and vegetables (initially) o All fruit and vegetables (eventually) o Livestock & dairy products (possibly) Target Users o Farmers & producer groups o Traders (domestic, exporters, importers) o Processors & input suppliers
MIS Components 2. Processing/ Analysis 1. Collection 3. Dissemination 4. Capacity Building & Training (for MIS staff & end-users)
MIS Implementing Partners Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Consumer Protection GreenMarket Albania USAID’s AAC Program Role: Collection of Price, Volume, Surface and Yield data Role: Processing, Analysis, Primary & Secondary Research Role: Online & TV dissemination Role: Online & TV dissemination
Collection 1. Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Consumer Protection (MoAFCP) 1a. Statistical Department (Information Specialists; 4) 1b. Regional Agricultural Directorates (all districts; 2-3 staff per Directorate) 1c. Information Centers at commune level (15-20) 2. Wholesale Markets (5-8) 3. AAC Offices (3)
Processing & Analysis oTakes place at the AAC Processing Center (Main Database Server & MIS Team) oData flows in from the MoAFCP, wholesale markets and AAC offices oAdditional secondary data and desk research oInformation packages prepared for dissemination
Dissemination 1.SMS Platform 2.Online Portal 3.Print & Publications 4.TV & Teletext Daily info to farmers in more remote locations Daily info & market analysis to traders, exporters, importers, buyers & farmers Periodical info & market analysis to traders, exporters, buyers and farmers Daily & Periodical info to traders and farmers
Types of Market Information TypeLevelProduct Origin PriceFarmgate, Wholesale, Retail,Import, Domestic VolumeFarmgate, WholesaleImport, Domestic Market NewsFarmgate, Wholesale, Retail, Consumer Import, Domestic Analysis & Forecasts Farmgate, Wholesale, Retail, Consumer Import, Domestic Weather & ClimateFarmgateImport, Domestic SurveysWholesale, Retail, ConsumerDomestic
Expected Final Results o Informed Business Decisions o Empowerment in Negotiating o Increased Sales & Exports o Improved Profit Margins o Efficient Marketing Channels o Increased Income
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