© 2011 Chevron API 16A 3 rd Edition Summer Conference Committee Meeting 24-June-2013 API 16A Chairman: John Busby Co-Chair: Jim McCabe
© 2011 Chevron API 16A Status 3 rd Edition / June 2004 / Effective Date: December 1, 2004 Reaffirmed: August 2010 Present Status: Under Revision Ballot Target Date: By next Conference 2013
© 2011 Chevron New Elements for 4 th Edition Established minimum design standards for blow out preventers Updated temperature chart for blow out preventers (see next slide) Defined verbiage on “HAZ” zone –Issue: NACE states 2mm / 6A states 2mm, 16A states 2mm but drawing shows 1.5mm –Action: change drawing to reflect 2mm. Consistent with API 6A Subsea Riser gas handling systems, BOP or Diverter? Should be in RP-64 Establish PSL-levels for new manufactured Drill Through Equipment. Dropped, 16A functions based on a PSL-3 level due to the critical nature of this equipment. Decision was made to not adapt PSL levels.
© 2011 Chevron New Temperature Ratings Lower LimitOperating Temperature LimitExtreme Temperature Limit Code Temperature Code Temperature Code Temperature °F(°C)°F(°C)°F(°C) A-15-26A15066A18082 B0-18B18082B20093 C10-12C21099C D20-7D240116D E30E270132E F404F300149F GOther G G EXAMPLE Material “FDE” has a lower temperature rating of 40°F, a continuous elevated temperature rating of 240°F, and an extreme temperature limit of 300°F. Table 4 – Temperature ratings of non-metallic sealing materials
© 2011 Chevron New Elements for 4 th Edition Table 26, removed 25k and 30k ratings. Bernell of ring grooves after make up with gasket in place. –Discussed, Decided to adapt API 6A inspection criteria. Align with ST-53 on maximum operating pressure to be used in shearing
© 2011 Chevron New/Ongoing Discussion Topics Develop Minimum Design Criteria for BOPs to Seal and Hold Gas –Currently being discussed in API 17G –Low Pressure and High Pressure Gas testing for qualification purposes –Formed work group to explore testing protocal. Establish qualification for BOP to close on flow Establish normal operating system pressure based on well bore pressure. (i.e. what pressure should be required to close a ram when there is wellbore pressure trapped in the bore) Should API16A only cover “Drilling and Completion Applications”, or should it include Workover / Intervention, Snubbing, etc.
© 2011 Chevron New/Ongoing Discussion Topics Set maximum bolting hardness of 35Rc for subsea applications (ref: connector bolting issue) –API 6A, section –API 17A, section 6.4 –API 16F, section 6.2.1
© 2011 Chevron New/Ongoing Discussion Topics PSIA versus PSIG and PSID? –Work group formed to collaborate with API 17D & 6A on this issue. Fluid compatibility for elastomers –Already addressed in ST-53 Qualifying high temp elastomers for steam –Parked this issue for now Hub face separation on subsea drilling connectors –Look at 17G and gain alignment Product Marking – 5 year
© 2011 Chevron New/Ongoing Discussion Topics Shearing offset pipe. Verbiage is in the draft document. Better understanding of the minimum operating pressure required to maintain seal on rams in the presence of wellbore pressure. –Should this be included in the equipment data package? Review BOP design criteria for deepwater applications –Effects of negative pressure (hydrostatic from water depth) –Bending and tension loads on BOP’s and flanges
© 2011 Chevron Minimum BOP Design Criteria Test Ram BOP Annular BOP Hydraulic connectors Fixed bore a Variable boreBlind a Shear Sealing characteristicsReportable N/A Fatigue52 cycles minimum dia, 28 at Max. Dai 52 cycles Stripping 3000 ft and 100 tool joints ReportableN/A 3000 ft and 100 tool joints ShearN/A See Table 18 or PO N/A Hang-off 450k< 5inch 600K >5 inch ReportableN/A Packer access200 cycles with 10 pressure cycles50 cycles Ram locking device11 Successful Lock and sealN/A Locking mechanism N/A P2, S2 Sealing mechanism P1, S3 Temperature verification Low temp 3 cycles, HT Fatigue 200 closures 10 pressure cycles, HT Emergency 1 Hour hold time N/A
© 2011 Chevron Agenda Safety Moment Introductions Status Review New Elements for 4 th Edition Review New/Ongoing Discussion Topics
© 2011 Chevron Debrief Did we reach a predicable outcome? –Yes What went right? –Good communication, everyone engaged. –Involving the right people from diverse backgrounds IE: Welding Engineer What can we do to improve the meeting? More operator and contractors involved Action Items Lessons Learned –Hardness Qualification