Presentation by- Priyanka Zutshi Global Leader, India September 15, 2010 Back to School Creating a space for early childhood education in colleges in India
to create awareness on early childhood education among students in various colleges across India through a colloquium to enhance perspectives on early childhood education through talks and presentations in colleges to attempt to integrate a component on early childhood education in the curriculum of some colleges
There is no “buzz” around early childhood education in colleges/ universities Most students are not interested in pursuing options in early childhood education Most colleges in India have not integrated early childhood education in their course curriculum
Identifying colleges to participate in the colloquium (sending invitations, developing and putting up posters, hosting a webpage for the colloquium) Holding one-on-one meetings with head of departments of select colleges Following up with individual students interested in making submissions for the colloquium
Colleges that were approached Lady Irwin College, Delhi Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai Xavier Institute of Communications, Mumbai Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Communications Stella Maris College, Chennai Vidya Sagar Institute, Chennai Colleges that submitted entries for the colloquium Vidya Sagar Institute Stella Maris College Dhirubhai Institute of Communications
3 submissions that address the inclusion aspect (i.e. Diwali, A Giving Tree and Transportation) Two submissions which aim to enhance creativity and promote joyful and fun learning One submission on digital drawing techniques
Organize a colloquium for students to share their projects with each other Create a rewards and recognition program for these “ECE fellows” Fellows badge Certificate Opportunities for them to publish their works in magazines/ newspapers for children Organize visits to other cities in India (to understand the context of ECE in other regions)
Make presentations to undergraduate and post-graduate students in colleges in universities Develop “case studies” on early childhood education which could be used/ integrated in the curriculum followed by some departments
Generating participation from the “niche” colleges was not easy Adjusting your schedule to the academic calendar followed by colleges Coordinating across cities
Draw up a timeline but also be prepared to see shifts in your timeline Focus your communication to suit the needs of the target audience Present a clear value proposition Leverage your existing networks (reach out to other Global Leaders, alumni, faculty etc) Ensure constant and sustained follow up Maintain communication with the target audience (long periods of silence are detrimental) Create colorful and eye catching material to draw attention
Prioritize your objectives- work on those activities that you can action quickly Know your limitations- reach out to others Get a better understanding of your audience and context of operations
Thank you