Vertical Test Area RF qualification of C100 cavities for 12 GeV project Mircea Stirbet Open Collaboration Meeting on Superconducting Linacs for High Power.


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Presentation transcript:

Vertical Test Area RF qualification of C100 cavities for 12 GeV project Mircea Stirbet Open Collaboration Meeting on Superconducting Linacs for High Power Proton Beams (SLHiPP-1) 8/9 December 2011 CERN – Geneva Switzerland

CHL-2 New cryomodules get new rf zones CEBAF 12 GeV Upgrade New cryomodules: 10 Voltage per cryomodule:  108 MV avg. Cavities per cryomodule 8 Heat 2.07 K  300 W / CM  29 W / cavity, avg. Cavity: GHz 0.7 m “Low loss” cell shape Higher order mode damping: - Transverse (R/Q)Q k < 2.4 x Ω/m - Longitudinal (R/Q)Q < 6.5 x Ω /m Key Project Parameters

Principles Open Collaboration Meeting on Superconducting Linacs for High Power Proton Beams (SLHiPP-1) 8/9 December 2011 CERN – Geneva Switzerland - All cavities (R100 and C100) for 12 GeV project should be qualified in Vertical Test Area (VTA) before being string assemble. - VTA tests will be done on cavities with or without He vessels.

Open Collaboration Meeting on Superconducting Linacs for High Power Proton Beams (SLHiPP-1) 8/9 December 2011 CERN – Geneva Switzerland State-of-the-art production SRF cavity

Open Collaboration Meeting on Superconducting Linacs for High Power Proton Beams (SLHiPP-1) 8/9 December 2011 CERN – Geneva Switzerland Inventory Receipt Visual Inspection Dimensional Receipt Inspection via CMM RF Receipt Inspection Ultrasonic Clean 1 hour at 120F DI+Liquinox Heat Treatment 10 hours at 600C Ultrasonic Clean 1 hour at 120F DI+Liquinox Electropolish 30 microns at 20C Ultrasonic Clean 1 hour at 120F DI+Liquinox RF Tune Dimensional Check and Correction Helium Vessel Welding Measure RF Properties Lap Vacuum Seal Surfaces Final Dimensional CMM Ultrasonic Clean 1 hour 120F DI+Liquinox First HPR 2 hours, 2.4 gpm at 1250 psig First Assembly Class 10 Final HPR 2 hours, 2.4 gpm at 1250 psig Final Assembly Class 10 Test Stand and Leak Check Bake 24 hours at 120C RF Test 2K Dewar Qualified? Store in Clean Room for String Assembly 12 GeV C100 Cavity Process Flow

Open Collaboration Meeting on Superconducting Linacs for High Power Proton Beams (SLHiPP-1) 8/9 December 2011 CERN – Geneva Switzerland Vertical test Area (VTA): Qualification tests - HOM survey - RF power qualification: a)Cavity performances: Lock frequency, Emax, FE onset, Radiation, test limits, cavity vacuum. b)Qo vs Eacc c)Rad vs Eacc d)HOM A and HOM B vs Eacc e)Delta Freq vs Eacc2 f)Qo vs T Data mining and analysis for eventual corrective actions for the process flow.

Open Collaboration Meeting on Superconducting Linacs for High Power Proton Beams (SLHiPP-1) 8/9 December 2011 CERN – Geneva Switzerland Vertical test Area (VTA): Landing area and control room

Open Collaboration Meeting on Superconducting Linacs for High Power Proton Beams (SLHiPP-1) 8/9 December 2011 CERN – Geneva Switzerland Vertical test Area (VTA): Dewars and control room Vertical test Area (VTA): Dewars area

Vertical test Area (VTA): HOM survey - Specifications - Measurement methods : manual and enhanced Polfit package based on Carsten’s and Hans Walter method to extract loaded Q from measured scattering parameters. Open Collaboration Meeting on Superconducting Linacs for High Power Proton Beams (SLHiPP-1) 8/9 December 2011 CERN – Geneva Switzerland

Vertical test Area (VTA): HOM survey cont.

Operator interface – low loss cavity LL002 at 44 MV/m Open Collaboration Meeting on Superconducting Linacs for High Power Proton Beams (SLHiPP-1) 8/9 December 2011 CERN – Geneva Switzerland

Operator interface – LabView program Open Collaboration Meeting on Superconducting Linacs for High Power Proton Beams (SLHiPP-1) 8/9 December 2011 CERN – Geneva Switzerland

Data acquisition, traveler, Excel macro Open Collaboration Meeting on Superconducting Linacs for High Power Proton Beams (SLHiPP-1) 8/9 December 2011 CERN – Geneva Switzerland

Qo and Rad vs Eacc Open Collaboration Meeting on Superconducting Linacs for High Power Proton Beams (SLHiPP-1) 8/9 December 2011 CERN – Geneva Switzerland

HOM A and HOM B power vs Eacc Open Collaboration Meeting on Superconducting Linacs for High Power Proton Beams (SLHiPP-1) 8/9 December 2011 CERN – Geneva Switzerland

Lorentz coefficient Open Collaboration Meeting on Superconducting Linacs for High Power Proton Beams (SLHiPP-1) 8/9 December 2011 CERN – Geneva Switzerland

1/Qo vs temp Open Collaboration Meeting on Superconducting Linacs for High Power Proton Beams (SLHiPP-1) 8/9 December 2011 CERN – Geneva Switzerland

E max of VTA Qualified Cavities for 12 GeV Upgrade

Open Collaboration Meeting on Superconducting Linacs for High Power Proton Beams (SLHiPP-1) 8/9 December 2011 CERN – Geneva Switzerland E max of VTA Qualified Cavities for 12 GeV Upgrade

Open Collaboration Meeting on Superconducting Linacs for High Power Proton Beams (SLHiPP-1) 8/9 December 2011 CERN – Geneva Switzerland Qualified Cavities for 12 GeV Upgrade Cryomodule C100-3

Data mining Open Collaboration Meeting on Superconducting Linacs for High Power Proton Beams (SLHiPP-1) 8/9 December 2011 CERN – Geneva Switzerland

Data mining Open Collaboration Meeting on Superconducting Linacs for High Power Proton Beams (SLHiPP-1) 8/9 December 2011 CERN – Geneva Switzerland

Data mining Open Collaboration Meeting on Superconducting Linacs for High Power Proton Beams (SLHiPP-1) 8/9 December 2011 CERN – Geneva Switzerland

-Cables (some trivial – cables not connected, broken connectors supposed to operate at low temperature). -Lambda vacuum leaks. -Occasional high radiation levels –> all cavities are now radiation monitored after VTA tests. -Clean room over crowed (sometimes). -Glycol spill. -Vibration due to demolition, fumes and dust from construction area, power outages. Issues during VTA qualification tests Open Collaboration Meeting on Superconducting Linacs for High Power Proton Beams (SLHiPP-1) 8/9 December 2011 CERN – Geneva Switzerland

12 GeV Upgrade Cavities Production Tracking System

Open Collaboration Meeting on Superconducting Linacs for High Power Proton Beams (SLHiPP-1) 8/9 December 2011 CERN – Geneva Switzerland C100 string assembly All remaining cavity strings should be clean room assembled by the middle for Feb 2012

Cryomodule assembly Open Collaboration Meeting on Superconducting Linacs for High Power Proton Beams (SLHiPP-1) 8/9 December 2011 CERN – Geneva Switzerland - All 80 cavities will be VTA qualified by mid Dec 2011 – important effort to qualify at least 3 cavities each week! - 3 Cryomodules installed and commissioned in CEBAF machine (R100 and 2 C100). - C100-3 advanced qualification tests in CMTF - 7 cavity strings in different phases of assemble - All reaming cavity strings should be clean room assembled by the middle of February 2012.

VTA operator team for 12 GeV project Open Collaboration Meeting on Superconducting Linacs for High Power Proton Beams (SLHiPP-1) 8/9 December 2011 CERN – Geneva Switzerland Kirk Davis Christiana Grenoble Mircea Stirbet Tiffany Bass Pete Kushnick Grigory Emereev Ari Palczewski Gianluigi Ciovati Rongi Geng John Mammosser Andrew Burrill Tom Goodman J. C. Westby-Gibson Cryogenie support Pete Kushnick Tiffany Bass Danny Forehand Pansophy support Valery Bookwalter Bonnie Madre Melody Jones Crane operators Chris Dreyfus Steve Castagnola Tom Goodman Danny Forehand Roland Overton

TUPO061 SRF 2011 Chicago, July 25-29, 2011 Open Collaboration Meeting on Superconducting Linacs for High Power Proton Beams (SLHiPP-1) 8/9 December 2011 CERN – Geneva Switzerland

Conclusions Open Collaboration Meeting on Superconducting Linacs for High Power Proton Beams (SLHiPP-1) 8/9 December 2011 CERN – Geneva Switzerland Almost all cavities for 12 GeV project are qualified. Thank you !!!