How to Present Effective Safety Meetings
General responsibilities as a Safety Chair
Lead your team Involve supervisors, safety reps, and coworkers in preparing for your safety meeting Develop safety discussion topics from input with others in your department Prior to the safety meeting, chair should meet with department supervisors and safety rep to discuss safety issues Encourage a safe environment Safety concerns should be reported BEFORE they become safety problems Employees shouldn’t wait for a safety meeting to report a safety concern
Be prepared for the meeting
Before the Safety Meeting... Know the issues & objectives for your meeting Develop an agenda for each meeting E-mail, post signs and/or flyers on safety meeting agenda Review safety chair tips (located in your safety notebook) Coordinate with safety rep: handouts, room setup, AV equipment, DVD, PowerPoint, video… Discuss safety topic with safety rep and select a similar section from the Accident Prevention Manual (APM) to read Chair coordinates with safety rep to choose an appropriate Ice Breaker to kick off the meeting
Before the Safety Meeting... Discuss relevant information from the management/ employee safety meeting & Joint Safety Committee meeting Chair meets with department supervisor to note positive safety actions for recognition at safety meeting Chair checks and monitors the Safety Suggestion Box - weekly Check with supervisors and coworkers if specific topics need to be addressed
During the Safety Meeting...
Ingredients for a successful Safety Meeting... Call meeting to order ON TIME — note start time, route sign-in sheet Recognize safety positives — check with supervisor(s) ahead of time and ask them to recognize positives at the meeting Read a few paragraphs related to the safety topic being discussed from the Accident Prevention Manual (APM) Read/approve minutes from previous meeting — approve or amend Old Business Ask if there is any New Business — keep issues focused on safety Report on safety suggestion box submissions Discuss training needs — new equipment training, etc. Read and summarize actions and assignments to resolve safety issues — designate who will follow up and do what by when Safety report — accident review & safety topic presentation Adjourn meeting — note time meeting ends
Safety Meeting Minutes
Meeting Minutes Chair or designated secretary takes accurate and detailed minutes Number each safety issue discussed (1, 2, 3, etc.) Date and record individual(s) responsible for follow-up on a safety issue If an issue has been resolved, date and record who resolved the issue If a safety concern cannot be resolved within the department it may be referred to the Joint Safety Committee for review
After the Safety Meeting
Don’t delay Review the meeting minutes while they are fresh in your mind Number each safety issue discussed (1. 2. 3.) Date and record who is responsible for follow-up on a safety issue — who will do what by when When an issue has been resolved, date & record when/who If a safety issue cannot be resolved, it may have to be referred to the Joint Safety Committee for review and recommendation.
Thank you! Everyone’s safety meeting minutes are distributed for review before the monthly Management/Employee Safety Meeting (first Tuesday)