Leading Assessment Efforts Assessment Tier III Professional Development
Assessment Tier Professional Development Tier I – (required) Purposes and functions of assessment and evaluation tools. Tier II- (required) Development and use of assessments and evaluation tools, including using Rigor and Relevance. Tier III – (optional) Training for future Assessment Tier Champions. (You are here)
Assessment Tier III Objectives Create relevant authentic assessments. Coach and mentor others in student learning assessment. Deliver Tier I and II Assessment Professional Development. Participate in redesign and development of course/program assessments.
Tier II Review Group A – Authentic Assessment: Explain the steps in building an authentic assessment. Use your Tier II materials for reference. Group B –Rubrics: Explain the purpose and the process of selection of a rubric. Use your Tier II materials for reference.
Building an Assessment Steps in building an assessment: –Determine which SLOs and EOs it will assess. –Plot the SLOs and EOs on Rigor and Relevance Framework. –Use the Recommendations for Assessments, Instructional Strategies, and Assignments handout to determine the best assessment methods. –Determine criteria for success for the assessment. –Identify the best type of evaluation tool.
Sharing Share at least one assessment idea and your rubric ideas. Share any lessons learned during this experience.
Individually reflect on one of your most recent formal learning experience(s) that was facilitated by a teacher/guide/instructor/ leader. –What did the facilitator do that maximized the experience for you? –Take 1 minute to individually reflect on this. What Makes an Effective Facilitator?
In small groups generate a list of characteristics of effective facilitators Narrow your list to 3 characteristics Be prepared to report out What Makes an Effective Facilitator?
Tier facilitation –In groups of 3-5 –Facilitate Tier II –Give and receive feedback using PQS Discussion of Assessment Tier Champion roles and responsibilities Overview of Afternoon
In small groups: –Determine what role each group member will have in the facilitation of your tier. –Divide your group’s assigned portion up in a way that makes the most sense to your group. –Prepare to facilitate your colleagues through your tier assignment. Tier Professional Development Facilitation Practice
Providing Feedback 3 Characteristics of Effective Facilitators P-Praise Q-Question S-Suggest
Champion Roles and Responsibilities Facilitate face-to-face Tier I, Tier II, and Tier III Assessment professional development modules for your campus colleagues as appropriate (this will be defined between you and your CAO). Coach and mentor your colleagues across your campus in student learning assessment best practices. Act as a liaison and a champion between your campus and the System Effective Teaching & Learning Department. Support continuous quality improvement of these tiered professional development modules.