Hedge Through the Future January 2007 The information contained in this material is subject to change without notice.
Agenda Introduction What are Alternative Strategies? DFS Solution Current Campaign
Strategic Index Plus (SIP) and Tactical Index Plus (TIP) offer you… Turnkey solution: access to a broad range of alternative strategies in one investment tool Access to market growth
What are Alternative Strategies?
Myths and misconceptions Historically available only for wealthy investors and institutional portfolios Perceived as speculative and volatile
What is to hedge? To minimize or protect against loss by counterbalancing one transaction, such as a bet, against another
What is an Alternative Strategy? Broader and sophisticated investment strategies used to obtain positive returns in both rising and falling markets Less dependent on market direction
How to Access Alternative Strategies? Create a customized multimanager portfolio Requires substantial assets and resources Buy into an existing fund of alternative strategies Gain exposure, diversification, professional management and accessibility through a single investment tool
What is a fund of alternative strategies? Diversified portfolio of generally uncorrelated alternative strategies Enhanced diversification through different sector and geographic focuses, investment styles and strategies
Desjardins Financial Security's Alternative Strategies Solution
SIP and TIP: Fund of alternative strategies structure Mix & match alternative strategies to provide a stable long-term investment return Returns and volatility can be controlled by the mix of underlying strategies and funds.
What are Strategic Index Plus and Tactical Index Plus? Term investments with a variable return and capital guarantees Between bond funds and equity funds : –Balance between volatility and performance Redeemable* Guarantees at maturity and at death * Subject to a market value adjustment.
SIP and TIP: Structure This simulation is not an indication or a guarantee as to future results.
4 campaigns per year January, April, July and October Deposits made before an issue date accumulate in a daily interest rate account Daily interest rate + 1%
Deposits We accept deposits until age 95 (until age 71 for the 8-year term) Minimum deposit $500 Protected by Assuris – no matter the maturity date
Strategic Index Plus Registered version only: RRSP, RRIF, LIRA and LIF Very low volatility (3% annual) 50 alternative strategies
Tactical Index Plus Registered (RRSP, RRIF, LIRA and LIF) and non-registered versions Low volatility (5% annual) 40 alternative strategies, linked to the DGAM Alternative Strategies Fund
Tactical Index Plus (non-registered) Taxation at maturity Income eligible for the $1,000 pension income credit for those aged 65 or older Upon the annuitant's death, the beneficiary can keep the contract until maturity
This chart compares the volatility of major market indices and three issues of Strategic Index Plus and Tactical Index Plus. Volatility is estimated using the annualzed standard deviation from April 1998 to June Past returns are not an indication or a guarantee as to future results.
Current Campaign April 2007
Strategic Index Plus TermMaturity Guaranty 3 years 80% of deposits 6 years 100% of deposits 8 years 100% of deposits
Tactical Index Plus Available in registered and non registered versions TermMaturity Guaranty 3 years 80% of deposits 6 years 100% of deposits 8 years 100% of deposits
Hedge through the future w ith