Education in Wales and in Ysgol Bod Alaw 2015
EDUCATION IN WALES Structure: From without From within A day in the life of Bod Alaw: Pupil / staff numbers. Class structure and sizes. Ability grouping A typical day/term/year Teaching and Learning : Stages of learning. Curriculum content. Pedagogy Assessment and monitoring: From within. From without. Working in Education: Variety of opportunities Training Career progression and salaries.
Structure: From without From without Welsh Government – elected Members Set and decide upon National Curriculum. (2008) Literacy and Numeracy Framework. (Legal requirement 2014) Compare schools and results – drive to rise standards. (Yearly) GwE – regional consortium (6 counties accross North Wales). Challenge standards – designated Challenge advisors. Support progress. Local Education Authority ( Conwy) Decide school budgets – for individual schools to manage. Support schools resolving issues e.g. Child protection; Health and Safety; Site management; Personnel; Legal etc. ESTYN – Government body Inspect and report on Individual school standards. Create and share reports on Good practice.
Structure: From within Governing Body Elected body representing the school community. Challenge and monitor school standards/provison as a ‘Challenging Friend’. Appoint staff. Support school initiatives and needs. School Management / staffing structure. Headteacher Deputy Headteacher 3 Upper Management – receiving management pay point. 8 full time teaching staff/ 6 part time teaching staff. 1 SENCO (Special Educational Needs Co ordinator) 2 HLTA (Higher Level Teaching Assistants) 12 Classroom assistants 3 classroom assistants designated to Additional Learning Needs. 1 School Secretary 1 Caretaker and 2 School cleaners. 4 Lunch time supervisors. School to School partnerships – may include training; planning; assessment; shared resources. Family of schools. Cluster of similar schools.
A day in the life of Bod Alaw: Pupil / staff numbers. 340 Pupils 3 – 11 years of age. 44 members of staff Class structure and sizes. 13 registration classes – 2 nursery; 2 reception; 3 - Year 1 and 2; 3 - Year 3 and 4; 3 - Year 5 and 6. A typical day/term/year Nursery: 2 ¼ hours daily. Day: 8.55 – 3.00 (3 – 7 year olds) 8.55 – 3.10 (8 – 11 year olds) 6 half terms (30 weeks in all) 6 School holidays – 12 weeks in all (6 in the summer) 1 week spread over the year for staff training days. (No Pupils) Ability grouping Pupils placed in ability groups for Language and Maths. Including More Able and Talented. Language/Maths 1 hour each daily. Science 2 hours weekly. Other subjects taught thematically.
Teaching and Learning : Stages of learning. EARLY YEARS Nursery – non statutory Reception – Legal requirement from 5 years of age. FOUNDATION Phase – 5 – 7 years of age (year 1 and 2). KEY Stage 2: 7 – 11 years of age. Years 3, 4, 5 and 6. SECONDARY education: Key stages 3 and 4; and Higher ‘Level’ 16 – 18 year olds. Curriculum content. EARLY YEARS/FOUNDATION PHASE: Personal, Social and Wellbeing development; Language and communication development; Mathematical develpmnent; Knowledge and Understanding of the World. Physical and Creative development. KEY STAGE 2: English and Welsh – 1.5 hours daily. Mathematics – 1.5 hours daily Science – 2 hours weekly History; Geography; Art; Music; Design and Technology; Religious education; ICT – taught through thematic work. Physical Education – 2 hours weekly. Literacy and Numeracy Framework – to be developed across the whole curriculum. (Legal requirement since 2014) Learning Wales website. Pedagogy Skills based. Literacy and Numeracy at it’s core. 3-7 years learn through structured play and focused work. years old – developing pupils to be independent; motivated fully involved through personal next steps targets.
Assessment and monitoring: Assessment From without. YEARLY Reading and Numeracy national tests. (May) All pupils from Year 2 to Year 9. Teacher assessment level reported – parents/LEA/ Government for Year 2 and 6 pupils. Parents receive yearly progress reports. Monitoring: From within Headteacher book/lesson observation weekly/termly. Teacher led book scrutiny/classroom observations. Governing body visits. Performance management for all teaching staff yearly. From without. Challenge advisor visits at least 3 times a year – colour grade given. Yearly DATA comparison report – Governement. Comparing 11 similar schools/ Quartile ranking given. NEW – schools given colour coding ranking announced nationally. ESTYN – Full inspection and report (at least every 6 years). 4 weeks notice given. Assessment From within: WEEKLY From age 6 years: weekly testing – spelling/reading. From 7 – 11 years old: spelling; times tables; reading. TERMLY Language skills. Diagnostic assessment of writing to inform planning/targets. KS 2 – diagnostig maths testing to inform planning/tartets.
Working in Education in Wales: Career progression and salaries. Main Pay scale: Starting salary £21,804 (NQT) yearly progression dependent on successful Performance Management report up to £31,868. (over 6 years) Apply for Upper Pay scale between £34,523 and £37,124 Salary dependent on wider contribution. (3 scale points over 6 years) Management points available £2,561 year additional salary – middle leadership roles. Management salaries: -Deputy between 40,743 and £44,971. -Headteacher between £48,505 And £56,109. Increments dependent on Performance management yearly. Training. Teachers – graduates: -Teaching degree B.Ed. -Initial degree and graduate teaching diploma. B.A./B.Sc./B.Mus. Etc. Newly Qualified teacherts (NQT) are supported/assessed for 1 full year before becoming Fully Qualified Teacher status. NQT – encouraged to study for M.Ed. Variety of opportunities. Teachers Higher Level Teaching Assistants. Classroom assistants. Additional Learning Needs assistants. School Budget and Funding. Funded by the government – by core budget; various grants. Local Education Authority decide budget allocation to individual schools (Formula). BOD ALAW 2015 – 16 -£1,057, core (staffing; resources; utilities) -£75,000 Foundation Phase -£14,500 grant – Literacy; Numeracy and closing the gap. -£22, targeted to support Underprivelaged pupils. (Free school meal pupils)