Enrollment Reporting for the 2013 – 14 School Year ESD Enrollment Training August 2013 Becky McLean OSPI - School Apportionment and Financial Services (360)
Agenda Changes for 2013 14. – ALE Enrollment Reporting. – Reporting Special Ed Two-Year-Olds Who Turn Three During the School Year. – Exited Transitional Bilingual Instructional Program (TBIP) Students. – Expansion of Full-Day Kindergarten Program. – Open Doors [1418] Drop Out Reengagement. Review of Basic Enrollment Reporting.
ALE Enrollment Reporting Differential funding eliminated. – No longer required to report enrollment by “Meeting” or “Not Meeting” minimum contact time. – All ALE enrollment will be funded at $5,296.73/FTE. The same funding for Grades Kindergarten through 12th. This includes Vocational and Skills Center enrollment. Reporting enrollment if intervention plan is not in place within 5 school days. –Old instruction: remove enrollment from the previous P223. –New instruction: do not count on the next P223.
ALE Enrollment Reporting continues ESSB 5946: Program types eliminated and new course types created. –Old program types: contract based, parent partnership, digital online. –New course types: Remote - courses not online but with less than 20% in-person instructional contact time. Site-based – courses not online with at least 20% in-person instructional contact time. Online. –Program types removed from existing programs in SAFS ALE. New programs will not need to select a program type. –Programs will report percentage of course types offered annually on the Year End ALE report.
ALE Enrollment Reporting continues ALE Reporting on P223 returns. –Why? Allows districts to run “edits.” Gives ESDs opportunity to review. Ensures timely reporting. –New columns added to report Headcount and FTE in K-12 fields. –New fields added to report Grade 7-8 Vocational, Grade 9-12 Vocational, and Skills Center’s ALE enrollment. –Data will be added to the 1251 and 1251H reports.
ALE Enrollment Reporting continues SAFS ALE reporting continues. – ALE enrollment reported by: Program. Home district. – Due date the same as P223. – FTE should match P223. – Headcount could vary.
ALE Enrollment Reporting continues
Reporting Special Ed Two-Year-Olds Who Turn Three During the School Year For 2013–14, Special Ed students are reported in the age category based on their age on each monthly count day. – Preschool Special Ed Students who are 2 on September 1 st but turn 3 during the school year, must begin to be reported in the 3–5 category on the next P223H after their birthday. Change will allow Department of Early Learning to accurately track the revenue and expenditures relating to early intervention services.
Exited Transitional Bilingual Instructional Program (TBIP) Students For 2013–14, new funding available for students that have exited a TBIP program in the prior school year. 2012–13 eligible TBIP students that scored a Level 4 grade on the WELPA test given in Spring 2013, should be counted monthly in the new P223 field. For 2014–15 school year, funding will be provided to students that exited in the last two school years.
Exited Transitional Bilingual Instructional Program (TBIP) Students continues Count eligible students: –That transferred from a different district. –Whose parents had previously waived TBIP services. Do not count students: –That have withdrawn prior to the monthly count day. –That were English Language Learners (ELL) who scored a level 4 at a private school participating in Title III. –That were Exited Native American students who were eligible for Title III funding but not TBIP. Refer to recently issued Bulletin # for additional guidance.
Expansion of Full-Day Kindergarten Program 2013 Legislature authorized adding new schools approved to receive state full-day kindergarten funding. Percentage of kindergarten students increased from 22% to 43.75%. Added 269 new schools for 2013–14 school year. Qualifying schools based school’s FRPL percentage as reported on Oct 1, 2012, CEDARS as of May 17. List of newly eligible schools can be found at: Eligible schools can report their kindergarten students for more than a 0.50 FTE.
Open Doors [1418] Youth Reengagement Programs created as a result of the passage of HB 1418 in June Program and reporting district must be approved by OSPI to operate a program. Eligible students are: –Between 16 and 21 years of age as of September 1 st. –Have not met the high school graduation requirement of the district. –Significantly behind in credit. Programs funded with the Running Start rate – non- vocational and vocational.
Open Doors [1418] Youth Reengagement continues Rules for calculating FTE is significantly different. –For agency or district run program - Program Total Hours of Instruction. –For college run program – enrolled college credits. For 2013–14, the enrollment reported by the program on the P form should be entered on the reporting district’s P223. Rules and more information can be found: –Chapter WAC. –Soon to be released Implementation Guide. When available, it will be posted to:
View of 2013 –14 EDS P223 Screen
Review of Basic Enrollment Reporting Why is Enrollment Reporting Important? Monthly enrollment drives school funding. Classification of reported enrollment can alter district’s funding. Mistakes in reporting can result in audit findings. Data used for forecasting future enrollment and the state’s funding obligations. High profile area with the public and Legislature.
Funding Level for 2012–13 State Summary Average
Basic Enrollment Terms Enrolled Student. Enrollment Exclusions. Course of Study. Count Date. Full-Time Equivalent – FTE. Exception to 1.0 FTE Limitation. Headcount. Resident and Serving District. Choice and Interdistrict Agreements. 4 Criteria for Special Education.
Enrolled Student Resident of district or attending pursuant to: – Interdistrict agreement. – Choice agreement. Under 21 years old at the start of school year. Enrolled on or before count date. Participated in a course of study: – For September – one of the first 4 school days. – For remaining months – on or prior to the count date. Does not meet enrollment exclusions. WAC defines enrolled student.
Enrollment Exclusions A student shall not be counted as an enrolled student if any of the following are met: – Consecutively absent for > 20 school days. Allowance exists for students that give notice before absence and return to school. – Dropped out or transferred. – Expelled or long-term suspended. Allowance made for long-term suspended student who enrolls in a new program/school (i.e., ALE). – Met high school graduation requirements as of the beginning of the school year. – Paying tuition – F1 Visa. – Claimed by an institution. WAC defines enrollment exclusions.
Course of Study Includes Basic education instruction. Special education. Alternative learning experience (ALE). Education provided by a contractor. Ancillary service. Work based learning. Running start. UW transition. Direct-funded technical college. WAC defines course of study.
Course of Study Does Not Include Home based instruction – “Intent to Home School.” Private school instruction. Adult education – over 21 years old. Out-of-state residents. GED instructions when additional adult education state/federal $ is generated or does not earn HS credit. Extra-curricular activities. College enrollment not earning HS credit.
Count Date Enrollment is collected on the monthly Count Date. Count date is a snapshot. Count date is: – 4 th school day in Sept. – 1 st school day of Oct–June. – Running Start is 1 st school day of Oct–June. Count date can be determined by an individual school or grade start date. WAC defines enrollment count dates.
Full-Time Equivalent - FTE Term used to measure a student’s enrolled time. 1.0 FTE is defined as: – Grades 4–12 – 5 hrs/day or 25 hrs/wk – Grades 1–3 – 4 hrs/day or 20 hrs/wk – Full-Day K – 4 hrs/day or 20 hrs/wk 0.5 FTE for Half-Day Kindergarten: – Half-Day K –2 hrs/day or 10 hrs/wk for 180 days WAC defines full-time equivalent student.
Method for Claiming FTE Claiming FTE is based on: Seat-time traditional class – enrolled hours in a classroom. Running Start class – enrolled college credits. ALE course – estimated hours of learning in written student learning plan. Work based learning – actual hours in a work based learning program. Open Doors [1418] program – based on program type, total planned hours of instruction or enrolled college credits.
Exception to 1.0 FTE Limitation As a general rule, students limited to 1.0 FTE and 1.0 AAFTE. Exceptions: Running Start – up to a combined 1.2 FTE. – Neither High School nor Running Start may exceed 1.0 FTE. – Refer to Bulletin # for additional guidance. Skills Center – up to a combined 1.6 FTE. – Neither High School nor Skills Center may exceed 1.0 FTE. WAC defines limitation on enrollment count.
Available Running Start FTE for High School/Skills Center Students When a student is enrolled in both High School and Skills Center and claimed for more than a 1.0 FTE, the available Running Start enrollment is limited to 0.20 FTE. When a student is enrolled in both High School and Skills Center and claimed for less than a combined 1.0 FTE, the standard 1.20 FTE limitation applies.
Headcount A count of enrolled students. Hours of course work or daily attendance is not considered. Each student = 1– No partial numbers. Used for: – Special Education funding. – Bilingual funding. – State Budgeting, Caseload Forecast, School Facilities. October reporting is critical.
Definition of Types of Districts Resident District: The district student lives in. Or where a student has ‘choiced’ into. WAC defines resident district. Serving District: The district that provides instruction or service. Home District: District where student lives regardless of ‘choice’ agreement. Used for ALE enrollment reporting.
Choice and Interdistrict Agreements One of these agreements must be in place in order to count a non-resident student for enrollment: Choice Agreement: – Student released 100% by resident district. – Resident district releases financial liability for student. – Serving district is responsible for all services. – Student is reported on P223/P223H as resident of ‘Choice’ district. Bulletin No dated March 3, Look for an updated bulletin this Fall. OSPI developing a universal choice form required for online courses. But available for all districts.
Choice and Interdistrict Agreements continues Interdistrict Agreement: – For students that attend another district part-time. – Responsibility for student remains with the resident district. – Serving district reports partial FTE on P223/P223H and student as a resident of their resident district. – Basic Education $ flow to the serving district. – Special Education $ flow to the resident district. Effective dates should be stated – beginning and end dates. Both districts must sign the agreement before the enrollment can be counted.
4 Criteria for Special Ed Enrolled at school district. As of midnight, August 31 of prior year: – Birth to 2 – served pursuant to an individualized family service plan (IFSP) per IDEA Part C – Washington Early Support for Infants and Toddlers (ESIT) requirements. – Ages 3 to 21 – IEP is current and in effect. Evaluation is current, and Currently receiving special education or related services as defined under WAC A and
Revising Enrollment During school year: Districts may make revisions directly in EDS. After Aug thru late Nov: Districts may revise prior year enrollment in EDS. After late Nov: Prior year revisions made on paper to OSPI. Note status of that year’s audit. During audit: Districts must notify auditor of revisions. After auditor’s exit meeting: Districts cannot revise their enrollment.
Resources for Enrollment Reporting Enrollment Reporting Handbook. – ESD enrollment contact. Rules regarding enrollment. – – WAC through 188. Becky McLean, OSPI – (360) –