Preparing to Work Effectively with LibQUAL+ ® Survey Results CARL ABRC LibQUAL+® & Beyond Applying Your Survey Results & Other Performance Measures in Library Practice Ottawa, ON October 24-25, 2007 Raynna Bowlby Martha Kyrillidou Association of Research Libraries
Desired Outcomes As a result of our work together today, you will be prepared to… Perform some simple analyses of the LibQUAL+ ® survey results data Today we’ll be working mainly with the 22 core LibQUAL+ ® questions and Comments Present the results to different stakeholders Utilize the data to target areas for improvement Understanding the Data & Results Representativeness - Standard Disciplines: An Academic Library Respondents Population Representativeness - Customized Disciplines: An Academic Library Respondents Population Determining Representativeness Conclusions and recommendations are grounded in an understanding about your survey respondents and the population you surveyed Determining Representativeness Worksheet: LibQUAL+® Survey Population Statistics Dimension Summary Key Term: Zone of Tolerance Peer Comparisons Source: Jim Self, University of Virginia, Presented at Performance Measurement in Academic Libraries Workshop, EBLIP4, Durham, North Carolina, May 11, 2007Performance Measurement in Academic Libraries Peer Comparisons Source: Jim Self, University of Virginia, Presented at Performance Measurement in Academic Libraries Workshop, EBLIP4, Durham, North Carolina, May 11, 2007Performance Measurement in Academic Libraries Peer Comparisons Source: Fred Heath, LibQUAL+™ Results Meeting, ALA Annual Conference, Seattle, WA, January 22, 2007 Norms Identify your score Compare it to a relevant norms table –Year –Subgroup –Dimension Norms are stable and are not calculated on an annual basis anymore (see article) Analytics Institution Explorer –User group and Discipline analysis Representativeness graphs Radar chart Library Use chart Thermometer chart Cumulative percentile distribution Longitudinal SPSS What is SPSS? –Statistical Package for the Social Sciences How do I know that my data are trustworthy? –Reliability and Validity Analysis Are there differences between different groups? –Compare mean scores for subgroups Quantitative Analysis: Excel Data Excel data files available on the LibQUAL+ ® Web site Use customized radar chart template to create custom analyses hart/index.cfm Qualitative Analysis: User Comments About one-half of users include comments on their surveys User Comments available on the LibQUAL+ ® Web site –Download comments in Excel or text file Skim the comments Conduct ATLAS.ti analysis Identifying What is Actionable Conclusions and recommendations are grounded in survey data Identifying What is Actionable Worksheets: Priorities, Weaknesses, Strengths Developing the Organization Presenting Results to Stakeholders Identify all of the stakeholders or constituents who want and need to know about the survey results Consider the “stake” of each of the above; what specific aspect of LibQUAL+ ® will be of most interest / concern Determine how to communicate with each identified stakeholder Brown University Library Stakeholder Accountability Matrix Assumption College LibQUAL+ ® Marketing Plan: LibQUAL Marketing Theme: Can We Hear You Now? Dates [2/6-2/26 (3/3)]NotesOwnerDone Library Web site1/13/06informational page on the survey linked to from library front pageCaroleX January library newsletter1/23/06article on the survey - who, what, where, and WHY - WIIFMDawnX Public relations office1/23/06Heidi - send her survey link for her newsletterCaroleX Academic Council1/24/06make the announcement at meetingCaroleX Administrator's meeting1/24/06make the announcement at meetingLaurieX SGA1/29/06make the announcement at meetingDawnX Bulletin board1/30/06 DawnX Communication with CE & Grad1/30/06 DawnX Faculty Senate1/30/06make the announcement at meetingJaniceX Letter1/30/06faculty, admin, staff - see LibQUAL mktg. booklet (students receive )DawnX Poster display1/30/06large and small posters - pic of Larry holding the iPOD (?)CaroleX Purchase Prizes1/30/06iPod, gift certificates (Nina-to get Amazon one) Dawn & Lauriex Mobiles2/1/06mobiles with LarryDawnX Tent signs2/1/06libraryLizX Connection2/3/06survey announcementJohnX Public access computers2/3/06wallpaper screen - posters Laurie/ Carole/ DawnX 2/6/06take the survey (ask Dawn to send to CE)Carole Postcards2/6/06Can we Hear You Now? - pic of iPod w/ info on backCaroleX Student postcards2/6/06iPod pic and message on backCaroleX Announce at BI sessions2/6/06, ongoinglibrarian responsible for making announcementsAllx PowerPoint at BI sessions2/6/06, ongoingCarole will create and presentation would run in a loopCarolex Provoc article2/8/06article written by staff writierDawnX Communicate with your Customers (faculty, students, other) Particularly those whom you asked to participate in the survey Announce incentive award winners Inform users of highlights of survey results More importantly, what the library intends to do “You asked for it…” The Library Summit: Clemson University & U. of Texas at Austin Why Hold a Library Summit? Spreading Knowledge about LibQUAL+ ® throughout the Library Staff Post Report on library web Make staff aware of LQ tutorial: – All-staff presentation Disseminate Comments to depts, units, groups, branches, librarians, etc. Work w/department leaders, managers –Identifying Library Departments with Contribution or Impact on LibQUAL+ ® Questions Other? Identify 2 or 3 LibQUAL+® questions for which you/your department has primary responsibility Do these “cluster” in a specific dimension? Being User-Centered: Guiding Library Staff in Understanding & Using LibQUAL+ ® Results “We know what’s best” “They are wrong” “We don’t have the resources to…” “...only customers judge quality; all other judgments are essentially irrelevant.” Zeithaml, Parasuraman, Berry.(1999). Delivering Quality Service. NY: The Free Press Overcoming Resistance & Barriers: Changing Attitudes & Behaviors Using LibQUAL+ ® Effectively Targeting Incremental Improvements From all of the data, determine what can and should be addressed Prioritize some action items –Align with mission, vision and goals of parent organization –Address users’ top priorities, by user group –Improve areas of strong user dissatisfaction –Build on strengths, if they are truly user needs and priorities –Identify work that can be de-emphasized and resources that can be reallocated S.M.A.R.T. Goals S Specific –the desired outcome or result is clearly defined M Measurable –accomplishment can be charted and/or observed A Attainable –achievable, goal is challenging but realistic R Relevant –results-oriented, in line with institutional goals and library vision T Timely –deadlines are set for accomplishment SMART Goals -- Examples 75% of materials acquired from other libraries are received by users within 10 days of request by 12/07 50% of new books are on shelf within 5 days after library receipt by 10/07 60% courses utilizing WebCT include links to library research materials by 3/08 Lower the unit cost of each service desk transaction by 10% from FY’08 to FY’08 Versus general goals: Improve ILL turn-around time Make new materials accessible to users more quickly Decrease staffing budget
LibQUAL+ ® Resources LibQUAL+ ® Web site: Publications: Events and Training: Gap Theory/Radar Graph Introduction: LibQUAL+ ® Procedures Manual: LibQUAL+ ® Team MaShana Davis Technical Communications Liaison Yolanda Glass Administrative Assistant Kristina Justh Customer Relations Coordinator Martha Kyrillidou Director, Statistics and Service Quality Programs Khyati Nayak Senior Applications Developer Gary Roebuck Technical Operations Manager In development …. Customized Consulting Services: –Longitudinal data analysis, across multi years –Tailored peer comparisons, libraries you choose –Assistance w/ content analysis for Comments –Facilitation of LibQUAL+® staff retreat or summit –Guidance in preparing communication plan –Customized training in assessment skills –Launch an assessment group or team –Assistance in identifying key customer issues for future action