Using Journal Citation Reports The MyRI Project Team
Main Metrics 1.H index 2.Impact factor 3. Citation report
1. H-Index Developed by Hirsh in 2005: "An index to quantify an individual's scientific research output," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 102(46): , November 15, 2005 Means to evaluate research output Based on number or publications and the number of citations per publication For example, an h-index of 10 means that there are 10 published papers that have 10 citations or more The h-index is intended to measure simultaneously the quality and sustainability of scientific output, as well as, to some extent, the diversity of scientific research.
Personal Impact What is my H Index The h-index has become the most popular metric for assessing the output of individuals since it was developed by Hirsch in The h- index of an individual is the number of their papers that have been cited at least h times e.g. a researcher has a h-index of 25 if 25 of their papers have been cited at least 25 times.
Alternatives to the H-Index Egghe’s g-index: gives more weight to highly-cited articles The contemporary h-index accounts for active v. inactive researchers The individual h-index accounts for co-authorship in calculating impact The age-weighted citation rate accounts for the age of papers More information is available on Harzing’s webpage:
2 Impact factor The impact factor, often abbreviated IF, is a measure reflecting the average number of citations to articles published in science and social science journals. The impact factor was devised by Eugene Garfield, the founder of the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI), now part of Thomson Reuters. Impact factors are calculated yearly for those journals that are indexed in Thomson Reuter's Journal Citation Reports. New journals, which are indexed from their first published issue, will receive an impact factor after two years of indexing impact factors are actually published in 2010; they cannot be calculated until all of the 2009 publications have been processed by the indexing agency.
Key metric: Journal Impact Factor (JIF) The journal impact factor is the average number of citations received in a year by articles published in a journal in the previous 2 years. E.G a journal’s JIF for 2008 = – Cites in 2008 to items published in 2007 & 2006 divided by Total number of articles published in 2007 & 2006
3 Citation Report The Citation Report provides aggregate citation statistics for a set of search results. These statistics include: – The total number of times all items have been cited – The average number of times an item has been cited – The number of times an item has been cited each year – The average number of times an item has been cited in a year
Journal Citation Reports (JCR) Annual publication by the Healthcare & Science division of Thomson Reuters. Integrated with the Web of Knowledge, by Thomson Reuters, and is accessed from the Web of Science to JCR Web. Information about academic journals in the sciences and social sciences. It was originally published as a part of Science Citation Index, and is compiled from the citation data found there.
Citation Tracking / Searching Citation tracking allows you to: Find out how many times a paper has been cited Search backwards and forwards in time to see how ideas develop Find the most highly cited papers in your field Identify key researchers and institutions by their citation counts For further information on Main Citation Tracking Metrics consult Main Metrics used in Bibliometrics Presentation