Resistor A resistor limits the amount of current flowing in a circuit Symbol
The resistance between the centre pin and the other two depends on the Preset Resistor Variable Resistor (Potentiometer) The resistance between the centre pin and the other two depends on the position of the wiper. Symbol Symbol
Capacitor A capacitor stores electrical charge Polyester (non-polarised) Electrolytic (polarised) 100uF 16V 100nF 100V Symbol Symbol
LDR The resistance of an LDR decreases as it gets lighter Light Dependent Resistor The resistance of an LDR decreases as it gets lighter Symbol
LED An LED produces light when connected the right way round. Light Emitting Diode An LED produces light when connected the right way round. The Anode must be positive The Cathode must be negative Anode Cathode Symbol Cathode Anode
Diode A diode only allows current to flow in one direction. Anode to Cathode Cathode Anode Cathode Anode
Transistor The current flowing through the transistor is controlled by the current flowing into the base. Base Collector Emitter
The current flowing through FET Field Effect Transistor The current flowing through a FET is controlled by the voltage on the gate. Source Drain Gate IRF530
Thyristor A thyristor is a latch, it only conducts once (SCR) A thyristor is a latch, it only conducts once triggered by a voltage on the gate. TIC106 Anode Cathode Gate
Integrated Circuit (chip) 555 Timer A 555 timer is an Integrated Circuit (chip) used to create delays and pulses. NE555 1 2 3 4 8 7 6 5
PIC A PIC is a programmable chip that can perform a range of functions Peripheral Interface Controller A PIC is a programmable chip that can perform a range of functions set by the program. PIC08M 1 2 3 4 8 7 6 5 +5V Output 0 Input 1 / Output 1 Input 2 / Output 2 0V Serial In Input 4 / Output 4 Input 3