“Chicago Maps the Cosmos” Introduction - Landsberg 12/7/07 What is KICP? Festival of Maps Goals of this Course Your Mission Schedule Logistics Introductions Randy Landsberg Director Education & Outreach Welcome to Chicago Maps the Cosmos: A Cosmology Short Course for Museum & Planetarium Staff
“Chicago Maps the Cosmos” Introduction - Landsberg 12/7/07 KICP ? (chickpea?) NSF Physics Frontier Center (2001) CfCP –Profound Advances + Education & Outreach What is dark energy? Did inflation happen and if so why? What do the highest energy particles tell us about the cosmos? KICP = Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics –$7.5 Million Endowment from Kavli Foundation (2004)
“Chicago Maps the Cosmos” Introduction - Landsberg 12/7/07 Goal of This Course: To incorporate modern cosmology into planetarium/museum programming Framework for Understanding Cosmology Tools to Your Planetarium/Museum Visuals Movies Resources e-Lectures Stories/Experiences Seeds for Future: Collaborations/Exhibits/Shows BRING COSMOLOGY TO THE PUBLIC
“Chicago Maps the Cosmos” Introduction - Landsberg 12/7/07 4 Festival of Maps City-Wide Celebration Anchored by Field Museum Exhibit THEME of the Short Course 4
“Chicago Maps the Cosmos” Introduction - Landsberg 12/7/07 Your Mission…. Actively Participate Bring Cosmology Back HOME –Planetarium, Museum, Magazine, Corporation… Provide Feedback –During the Course –Evaluations -what was useful? –At GLPA, ASP-EPO, IPS... –Keep us informed of your progress –Follow Up Evaluations
“Chicago Maps the Cosmos” Introduction - Landsberg 12/7/07 6 Schedule: Themes I. Overview II. Mapping the Universe Today III. How the Map was Made (Forces that Shaped the Universe) IV. How Theory Maps to Observation
“Chicago Maps the Cosmos” Introduction - Landsberg 12/7/07 Course Schedule: Friday Dec. 7, :00 AMCoffee and Welcome (Landsberg) 8: :00 AMLecture I : Overview (Kolb) 10:00 AMCoffee 10:30 AM - 12:00 PMLecture II : Mapping Structure (Matter) (Frieman) 12 PMLunch 1:00 - 2:30 PMLecture III: Mapping the Unseen: Dark Matter (Gladders) 2:30 PMCoffee 3:00 PMBus to Museum Campus/Field/Adler Planetarium 3:30 - 4:00 PMLecture On Field Mapping Exhibit (Classroom C) (Gretchen Baker & Todd Tubtis) 4:00 - 5:00 PMField Exhibit Self Guided Tour - "Maps: Finding Our Place in the World" 5:30 - 6:30 PMTour of Adler - "Mapping the Heavens" Exhibit & "Space Visualization Lab (SVL)" (Mark SubbaRao & Jodi Lacy) 6:30 - 8:30 PMReception & Far Out Friday Activities 9:00 PMShuttle Departs for I-House
“Chicago Maps the Cosmos” Introduction - Landsberg 12/7/07 Saturday Dec. 8, :30 AMCoffee Question & Answer Session 9: :30 AM Lecture IV: Mapping the Forces: Dark Energy (Turner) 10:30 AM - 1:00 PMBreak-out Session 11:30 AM - 1:00 PMInformal Lunch (Break-out Session continued) 1:00 - 2:30 PMLecture V: Current Map of the Early Universe: CMB Observations (Pryke) 2:30 - 3:00 PMCoffee Q & A 3:00 - 4:30 PMLecture VI: How the Map Was Made: Gravity (Kravtsov) 4:30 - 5:30 PM Participants Present 6:00 PMDinner/Social (I-House)
“Chicago Maps the Cosmos” Introduction - Landsberg 12/7/07 Sunday Dec 9, 2007 (ends 2:00 pm) 9: :00 AMCoffee Q & A Session 10: :00 AMLecture VII: How the Map Was Made Part II: When Matter & Radiation Were Coupled (Dodelson) 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM Lecture VIII: How Theory Maps to Observations: Particle Connection (Kolb) 12:00 - 2:00 PMLunch; Informal Q & A; Close-out
“Chicago Maps the Cosmos” Introduction - Landsberg 12/7/07 Logistics Locations –UC/LASR 152 (Conference) – Fri PM only - Field Museum & Adler Planetarium –Lecture Slides Will Be Provided Hardcopy & (latter) web & thumb drive 2GB Access - wireless “Maps” & terminal Meals Provided Transportation Provided to/from I- House/Field/Adler/Socials –See Bus Schedule Post-Course –Aimee will coordinate travel to airports (Sign-up sheet) –Travel Reimbursement - Aimee –Evaluation
“Chicago Maps the Cosmos” Introduction - Landsberg 12/7/07 Quick Introductions