The Role of the Guidance Counsellor in a High School
Goal of the Guidance Program Help the learner discover who they really want to be – to find their Passion – to find the pathway that is best for them - to create the maximum potential for success as fully functioning members of society.
Individual, Small Group Counselling or Classroom Sessions Academic Counselling Successful habits Future course planning Monitoring student progress in courses Post-secondary goals Career Counselling Keeping options open Career Exploration Interest inventories Pathway exploration and planning
Individual, Small Group Counselling or Classroom Sessions Personal / Social Counselling Friends, family Conflict resolution Self – Esteem Anti-bullying Character Education Work with student success teacher to meet the needs of at risk students
Department Head Responsibilities Provide the counsellors with extra assistance when requested. Attend dept. heads, subject council and counsellor association meetings. Call and conduct department meetings and TEAM meetings. Instructional leader for guidance courses
Department Head Responsibilities Be responsible to the principal for the total performance of the department. Assume responsibility for the development, implementation, and evaluation of the Guidance and Career Education Program (CIA). Submit budget and staffing requests to the principal.
Role as a Counsellor Be available first and foremost to students and parent requesting an interview. Be able to deal effectively and efficiently with student, staff and parent concerns. Know when to refer a student to another person or agency. Play an active part in the total program of the Guidance Dept.
Role as a Counsellor Be continually seeking ways to improve as a counsellor and to reflect the Ethical Guidelines as published by OSCA Be a member of any conference or IPRC concerning their students. Work with the Student Success Team to ensure the success of all students Be a resource for career studies teachers
Role as a Counsellor Career Information and Career Planning Post Secondary Education Liaison Student Financial Aid Educational Information Community Relations and Career Fair Student Mentoring/ Mentoring Program
Role as a Counsellor Course selections Graduation Lists Feeder School / Transition Years Program Student Records Continuing Education Member of Student Success Team
Post Secondary Liaison To act as the contact person for OUAC and OCAS To act as the liaison person with post secondary institutions To coordinate visits to the school by apprenticeship, college and university personnel.
Post Secondary Liaison To inform students of important dates and deadlines. Maintain the resources of the Career Centre including calendars, SAT and TOEFL applications.
Career Information and Career Planning Centre Display appropriate career and educational information, posters and brochures. Update career files (i.e. monographs) Develop and gather and revise learning packages (i.e. job skills, resume writing) Collect and display government publications
Student Aid To maintain an update file of scholarships and bursary application forms. Organize a system for gathering nominees or applications Organize an information session for students and parents on OSAP
Community Relations and Career Fair Act as resource person for Take Our Kids to Work Day Implement a Career Fair Program Develop a resource file with names of people in the community who would speak to students Coordinate a visit by Canada Student Employment Centre
Student Tutoring Programs in the community. Compile and update a list of available tutors Develop a peer tutoring / mentoring program. Organize an ESL buddy system Compile study skills and time management packages.
Course Selections Work with the administration to produce the calendar and registration forms. Organize classroom presentations. Collect the registration forms. Produce and distribute verification sheets. Organize curriculum nights Refine the stats for the SAC committee
Graduation Lists Prepare a preliminary list of graduates Ensure individual counsellors remove and notify ineligible students as the year proceeds. Update list for the grad committee Verify Ontario Scholar candidates
Feeder School /Transition Program Plan with administration a Grade 8 Open House. Organize a transitions discussions with grade 8 teachers, counsellors and student success teachers. Produce and distribute courseverification sheets. Work with special education to discuss identified students. Prepare appropriate information for summer mailing. Plan for August orientation activities.
Student Records With the Principal, ensure that OSR’s are maintained and updated Determine proper credit equivalencies for students from out of province Ensure that credit histories are correct
Continuing Education Obtain up to date applications and information sheets from the board. Register students for night, summer, on- line courses. Confirm that final marks are entered for credit summaries, including Conservatory Music and international languages.