: 1. In your opinion, what were the most significant aspects that set medieval Europe apart from its Roman predecessor? Support your assertions with specific examples. 2. In your opinion, what were the most significant forces that caused the fragmentation of the medieval state? Support your assertions with specific examples. 3. In your opinion, what were the most significant elements or relationships that comprised the system of feudalism? Support your assertions with specific examples. History 189 Test 1 Respond to the following:
Film response paper Write a short essay (1 single-spaced page), analyzing the film as it supports or contradicts your understanding of a particular topic or a period in the history of the Middle Ages. See the guidelines Potential topics: = the role of the Vikings in the history of medieval Europe = the political or socio-economic situation in Europe during the Viking raids = religion in Medieval Europe (Christianity vs. Pagan traditions) = medieval art or literature pertaining to the Viking raids
History 189 Test 2, Part I: Identify the following items (40 points): Justinian I Investiture Conflict BecketThomas Aquinas Medieval universitiesKiev Rus’ GuildsGregorian Reform Alfred the GreatMedieval medicine
History 189 Test 2, Part II Write comprehensive essays in response to the following (60 points): 1. After the fall of the Roman Empire in the 5th century, its eastern extension lasted for another thousand years. In your opinion, what were the most significant factors that contributed to such amazing longevity? Support your assertions with specific examples. 2. In the 8 th -11 th centuries the Muslim rulers created a huge empire that became a hub of intellectual, scientific, and cultural activities, while Europe lagged far behind. In your opinion, what factors accounted for this “Golden Age” of the Muslim world? Support your assertions with specific examples. 3. In your opinion, what were the major forces that contributed to the consolidation and the eventual fragmentation of the Carolingian Empire? Support your assertions with specific examples. 4. In your opinion, what was/were the most important feature/s of the commercial revolution between 1000 and 1300? What social groups had played the most crucial role in this process? Why? Support your assertions with specific examples. 5. In your opinion, how did the medieval literature or art reflect the values or social relations in medieval Europe? Support your assertions with specific examples.
Film response paper 2 Write a short essay (1 single-spaced page), analyzing the film as it supports or contradicts your understanding of a particular topic or a period in the history of the Middle Ages. Potential topics: Film response paper 2 Write a short essay (1 single-spaced page), analyzing the film as it supports or contradicts your understanding of a particular topic or a period in the history of the Middle Ages. Potential topics: = Notre Dame as the embodiment of the role of the Church = medieval justice system = medieval perceptions of good and evil = social relations (rich vs. poor, gender, criminality, love)
History 189 Test 3. Identify: Age of CrisisGreat Schism John WycliffeWar of the Roses Joan of ArcScholasticism Jan HusThomas Aquinas Marie de FranceHildegard of Bingen Magna CartaGenghis Khan Divine ComedyGeoffrey Chaucer Francois VillonChristine de Pisan
History 189 Final Test (Part II – 70 points) 1. In your opinion, what was the most profound impact of the 100-Years War on medieval society (politics, religion, social relations, culture)? Support your assertions with specific examples. 2. Conventional wisdom holds that the Middle Ages were a “dark age” - backward, miserable, and violent. In other words, it was but a painful interruption in the humanity’s march towards progress between antiquity and modern age. In your opinion, is this a fair assessment? Support your arguments with specific examples. 3. Analyze the development of Eastern Europe or Russia between 1000 and In your opinion, what political and economic factors accounted for the fact that these regions developed somewhat differently from Western Europe? Support your assertions with specific examples. 4. In your opinion, why was the Ottoman Empire successful (in contrast to its European counterparts) in expanding and consolidating its highly diverse domain? Support your assertions with specific examples. 5. In the European monarchs attempted to consolidate their political power. In your opinion, how successful (if at all) were they in their endeavors? What were the most difficult obstacles on the path of state-centralization? Support your assertions with specific examples. 6. In your opinion, how well (if at all) the medieval vernacular literature and/or art reflected political and social values of medieval societies? Support your arguments with specific examples.