BIONETS: Self Evolving Services in Opportunistic Networking Environments Iacopo Carreras (CREATE-NET) Louay Bassbouss, David Linner and Heiko Pfeffer (TUB) Vilmos Simon, Endre Varga (BUTE) Daniel Schreckling (Univ. of Passau) Jyrki Huusko and Helena Rivas (VTT) Avignon, BIONETICS 2009, 9 December
Outline Opportunistic Network Evolutionary Opportunistic Services Evolving Service Compositions BIONETS Platform Demonstrator Demonstration Video
Opportunistic Network (1/2) Opportunistic Network is a network of nodes with short-range wireless connectivity. Such networks allow users to produce, access and share digital resources without the support of a fixed infrastructure. Resources include not only digital content, but also mobile services residing on users portable devices. Such services are able to interact with each other simply as the consequence of users co-location and build on the limited connectivity offered by user Nodes in the network.
Opportunistic Network (2/2) Nodes may be either mobile or fixed and can be classified in two categories: T-Nodes (fix), simple and cheap, acting as a distributed interface to the physical environment. U-Nodes (mobile), complex portable devices, carried around by users in their daily life Interactions among devices driven by the services, which can build on the fly the networking support they need
Evolutionary Opportunistic Services Opportunistic evolutionary services refer to mobile services being executed over opportunistic networking infrastructure, and evolving over time as the consequence of a distributed evolutionary process The concept of “evolution” in BIONETS builds on the notion of self-organization. Traditional service life-cycles are static and do not possess abilities to dynamically respond to environmental changes. Biologically inspired service life-cycles allow services to emerge in an autonomic fashion in order to gain best support for user tasks.
BIONETS Platform Demonstrator BIONETS Network Simulator BIONETS Prototype Network Interface User Interface BIONETS Prototype Network Interface User Interface BIONETS Prototype Network Interface User Interface U-Node (1) U-Node (2) U-Node (3)
Prototype Service Framework Network InterfaceUser Interface Management Request Mediator Composition Mediator Execution Mediator Discovery Mediator Security Mediator Applications Service … … Interaction Framework Publish / Subscribe …
Epidemic Data Spreading BIONETS developed a Framework based on the concept of “disappearing networking”, which addresses the problems of: Scalability: number of devices available in the network Heterogeneity: different nodes support different features This Framework is centered around the concept of “epidemic spreading” of information. Data exchanges are regulated by a dissemination schemes. Security mechanisms were also investigated to ensure classical security characteristics in such a non-classical environment.
3: notify( ) Data Dissemination U1 T1 U2 U3 U4 U5 T3 T2 U1 PrototypeU4 Prototype Data Network Simulator 1: publish(, cat, tags)2: subscribe(cat, tags) Applications Services can produce & publish data at runtime Applications Services can subscribe for special kind of data Epidemic Data Spreading
Evolving Service Compositions Service Composition is one of key objectives of the BIONETS project Service Composition is needed when there is no single service capable of performing that task, but there are combinations of existing (atomic)services that could Exploits opportunistic communications as a mean to provide a localized support to self-evolving services Services are labeled with semantic descriptions specifying their inputs, outputs, preconditions, and effects (IOPE descriptions)
Atomic services Atomic Services are represented in BIONETS in three levels: Service Description: annotates services with semantic information (IOPEs) to enable the automatic integration of atomic service in composite services. Service Interface: allows the automatic creation of service calls during runtime. Service Realization: represents real services which can be installed (migrated) on user devices. Service Description Service Interface Service Realization Enables: -Service Discovery - Automatic Composition Enables: - Automatic Service Execution Can be migrated on User Nodes
Composite Services Location Transition = Guard + Action + Clocks Action Timed Automata
Composition U-Node1 Service ContainerU-Node2 Service Container GPS Yahoo Map CAM ERA GPS User inputs Googl e Map CAM ERA Googl e Map Device Features of U-Node1: CAMERA Device Features of U-Node2: GPS-RECEIVER Composition CAM ERA GPS User inputs Yahoo Map REQUEST: “Take a picture and share it on a map in my current location” Remote call User outp uts
Demonstration Video
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