Food and Nutrition Services Supervisors Manager Self Service (MSS)
2F&NS Manager Self Service (MSS) Key Terminology PortalA site that functions as a point of access to information on the web. SAP will be accessed through the BRITE portal. Interactive Form (iForm) An electronic form within SAP used to request an HR Action. Becomes part of employee’s record. (Adobe Acrobat Reader software required.) Human Resource Action Processor (HRAP) Replaces the ZPAF processor. The HRAP will initiate the iForms and access employee data. Employee Self- Service (ESS) Workplace for employees to view personal information and request changes. Business Intelligence (BI) Repository of SAP information for the purpose of reporting. iViewsSnapshot of specific pieces of employee information. Universal Worklist (UWL) Replaces former SAP inbox. The UWL contains the HR Actions requiring manager’s approval and/or any notifications of other actions pertaining to the manager’s employees. SAP 4.6bBroward’s legacy system that contains the history and data from SAP ECCBroward’s Finance, Human Resource, Payroll and Professional Development System. Employee master data is maintained beginning 2008; however, some historical data was converted.
3F&NS Manager Self Service (MSS)
4 Introduction to Manager Self-Service (MSS)
5F&NS Manager Self Service (MSS) What is Manager Self-Service (MSS)? On-line tool to allow administrators to manage their staff Accessible anywhere with internet access One –stop shopping for administrators to obtain information about their employees Tool for performing their management tasks (e.g., employee appraisals)
6F&NS Manager Self Service (MSS) MSS & SAP Process Flow Start HRAP Initiates i-Form; attaches required docs to the on-line action Principal/ Director (MSS Role) Reviews Information in UWL Approve Action Information is Executed in SAP Finish HRAP & Employee Receives notification HRIS/Staffing/ Budget Information is Executed in SAP Or
7F&NS Manager Self Service (MSS) Process Execution Actions executed immediately upon approval by Administrator: Additional positions (with certain exceptions) Supplements One-time (additional) payments Executed after HRAP processes, Administrator receives notification Separation of employment (voluntary, i.e. personal resignation) Actions executed by the appropriate department upon approval by Administrator (identified department) : Remaining Additional positions (Staffing, Sub Central, HRIS) Change in pay (HRIS) Demotion (HRIS) Reassignment (HRIS) Transfer (HRIS) Working while on leave (HRIS) Return from leave (HRIS) Create position (ABA, Grants) Maintain position (ABA, Grants) Sick leave budget (ABA, Grants) Termination (involuntary, i.e., abandonment of position) (Staffing)
8F&NS Manager Self Service (MSS) SAP 4.6bSAP 6.0 Positions are created/changed through a manual, paper process Positions will be created/ changed electronically Use ZPAF to process HR actions Use Interactive Forms to process HR actions Cafeteria managers and workers report to the principal. Principal approves ZPAFs. Cafeteria managers and workers report to the supervisor. Supervisor approves HR Action via iForm. Employee resignations are submitted via paper form and processed via ZPAF The manager will process the resignation and attach documentation to the on-line HR action, if possible. Crosswalk
9F&NS Manager Self Service (MSS) SAP BRITE Website SAP will now be accessed through the web. On Windows-based computers, you will access SAP in Internet Explorer. There will be a button to access SAP on the ERP Department web page:
10F&NS Manager Self Service (MSS) Logging into the BRITE Portal User Login ID Entry format = P Letter “P” plus 8 digits Personnel Number If personnel number is less than 8 digits (i.e ), then leading zero(s) should be added to it Password (first time users only) Entry format= ja mm = first 2 letters of birth month (ja) dd = 2-digit birth day (02) yyyy = 4-digit year of birth (1956) Case sensitive, so make sure the month letters are lowercase
11F&NS Manager Self Service (MSS) BRITE Portal 12 BRITE Report Portal 3
12F&NS Manager Self Service (MSS) MSS Work Overview & Approving Forms
13F&NS Manager Self Service (MSS) Reviewing HR Action Forms Use the Home – Universal Worklist (UWL) Do not use the UWL under the MSS tab 1 2 3
14F&NS Manager Self Service (MSS) Reviewing HR Forms: Tasks Do not use these buttons 4 5
15F&NS Manager Self Service (MSS) HR Action Forms: Review the HR Action Form
16F&NS Manager Self Service (MSS) Reviewing the Form: HR Action Notes 2 1
17F&NS Manager Self Service (MSS) Approving the HR Action Form 2 1 3
18F&NS Manager Self Service (MSS) These forms will appear different than the one reviewed: Position Request From – Create & Maintain Will caution approver to save prior to approving. The HRAP person should have saved. Approver can save the form or continue by approving. Supplements One time payments Approving Other Forms
19F&NS Manager Self Service (MSS) Demonstration Simulation are available on the BRITE Portal by clicking Training>Online Library, then click the simulations button shown below, or go directly to: onlinelibrary/sims/index.html Or Log into the BRITE Training Portal to practice 1 2
20F&NS Manager Self Service (MSS) Unit Three: Substitution Rules
21F&NS Manager Self Service (MSS) Substitute Rule This feature is used when an administrator will be temporary unavailable (e.g., vacation). Gives another administrator access to the administrators Universal Worklist (UWL) for the substitute to approve HR Actions. Can have more than one substitute. Access is given by the Current Administrator creating a substitute on- line from their UWL. This does not give the substitute access to Manager Self Service (MSS). It only gives them access to your UWL using their sign-on. The current administrator will still be able to view tasks and notifications even though they appear in the substitutes UWL. Once the Substitute approves an item, the item will be removed from the administrator’s task list.
22F&NS Manager Self Service (MSS) Designate Substitute
23F&NS Manager Self Service (MSS) Designate Substitute
24F&NS Manager Self Service (MSS) 17 Designate Substitute
25F&NS Manager Self Service (MSS) Designate Substitute
26F&NS Manager Self Service (MSS) 1 2 Designate Substitute
27F&NS Manager Self Service (MSS) Unit Four: Delegate
28F&NS Manager Self Service (MSS) Delegate This feature is used when a vacancy exist or an administrator is absent for an indefinite time period Gives another administrator access to view and complete tasks in the administrators org unit (i.e. employee appraisals, view employee data, etc.) Access is granted by supervisor submitting a security form to BRITE Security Delegate will receive the MSS tab & functionality for that org unit
29F&NS Manager Self Service (MSS) Manager Self Service Functionality Work Overview & Team
30F&NS Manager Self Service (MSS) Navigating MSS
31F&NS Manager Self Service (MSS) Attendance Overview b 4a
32F&NS Manager Self Service (MSS) Services Display General Information
33F&NS Manager Self Service (MSS) Display Employee Information
34F&NS Manager Self Service (MSS) Employee iViews: Organizational Assignments
35F&NS Manager Self Service (MSS) Monitoring of tasksCompany Property Personal Data
36F&NS Manager Self Service (MSS) General Information: Absence Days 2 3 1
37F&NS Manager Self Service (MSS) Display Salary Information
38F&NS Manager Self Service (MSS) Salary Information: Date Specifications
39F&NS Manager Self Service (MSS) Salary Information: One Time Payment and Deduction
40F&NS Manager Self Service (MSS) Unit Seven: Personnel Development Information
41F&NS Manager Self Service (MSS) Personnel Development
42F&NS Manager Self Service (MSS) Personnel Development: Training Activities 1 2 3