Special Education Review Manchester Essex Regional School District School Committee Meeting November 17, 2009
The Team’s Vision All students will have a free and appropriate public education in the least restrictive setting (FAPE) All students will access the general education curriculum and will make effective progress All students with disabilities will become proficient in reading, math, written language, and science All students with disabilities will develop learning strategies and self-advocacy skills to enhance life- long learning
Status of Special Education Enrollment as of 10/08 Total Sped 244 HS 48 MS 27+7 Memorial 65 Essex 45 Out of District 34 Preschool 18 Enrollment as of 10/09 Total Sped 235 HS MS 56 * +5 Memorial 41 Essex 33 Out of District 29 Memorial Preschool 5/16 Essex Preschool 7/14 Itinerant Preschool 9 *(increase due to addition of the 6 grade)
Preschool Both preschools are running well and keeping the children engaged EES has 7 Sped and 7 peer pals Memorial has 5 Sped and 9 peer pals Mentoring program for both teachers is aimed at support and ensuring consistency Training for staff in Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA )
Intensive Programs High School 7 students in 9 th grade Students have made positive adjustment to the high school Math and English instruction are modified and substantially separate Social language pragmatics support is integral to the program Inclusion occurs with T.A. support Will expand to 10 th grade next year Will have (7 ) 10 th graders and ( 2) 9 th graders Course offerings will increase to include functional life skills, pre- vocational focus Middle School 5 students in grades 6-8 Created modified substantially separate math class for any students significantly below grade level Social language pragmatics support is integral to the program Instructional software is provided to support academics and keyboarding
Social Skills Camp Extended Year Services ocial Skills Camp Rational for Developing Placing one student privately for social skills programs cost from $2400-$3700. In-district students who are struggling socially but may not need an intensive program, need skill building and help building positive peer relationships Program July 2009 Nine elementary students from Essex and Memorial attended Program ran three hours per day, three days per week, for four weeks Two Guidance Counselors developed and ran the program Total cost for program was $2600.
Examples of inclusive practices In class support in History and Math classes at the HS Increased collaboration between regular education and sped teachers, as they develop their data goal Reading/writing class created for 6 th grade, in addition to ELA and specialized instruction to maximize strategic instruction RtI initiative being piloted for 5 th grade at Essex Elementary Professional development provided in assessment for both regular education and special education staff through the Curriculum Office
Examples continued Professional development in reading instruction provided to T.A.’s by the Reading Teachers Regular education and special education staff collaborating on the use of accommodations in the testing process as well as the reporting of grades Expanded use of pre-referral strategies before considering referral to special education Use of pre-teaching has required collaboration and has enhanced student access to curriculum Collaboration between regular education and sped regarding the purchase of instructional software MS regular and sped teachers trained together in math program this summer
Other initiatives Guidance staff in all buildings trained in MELA-O for ELL students taking MCAS 8 teachers have been trained in Sheltered English Immersion 6 Sped staff have been trained in Wilson Reading Program 15 Staff are receiving 30 hours of training in Applied Behavioral Analysis Professional Development has been provided in Executive Functioning and Social Language Pragmatics to enhance supports for students diagnosed with ADHD and Asperger’s Syndrome Plan to develop social skills resource manual and tie in to Whole Child initiative. Contracted service of Mental Health Counselor for MS population
Financial Considerations FY 2010 Freeze on tuition prices this year Circuit Breaker foundation at $37,328 Circuit Breaker reimbursement ended up being below 38%. Districts had been advised to plan on 64% reimbursement in January 2009 Extended year tutorial services were reduced to 5 weeks Transportation bids were reviewed by a consultant and considered to be reasonable bids. Collaborated with other districts and companies to get the most safe and cost-effective transportation Camp Social was a positive and cost effective program HS intensive program is a positive and cost effective program Purchase of instructional software enhances strategic instruction D continues to collaborate with other schools to share ride opportunities. Camp Social “Connections” is a positive and cost effective program and will be recommended again The MS and HS intensive programs are positive and cost effective and will be further developed next year FY 2011 Private school tuitions likely to increase, adding further challenges to the school budget The Circuit Breaker foundation increased to $38,686 Unknown as to CB rate of funding for next year Continue 5 week tutorials for extended year Transportation cost will likely go up if gasoline prices and operating cost of vendors increase Continue Camp Social; may need 1 additional staff Further develop courses for the HS Intensive program Continue purchase of assistive technology software to build program capacity
Goals Moving Forward Continue professional development to build program capacity that supports the learning needs of all of our students Support RtI activities Pilot instructional software at elementary Continue Memorial/Essex preschool collaboration