Copyright Basics Middle School
Copyright and Fair Use What is “intellectual property?” What is “intellectual property?” Ideas and creative works Ideas and creative works What is “copyright?” What is “copyright?” Ideas and creative works in tangible form (recorded) Ideas and creative works in tangible form (recorded) What is “fair use?” What is “fair use?” Special conditions under which I may use copyrighted material Special conditions under which I may use copyrighted material What does it mean to “cite” my sources? What does it mean to “cite” my sources? Give credit to someone else for their work Give credit to someone else for their work
Fair Use Guidelines Folllow the “fair use” guidelines Folllow the “fair use” guidelinesfair usefair use Know the limits for using copyrighted material Know the limits for using copyrighted materiallimits Cite your sources Cite your sources
Researching Take notes by summarizing and paraphrasing material in your own words Take notes by summarizing and paraphrasing material in your own words Record bibliographic information (include at least) Record bibliographic information (include at least) Title Title Author Author Date Date Cite sources of specific quotations or visuals Cite sources of specific quotations or visuals Organize information Organize information Use a MLA format to record sources Use a MLA format to record sources
Citations Provided Many of the library resources cite for you! Locate the MLA citation Locate the MLA citation Copy and paste Copy and paste Look for citation in: Destiny Card Catalog Destiny Card Catalog Badgerlink Resources Badgerlink Resources Grolier Online Encyclopedia Grolier Online Encyclopedia
Examples of Works Cited in MLA 7 Books Books Books Print Encyclopedia Print Encyclopedia Print Encyclopedia Print Encyclopedia Magazine Articles Magazine Articles Magazine Articles Magazine Articles Interview Interview Interview Online Articles Online Articles Online Articles Online Articles Web Pages Web Pages Web Pages Web Pages Online image Online image Online image Online image Multimedia Presentations Multimedia Presentations Multimedia Presentations Multimedia Presentations
Books: Destiny Cites For You Book with one author: Author. Author. Title of book. (italics) Title of book. (italics) City of publication: City of publication: Publisher, date of publication. Print. Publisher, date of publication. Print. Cohen, Daniel. America's Very Own Ghosts. New York: Doubleday, Print. Book with two authors: Authors (in the order they are given in the book). Authors (in the order they are given in the book). Rest: Same as above. Rest: Same as above. Smith, Elizabeth and David Wright. Rocks and Minerals. Chicago: Macmillan, Print..
Print Encyclopedia Encyclopedia and other familiar reference books: Author of article (if available). Author of article (if available). "Title of article." "Title of article." Title of book. (italics) Title of book. (italics) Date of edition. Date of edition. Print. Print. Eiselen, Malcolm R. "Franklin, Benjamin." The World Book Encyclopedia ed. Print.
Magazine Articles Article in print: Author (if available). Author (if available). "Title of article." "Title of article." Periodical title (italics) date: page. Periodical title (italics) date: page. Print. Print. Haverkamp, Beth. "Bad Women and Bandit Queens." American Girl. May 2010: Print.
Interview Interview: Name of person interviewed. Name of person interviewed. Type of interview. Type of interview. Date of interview. Date of interview. Whitman, Christie. Personal interview. 20 August Whitman, Christie. Personal interview. 20 August 2011.
Online Articles Article from an online database: Author. Author. "Title of article." "Title of article." Magazine title (italics) date: page. Magazine title (italics) date: page. Name of database. (italics) Name of database. (italics) Publisher of database. (if available). Publisher of database. (if available). Web. Web. Date of visit. Date of visit. Peterson, Robert W. "Teddy Roosevelt: The Conservation President." Boys' Life. April 2011: 28. Middle Search. EBSCO Publishing. Web. 12 November 2012.
Web Pages Author (if known). Author (if known). Title of website. (Italics) Title of website. (Italics) Date of site. (if known). Date of site. (if known). Web. Web. Date of visit. Date of visit. Boritt, Gabor S. War Files.1 September Web. 3 March 2013.
Online Image “ Name or Description” “ Name or Description” Title of website. (italics) Title of website. (italics) Date of image. Date of image. Web. Web. Date of use. Date of use. “Family.” Flikr. 1 September Web. 2 April 2012.
Multimedia Presentation If you use copyrighted materials, the law requires this message on the opening screen. It may be in small type. If you use copyrighted materials, the law requires this message on the opening screen. It may be in small type. Multimedia limitations Multimedia limitations Multimedia limitations Multimedia limitations Certain materials are included under the fair use exemption of the U. S. Copyright Law and have been prepared according to the fair use multimedia guidelines and are restricted from further use.