POPULATION IN INDIA & TAMILNADU (2001 Census) IndicatorGenderIndiaTamilnadu a. Population (in cr.) Male Female Total Population102.70(6.04%) 6.21 b.Growth Rate (for a decade) 23.14%11.19% c. Sex Ratio ( per 1000 male) d. Literacy Rate Male75.85%82.33% Female54.16%64.55% Total People65.38%73.47% e. Density per sq.km
Tamilnadu – General Scenario No. of Revenue Districts – 32 No. of Districts for SSA – 30 No. of BRCs – 385 No. of Upgraded CRCs – 27 No. of CRCs – 4088 No. of VECs – No. of Revenue Villages – No. of Village Panchayats – 13230
EDI - Tamilnadu Category PrimaryUpper PrimaryCompositePrimaryUpper PrimaryComposite IndexRankIndexRankIndexRankIndexRankIndexRankIndexRank EDI As per Educational Development index (EDI) compiled by NEUPA, New Delhi Tamilnadu ranks 4 th place at Primary level during & At Upper Primary level, Tamilnadu ranks 3rd during and 6 th place during At the combined level of both Primary and Upper PrimaryTamilnadu ranks 4 th and 5 th place during and Primary : 1.Delhi 2.Puducherry 3. Kerala 4.TN Upper Primary : 1.Kerala 2.Puduchery 3.TN Composite : 1.Kerala 2.Puducherry 3.Delhi 4. TN Primary : 1.Puducherry 2.Delhi 3. lakshadweep 4. TN Upper Primary : 1.Kerala 2.Lakshadweep 3.Puduchery 4.Chandigarh 5. Delhi 6. TN Composite : 1.Puducherry 2. Kerala 3. Lakshadweep 4.Delhi 5.TN
Gender Parity Index (Per ’000 Boys) Year I-VVI-VIII India Tamilnadu India Tamilnadu
Category of Schools in Tamilnadu Year PrimaryUpper PrimaryGrand Total Govt.AidedGovt.AidedGovt.AidedTotal
Gross Enrolment Rate – Std. 1 to 8 Year School Age Population Enrolment% ,55, ,22, ,98, Total Enrolment in Class 1 to 8 with all age x 100 Population of Age 5 to 14 Yrs.
Net Enrolment Rate YearPrimaryUpper Primary ALLSCSTALLSCST Total Enrolment in Class 1 to 8 with age group 5 to x 100 Population of Age 5 to 14 Yrs.
Teachers - Govt. & Aided YearNo. of Teachers
New Schools & Teachers (SSA) Year PrimaryUpper Primary SchoolsTeachersSchoolsTeachers Total
V std. & VIII std. Pass Percentage Year ALLSCST V std.VIII std.V std.VIII std.V std.VIII std
Cohort Study - Primary YearCompleti on Rate Repetitio n Rate Drop Out Rate
Cohort Study - Upper Primary Year Completion Rate Repetition Rate Drop Out Rate
Out of School Children Year Target Achievement % 6-10 Yrs11-14 YrsTotal
Department wise spending, Expenditure per child Department Rs. (in Crores) Students Covered Expenditure Per Child (In.Rs) Directorate of EE Class I to VIII SSA DTERT32.67 Sub Total DSE Class IX to XII Directorate of Examination45.03 Directorate of Library40.46 sub Total Grand Total
Civil - Status Need for Additional Class Rooms frozen in 16 Districts in Need for Rest of 14 districts also frozen in as per DISE data Due to reduced infrastructure need Furniture to Upper Primary Childrens were provided in Three Districts during In furniture provided to cover 9,29,940 Upper Primary Childrens Compound Wall provided for mts.
All the civil works are being done by VECs and the same are super checked by Block & District Engineers, Block Supervisor, District Programme Co-ordinator, State officials & State Project Director CA Audit for VECs receiving more than Rs. One Lakh covered and completed for – (more than 500 schools) Third party evaluation of civil works again started from the current year – Work entrusted to Civil unit Polytechnics to give report on quality and environmental aspect School mapping also being done at District level For social audit instruction given to all VECs to keep notice board in common places containing details of amount received for the work, date of starting, date of completion etc. Civil – Audit Status
Type of Work Sanctioned Phy. No. Allocation (Rs.in Lakh ) Completed Progress BRC CRC PS Building UPS Building ACR Stage of Civil Works in Tamilnadu
Stage of Civil Works - Tamilnadu Type of Work Sanctioned Phy. No. Allocation (Rs.in Lakh) CompletedProgress Toilet Water Supply Ramps Electrification BaLA NPEGEL KGBV Total
Strategies in TN. For speedy spending Tamilnadu always be the front runner in terms of percentage of expenditure % % % % Year wise Receipts and Exp. To achieve this the following strategies are being followed
Accounts up to Block level computerised in Tally. “e” transfer of Fund to all districts & then to Blocks Separate Monthly Review meeting of Accounts, District Co- Ordinators apart from DPC’s meeting to monitor phased progress. Every year during March unspent balances and interest from VEC’s and Blocks will be collected at District level (except for Civil Grant) C.B used for Salary and Management expenses during April and May. For every fund released certain activities are earmarked so as to get uniform expenditure in all the Districts. Teachers Salary (reimbursed to the State A/C) earmarked as least priority and will be spent only after receipt of 100% allocation. During last March in last 2 working days we have spent 70 Crore by this way.
OUR SINCERE THANKS To DY. SECRETARY, MHRD & CONSULTANTS OF Ed.CIL For Giving opportunity to host this meeting for the 2 nd time in Tamilnadu and for the COIMBATORE DISTRICT OFFICIALS for wonderful arrangements