The Kentucky Pharmacists Association Joey Mattingly, Organizational Affairs Bob McFalls, Executive Director
Welcome to YOUR Kentucky Pharmacists Association! Getting started Documents, Disclosures, Signatures and more… Meeting Dates Roles and Responsibilities Article 6 of the KPhA Bylaws and other responsibilities Meetings Robert’s Rules Basics Overview
Welcome to YOUR KPhA!
The mission of the Kentucky Pharmacists Association is to promote the profession of pharmacy, enhance the practice standards of the profession, and demonstrate the value of pharmacists services within the health care system. Welcome to YOUR KPhA!
KPhA is a Membership Organization Everything revolves around serving our members Our members provide: Dues Revenue Volunteer Leadership Legislative Advocacy Lots of “Sweat Equity” As a Board Director, each member is a boss you will have to answer to! Welcome to YOUR KPhA!
We work for each other. We build lasting relationships. We advance the profession together. KPhA is more than just a professional association…it is a FAMILY!
KPhA Policy and Procedure Manual – adopted 2012 KPhA Bylaws Confidentiality Conflict of Interest Board Absence Policy Whistleblower Policy Organization Diversity Statement KPhA Position Procedural Policy Handbook – post 2013 HoD Getting Started
Meeting Dates Per Chairman Croley and President Parsons July 18 th September 19 th November 22 nd [Mid-Year Conference (?)] January 16 th March 20 th May 15 th June 5 th – 8 th (Annual Meeting, Lexington) Getting Started
Roles and Responsibilities Duty of Care Do your homework, be familiar with the organization’s finances, activities and participate in its governance. Actively participate, read materials, ask questions, etc.
Roles and Responsibilities Duty of Loyalty Avoid conflicts of interests, act in the interest of the Association (and examine interests of other Board Members).
Roles and Responsibilities Duty of Obedience Ensure that the organization complies with all laws. Make sure resources are dedicated to the mission.
See KPhA Bylaws Article 6 Board consists of 19 voting members Chair shall preside at Board meetings In Chair’s absence, the Board shall elect one of its voting members (other than the President) as Chair Pro-Tem Board approves and amends the budget Board shall review the year-to-date financial records and assure an annual audit Board shall employ an Executive Director, provide support and assure an annual performance review Roles and Responsibilities
See KPhA Bylaws Article 6 Board shall have control over official publications Board shall approve President’s committee appointments Board shall fill officer/director vacancies Executive Committee shall consist of: Chair of the Board, President, President-elect, Treasurer, Secretary and an At-Large Member from the Board Roles and Responsibilities
Other Major Roles of a Board Member: Determine the organizations mission and purpose Support the Executive Director Ensure adequate resources for the organization Determine, monitor and strengthen programs Enhance the organization’s public image Ensure legal and ethical integrity Maintain accountability Recruit and orient new board members Roles and Responsibilities
Meetings of the Board of Directors follow parliamentary procedure with “Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised, 11 th Edition” as the parliamentary authority Prior to the Board Meeting, directors will electronically receive necessary documents pertaining to issues set forth in the agenda. Meetings
Robert’s Rules Basics Parliamentary procedure allows the will of the majority to move forward without disenfranchising the minority.
Definitions: Quorum - The minimum number of members who must be present to conduct business (see Bylaws) Main Motion – Brings business to the floor Subsidiary Motion – Assists in treating or disposing of the main motion Privileged Motion – Does not relate to pending business but involve special matters Incidental Motion – Relates to other motions in a way that has to be decided before business can proceed Robert’s Rules Basics
MotionInterrupt SpeakerSecondDebateVote Main motionNoYes Majority Approve MinutesNoYes Majority AmendNoYes Majority Commit (or Refer)NoYes Majority Previous QuestionNoYesNo2/3 TableNoYesNoMajority Point of OrderYesNo Chair Point of InformationYesNo Chair Robert’s Rules Basics Common Motions:
Tips during a meeting: FOCUS on the question “on the table” Amendments need to be “germane” Know the “ranking” of common motions When in doubt, just ask for a “Point of Order” or “Point of Information” If everyone is in agreement, MOVE ON! Robert’s Rules Basics
Bringing it all together Individual members are the lifeblood of KPhA