Vitamin D deficiency
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No. 7 MEASURE OF VITAMIN D VITAMIN D IS MEASURED IN IU (INTERNATIONAL UNITS). THE AVERAGE DAILY RECOMMENDED INTAKE IS 400 IU – 800 IU AND EVEN MORE IN SOME SITUATIONS. Cod liver oil, 1 tablespoon (1,360 IU) 3 ounces of tuna fish (345 IU) 1 cup of milk (100 IU) 1 whole egg (20 IU) 3.5 ounces of cooked beef (15 IU) 1 o unce of cheese (12 IU) Important Vitamin D sources
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No. 9 ONE BILLION PEOPLE WORLDWIDE FROM ALL ETHNIC AND AGE GROUPS LACK ADEQUATE AMOUNTS OF VITAMIN D. More than 40% of population don’t get enough Vitamin D. Season, latitude, time of day, cloud cover, shade, skin melanin content, and sunscreen affects Vitamin D synthesis in humans. The yearly economic cost to USA is estimated to be billion dollars.
No. 10 VITAMIN D DEFICIENCY CORRELATES TO Osteoporosis/ Rickets/ osteomalacia Falls in elderly Pain syndromes Diabetes mellitus Cancers Cardiovascular diseases ( hypertension, heart attack, stroke )
No. 11 SUN EXPOSURE A Study showed relation between sun exposure and overall cancer mortality ( colon, breast, prostate) Sun Exposure positively correlated with a lower risk of cancer mortality due to organ cancer