Case study
FORMAT The Challenge The Approach The Results
The Challenge The Approach The Results An apparel retailer wanted to drive online conversions for an entire line of products. Since clothing sales typically lagged behind other categories when it came to purchases done online, the advertiser was especially keen on ensuring that the advertisements were showcased to customers that were most likely to convert. The Approach The retailer partnered with MicroAd, to ensure the online display campaign, served via an integrated management platform, was optimized to meet specific goals. Ozone Media, working closely with MicroAd, provided the technology – a creative optimization enabler Adadyn – which served dynamic ads to selectively targeted audience segments, resulting in high user response rates. The Results 3 weeks post the campaign launch, the conversion rate (for customers making an actual purchase) was recorded at > 2% , which given the nascent stage of the Indian online retail market, was an impressive metric, consistent with global standards. The cost-per-acquisition saw a reduction by as much as 50% over the course of the 21 days. The dynamic creatives also resulted in low user fatigue and fairly high CTRs throughout the duration of the campaign.