Any sentence with a full meaning must contain a subject and a verb. The subject is a word or group of words that names a person, place, thing, or idea that does the action described in the sentence. The verb in a sentence tells what the subject is doing.
Examples: My friend won the first place in the contest. The ball entered the goal. The books are in the bag. She fell asleep on the bench. Ahmed went to sleep. Ali did the homework.
The Complete subject of a sentence is the subject and the words that are related to it. The complete predicate of a sentence is the verb and the words that are related to it. Example: The old dusty door broke into the box. Words that are related to the subject Subject verb words related to the verb
The compound subject is two or more subjects that are joined by a conjunction. The compound verb is two or more verbs that are joined by a conjunction, and have the same subject. Examples: Mohammed and Sami are good students. Sarah studies and plays every day. Ahmed and Ali wrote and read different stories.
Sometimes finding subjects can be hard, the first reason is that it’s order might be inverted Sometimes the sentence doesn’t state the subject, because the sentence is a command or request. Example: Command or requestHow the sentence is understood Stop writing. You stop writing. Start now. You start now. Go to sleep. You go to sleep
The second way finding a subject can be hard is if it came in a question, because then it will come after the verb. Examples: QuestionsHow is it understood How is your brother today ? Your brother is how today. Where exactly is your mother in the supermarket ? Your mother is where exactly in the supermarket. * Did you see the fight of yesterday ? * You saw the fight yesterday.
The third way finding a subject can be hard is if it doesn’t come in the beginning of the sentence, there or here might come instead. These two words can never be subjects, also they can be adverbs that point where and also modify verbs in the sentence. Examples:
The last reason for a subject to hard is that if it’s put intentionally after it’s verb to draw attention to the subject, or emphasize it. Examples: In the middle of the school inside the playground stood my brothers. Watching fearfully in movie theater was that big man. Running confidently in the race is my brother Ibrahim. You can reword sentences such as these in normal order to make it easier to find a subject. Reworded with subject before verb. Inverted word order My brother stood in the middle of the school in side the playground. In the middle of the school inside the playground stood my brothers. A big man was watching fearfully in the movie theater Watching fearfully in movie theater was that big man.
A complement is a word or group of words that completes the meaning of a sentence. Examples: Ibrahim ate dinner. Our cat was hungry. Abdullah felt sad. Mohammed won the competition. We are going to study 3 types of complements.
The first type of complements is the direct object, it follows action verb, and is a noun or pronoun that receives the action of a verb. Examples: I called Ibrahim. My father found his keys at work. A direct object can be a compound direct object. Examples: My sister chose Sarah, May, and Isabella to be her new friends. Ahmed likes soccer and other sports.
Sometimes direct objects come in questions before the verb. Examples:
The second type of complements is the indirect object, a sentence can’t have an indirect object unless it has a direct object. An indirect object is a noun or pronoun that comes after an action verb and before a direct object. It names a person or thing to which someone is given, or for which something is done. Examples: Ali’s dad bought us the sandwiches. Subject Verb indirect object direct object
The third type of complements is the subject complement. Subject complements give more information about the subject of the sentence. Nouns or pronouns are sometimes used as subject complements after linking verbs, a predicate noun or predicate pronoun follows a linking verb and renames or identifies the subject of the sentence. Examples: Ibrahim will be the representative of our class. My first laptop was a black Toshiba.
NAME: Mohammed Omar Ibrahim Teacher: Class: 8A Subject: Presentation about the BASIC SENTENCE.