A Prayer For Unity Pastor Louie Handugan Chinese Grace Bible Church Sunday, November 10, 2013
A Prayer For Unity Pastor Louie Handugan Chinese Grace Bible Church Sunday, November 10, 2013
Romans 15:5-6 (NASB) 5 Now may the God who gives perseverance and encouragement grant you to be of the same mind with one another according to Christ Jesus, 6 so that with one accord you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
I.The _______ of Paul’s PrayerFocus
I.The _______ of Paul’s Prayer II.The ___________ of Paul’s Prayer Focus Substance
I.The _______ of Paul’s Prayer II.The ___________ of Paul’s Prayer A. The need for _______________ Focus Substance perseverance
I.The _______ of Paul’s Prayer II.The ___________ of Paul’s Prayer A. The need for _______________ B. The need for _______________ Focus Substance perseverance encouragement
I.The _______ of Paul’s Prayer II.The ___________ of Paul’s Prayer A. The need for _______________ B. The need for _______________ C. The need for being __________ Focus Substance perseverance encouragement likeminded
I.The _______ of Paul’s Prayer II.The ___________ of Paul’s Prayer A. The need for _______________ B. The need for _______________ C. The need for being __________ D. The need for _______________ Focus Substance perseverance encouragement likeminded imitating Christ
I.The _______ of Paul’s Prayer II.The ___________ of Paul’s Prayer III.The __________ of Paul’s Prayer Focus Substance Purpose
I.The _______ of Paul’s Prayer II.The ___________ of Paul’s Prayer III.The __________ of Paul’s Prayer A. That the Church would be _______ Focus Substance Purpose united
I.The _______ of Paul’s Prayer II.The ___________ of Paul’s Prayer III.The __________ of Paul’s Prayer A. That the Church would be _______ B. That God would be __________ Focus Substance Purpose united glorified