Barriers to Apprenticeships Estyn Thematic Review Vanessa Morgan Additional Inspector.


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Presentation transcript:

Barriers to Apprenticeships Estyn Thematic Review Vanessa Morgan Additional Inspector

Who are Estyn? Estyn is the office of Her Majesty's Inspectorate for Education and Training in Wales. We are independent of, but funded by, the National Assembly for Wales. The purpose of Estyn is to inspect quality and standards in education and training in Wales

Thematic Report – Barriers to Apprenticeships Two year review – barriers arising from any difficulties experienced by learners from black and minority ethnic groups and those with disabilities when entering apprenticeship programmes. First report published November 2014

Year 1 Findings Lack of awareness of apprenticeships by parents, employers and learners themselves Few apprenticeship role models from the BME communities or from disabled groups Difficulties in finding suitable work placements, especially where employers believe there will be a need to provide additional support for learners Real or perceived discrimination

Language difficulties for students for whom English is an additional language and cultural difficulties Available support for learners not being accessed or fully utilised Parental anxiety that the young people may not be able to cope Insufficient co-ordination between schools, employers, WBL providers and local community organisations to provide apprenticeships

Year 2 Build upon the work undertaken in Year 1 Identify examples of good practice of diversity in apprenticeships Good practice examples of providers, employers and communities working together to achieve diversity in apprenticeships

Perceived Barriers Learning Disability Wales, July 2014 – “What works in Wales” Real Conversation, Llandudo, March 2015 Action on Hearing Loss Cymru, 2015 Job related (location, transport, lack of appropriateness, competition) Employer related (lack of understanding/poor perception, inaccessible recruitment processes, lack of understanding of financial support available) Employee related (low level of self-belief/lack of aspiration, low skills levels, lack of knowledge of support available, lack of parent/carers aspirations, poor previous experience) Support related (complicated benefits system, inaccessible JobCentre services)

What’s being done in Wales to break down these perceived barriers? Some good practice examples

Transitions and Employment Service - RNIB Supports blind and partially sighted people across Wales to develop employability skills and apply for work Organise work placements Ensure organisations and employers receive appropriate training and are equipped to work with blind an partially sighted people

Learner A Third and final year of psychology degree at Swansea University Met with transitions officer and expressed interest in working with police forensic department One-week placement in scientific investigation team based at Neath police station Risk assessment by transitions officer – Guide Dogs for the Blind helped with mobility routes

Learner A’s week Health and Safety induction Tour of the department and intro to team Overview of high profile cases and gathering of evidence for these cases Work Shadowing:  Photographs and DNA swabs at scenes of crime  Gathering of evidence  Completion of paperwork

Cardiff and Vale University Health Board (UHB) Partnership with private training provider and JobCentre Plus Apprentice-style programme to provide pathways for disadvantaged groups 6-month programme to develop the skills and knowledge to become a Health Care Support Worker  Complete the UHB’s corporate and clinical induction programme  Achievement of Level 2 Health and Social Care Diploma knowledge and competence units Completion gives employment history and references Which can lead to a job or an apprenticeship